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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 20:20:53 体裁作文

篇一:小学生作文:《背水一战》观后感 (300字)


今晚度过了一个愉快的夜晚,和爸爸妈妈在w w w . p i n g t a . n e t 平塔电影网看到了由施瓦辛格主演的电影《背水一战》。

故事主要讲述了前洛杉矶警官施瓦辛格饰演的,带着愧疚和失落离开了大城市,搬离到美国与墨西哥相邻的一个边陲小镇担任警长,在失去家庭和工作的他(转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)郁郁寡欢。这座小镇看上去平静,却充满着浑浊的空气。




在走出w w w . p i n g t a . n e t 电影院时,爸爸拍了拍我的肩膀,他用眼神告诉了我,正义的存在感,告诉了我应该向剧中的主角一样。








No Turning Back Reviews

Imagine yourself as an educated widower in Central America. The best job you can get pays a pittance, and your young daughter has no future there, particularly after Hurricane Mitch destroys your home. Would you prefer to work as a field hand in Southern California, where your daughter will have better opportunities in life than you have? You very well might. So you cross the border illegally and settle down in the United States. Your young daughter eolls in school, and by her sixth birthday is speaking perfect unaccented English. The threat of deportation is constant, though. You don't have any rights, and you can't afford to get into any trouble.

Life would be easy if it were full of easy answers and decisions. But it’s not, so don’t even bother pretending. What makes life life are the times of turmoil and how we choose to deal with them.

“No Turning Back” throws us right into the world of Pablo, a former English teacher from Honduras who is now working in the fields of Southern California. While rushing to pick up his daughter, he accidentally runs over a young girl.

Frightened and confused because he has no license and is an illegal immigrant, Pablo attempts to high tail it to the border with his young daughter and Solid, a guerilla journalist, who agrees to help only if she can tape the events for a harsh, yet truthful documentary.

Jesus Nebot is unquestionably the glue that holds this film together. It’s hard to have any sympathy for someone who runs over a small child and then deserts their responsibilities, but Nebot plays Pablo with such intensity not to mention compassion for his ultimate responsibility, his daughter, that we tend to sometimes overlook the error of his ways. This makes not only great acting, but also great directing by Nebot who shares credit with the also talented Julia Montejo. One should not forget Actress Lindsay Price’s role of Solid, the doc filmmaker, shooting Pablo’s run to freedom. Arrogant, yet sympathetic to the larger cause, her performance plays a good yin to the yang of Nebot’s.

The film also tackles the issues of immigration and how we deal with the

situation of citizenship in the U.S.. The fact is Pablo IS an illegal immigrant who has killed a small child, yet he has the responsibility of his daughter to contend with. In the end, who is Pablo really? A responsible and loving parent or a lawbreaker running from his mistakes? Again, hats off to Nebot for creating a piece of filmmaking that contains no easy answers for the audience and stirs the pot for debate.

The movie is based on real events about an amateur documentary filmmaker that showed footage of similar events to Nebot while looking for material to direct. One can only imagine the real events that happened and what the end result really was. In the case of “No Turning Back,” its conclusions are really its only flaw. Its final moments seem too contrived and even though we leave the film on a happy note, it would have been better suited to leave on a more realistic one.

There’s also a theme of media sensationalism and the search for journalistic truth with the introduction of Soid. Ultimately though, her being a filmmaker opens up the stylistic options more than it does bringing in further commentary.

Given that “No Turning Back” depicts the hardships of a segment of our

population that draws little of our empathy and much of our anger, the lack of subtlety in the tone is forgivable. The film deserves to be seen not because of politically correct concerns, but for its moving emotional journey. Will Pablo beat the odds, or become yet another victim of a world stacked against him?

As it stands, “No Turning Back” is a very good film with a slick story, strong characters and a different perspective from what I’m used to seeing. But I also think “No Turning Back” could have been better if it just went a little bit further with the themes and dilemmas the story encounters naturally.
