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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 17:25:00 优秀作文







You may spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The chart below shows the different levels of post-school qualification in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons if necessary.

You should write about 150 words.


1、Part 1: Introduction

The bar chart here reflects 5 different levels of post-school qualifications as well as the proportion of qualification-holders according to gender in Australia in 1999.


The bar chart here reflects 5 different levels of post-school qualifications as well as the proportion of qualification-holders according to gender in Australia in 1999.


The 图表名称+(given/here/provided)+describe/demonstrate/depict/ details/ display/ illustrate/ indicate/ represent/reflect............


Given in the 图表名称is the information/are figures regarding/concerning/about/on............

A glance at the + 图表名称+provided/here/given + reveals/indicates.........

2、Part 2: Main Body

Main Body 1:

Apparently, there is a striking/remarkable contrast/gap in the proportion of both genders who attained skilled vocational diploma. More precisely, men in this level reached/accounted for 90%, +

,which is nine times as much as their female counterparts.

, and women’s percentage was only 10%.

, nine times as much as females.

+ What should be emphasized is that both data ranked the most and the least among five level.



clearly, .../ obviously, .../ apparently, .../ evidently, ...


According to the table/data, .......

In accordance with the table/data, .....


It can be seen from the + 图表+that ......

We can see from the + 图表+that ......

It appears from the data that ......

It indicates from the table that.......


As we can see from the data/table, ......

As we can see from the data/ table, .......

As is reflected in the table, ......



men in this level reached/accounted for 90%, which is nine times as much as their female counterparts.

该句可以做成句型:A + be +(表示倍数或比值的数字)+as +形容词的平级+as B 其他变通例句:

Canada received/had/welcomed more than twice/half as many foreign visitors as Mexico. The number of visitors to these two countries from both UK and USA was the same/similar.

North America (16% of the area and 8% of the population) and South America (12% of the area and 5.5% of the population) have populations equal to about half of what has been expected.

Main Body 2

However, /Conversely,/on the other hand, the percentage of females was somewhere 65% and 55% (respectively) at the level of undergraduate diploma and Bachelor’s degree, It should deserve mentioning that the highest females’ percentage and the lowest males’ percentage occurred at the level undergraduate diploma.


the percentage of females was somewhere 65% and 55% (respectively) at the level of undergraduate diploma and Bachelor's degree, +说法1:surpassing/ outweighing/exceeding that of males (approximately 35% and 45%).

+说法2:, both of which were (30% and 20%)higher than that of males by (30% and 20%).

+说法3 , with males’ 30% and 20% lower.


France received a larger total number of foreign visitors than any of the other countries on the list. Africa's population is about a third smaller than what would be expected (20% of the area and 13% of the population).

Also is the fact that men are far more likely to offend than women.

Also more popular in 1995 was talking with friends, at 26% compared to 21% a decade earlier/a

previous decade.

As can be see from the chart, the car was a much less popular household item in the 1960s than it is today.


What should be emphasized is that both data ranked the most and the least among five level.

It should deserve mentioning that the highest females’ percentage and the lowest males’ percentage occurred at the level undergraduate diploma.


Europe is the second densest continent, occupied 7% of areas and 12% of population in the world. (会改写一下吗?)

Asia has the largest percentage of the total land area (30%) and Oceania has the least (6%). The sparest continent is Oceania, which has 6% of area and 0.5% of population.

Asia is the largest continent in terms of both area (30%) and population (61%).

It is noticeable that Middle East produced the biggest amount of oil (22.2 million barrels), which was nearly five times of the amount of the daily oil consumption.

Clearly, watching TV was the number one leisure activity/the most popular/was the most favored/enjoyed the greatest popularity/was the most widely enjoyed in both years, at 32% in 1985 and a slightly lower 30% in 1995.

Watching TV was regarded/rated as the most enjoyed/favored/preferred in both years.

However, by 1995 this figure stood at 27%---the second highest overall.

It can be seen from the third chart that actions games were by far the best selling gee, constituting 42% of the electronic game sales in Korea.

Finally, Egypt is where the most striking gender difference is found.

Main Body 3:

What is interesting, at the higher level, the percentage of males who got postgraduate diploma and Master’s degree roughly doubled that of females (75% vs. 30%, 60% vs. 40% respectively).

3、Part 4: Conclusion

As can be summarized from the overall comparison, the proportion of females who possessed undergraduate diploma or Bachelor's degree is more than males’, while a reversed trend in other 3 levels is true.


As can be summarized from the overall comparison, the proportion of females who possessed undergraduate diploma or Bachelor's degree is more than males’, while a reversed trend in other 3 levels is true.


In conclusion, ......; In summary, ……; To conclude, ……;

By and large, In general=generally, overall

It can be seen that……

As can be seen from……, ……

It indicates that…….


the proportion of females who possessed undergraduate diploma or Bachelor's degree is more than males’, while a reversed trend in other 3 levels is true.


females’ proportion in terms of undergraduate diploma or Bachelor's degree is more than males’, while the trend/picture/story/situation in other 3 levels is just contrary/opposite/reverse.



以上就是上海环球雅思老师于君星今天为大家带的雅思写作内容~请大家继续关注我们,每天都有更新哦! 有其他资源信息需要的同学可以登陆上海环球雅思的官方网站自助查询,也有资深的老师随时问你提供服务~



The bar chart shows how much money is spent in seven European countries on free time activities as a percentage of total household spending whilst the pie chart shows the average amount of money spent each year by households in the UK on various leisure activities.

UK households spend the highest percentage of money on leisure activities(21.3%).Those in Sweden, Austria and Germany spend similar percentages on leisure ctivities-18.4%,17.7%and 16.8% respectively. Households in Greece and Portugal spend smaller percentages-13.3% and 12.9% respectively. Those in Italy spend the lowest percentage on leisure activities at 10.9%

UK households spend an average of £2868 on leisure activities each year. Half of this(£1431) is spent on outdoor activities. About 20%(£588) goes towards culture(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)

and sport. £313 goes towards electrical goods and music. Spending on reading material and on holidays is the same at £268.

From the bar chart and the pie chart, we can see that the percentage of household spending given over to free time activities varies considerably between different European countries and that, in the UK, the free time activities that take the largest chunk of money are outdoor ones. (word count:194)

The graph shows the population of three countries in 1950 and 2000 (in millions) and their projected population figures for 2050.The table shows the life

expectancy figures for the years 1950 and 2000 and the projected figures for

2050 for the same three countries.





2. 比较: similarity

3. 对比: difference

4. 横向总结所有柱状图表的共性特征 & 分别描写各个柱子的个性特征

5. 数据读约数即可


1. 极点说明: 对图表当中最高的,最低的点要单独进行说明

2. 趋势说明: 对图表当中曲线的连续变化进行说明


3. 交点说明: 对图表当中多根曲线的交点进行对?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人得?/p>

4. 单线单图:






( 一 ) 首段

In the XXX chart, it can be seen some interesting figure of over the period All the trends/statistics of can be categorized

(二)主体部分 approximately +%, after which, in the following 数据 years, which witnessed a sharp increase/decrease by %。

During the same period, however, there was a large increase in + 主题from % to %。In contrast, by YEAR2, there was a significant

upward/downward trend in the figure of (bike owners), which peaked at/amounted to +%。

However, A and B shared almost the same tendency, both experienced a sharp drop/rise from % and % to % and % in +年份respectively, followed by another steady/dramatic slump/rise in 1980 bottomed at % and %.


In conclusion/To sum up/Overall, it can be seen from the data that + 总结图表数据所证明的内容。

The most noticeable thing is + 总结图表最突出的特点。



1. 介绍各扇面及总体的关系

2. 各个扇面之间的比较,同类扇面在不同时间,不同地点的比较

3. 重点突出特点最明显的扇面:最大的,最小的,互相成倍的

4. 所含成分 & 百分比表示法

5. 描写顺序:





The charts demonstrate/ compare... ... and ....


It can be also observed from the first pie chart that the most component of 主题 in year 1 is A, which accounts for **%. B is the next largest part, **% lower than A, and followed closely by C. The above three items take up the majority of all.

In marked contrast, A,B and C make up a small percentage in year 2, which are *%,*% and *% respectively.

From year1 to year2, the number/figure of A increased/decreased significantly from % to % . Similarly, B doubled to %. On the contrary, during the same time, there was a rapid downward/upward trend in the proportion of C.


To sum up/Inconclusion/Obviously/Apparently, A and B gain its popularity from year1 to year2 while C suffers a substantial drop.


1.横向比较: 介绍横向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势

2. 纵向比较:介绍纵向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势

3. 无需将每一个数据分别说明,突出强调数据最大值和最小值,



5. 描写顺序:从大到小, 由主及次


From the table, it can be seen some interesting figures concerning....

(二) 主体部分

It is apparent that A is considerably higher that that of others in 主题1 and 主题2, reaching the number of 数据 and 数据. In year 1, A reached + 数据 in +主题, which number is 数字 times as much as in year 2.

However, the number of B decreased drastically in 数据 years spanning the year of 数据 to the year of 数据 from 数据 to 数据. Between year 3 and year 4, the figure of C, D and E also increased/ decreased by %.

(三) 结尾

According to the table, in every year period, the number of A was larger than that of

B especially in year1 and year 2.



2. 表达每一流程的主体内容,阐明这种关系,揭示其内在联系或规律

3. 最后,给予简要归纳和总结。

4. 不求甚解,不拘泥于细节

5. 分门别类,分段落详细介绍各个图表

6. 不画蛇添足,主观臆断或猜测图表之间的关系

