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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 05:21:41 作文素材





根据笔者多年的雅思写作从教经验总结发现,一大部分考生对于小作文的描写存在两方面的问题:理解图表,准确简洁的描述信息。很多学生只是能够将图表中出现的数据进行单纯并且机械化的罗列,没有任何对比比较信息,因此造成了在评分项中任务完成(task achievement)这一点上失分。另外一部分学生的数据信息描述能力稍弱,对于其中常见的单词以及句型表达方面把握不足,例如只会使用简单重复的语言或者出现及其弱智的语言表达问题(通常是语法错误,特别是出现在句子的核心部分),从而导致评分要求中对语言应用能力方面的扣分。




The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.








重点几乎是自己本身起点的两倍(150—250)----纵向比较;在最后一年相比于其他的肉类或者鱼类,鸡肉的消耗是最大的---横向比较。 雅思小作文修改检查表



帮忙修改,也看不出自己哪里犯了错,哪里需要改进~下面是一名外籍雅思老师为烤鸭们总结的checklist,照着这个,你可以对自己练习写的小作文进行修改,learn from your own mistake是最好的提高方法!

A checklist for part 1 graphs, charts and tables

In task 1 it is important that you accurately describe the information from the diagram so you don’t lose marks under Task Response. The difficulty is to decide what is the key information as there is often a lot of data to

process. One way of thinking about this, is to ask yourself if someone could draw the chart and graph from the

information in your report. This is not easy to do and so to help you, you will find below a 8 point checklist, an exercise and a practice suggestion.


Here is my 8 point checklist to help you include the relevant details. I suggest you use it to check your own work: you should be able to answer “yes”to all the questions.

1. Type of diagram 图表类型

Have you correctly identified whether it is a bar chart/line graph/pie chart/flow chart/table?


2. The correct tense 时态

Have you correctly identified whether the data in the chart relates to past time, a current state of affairs or a future prediction? This includes not just using the correct tenses but also including specific times in your report.有没有运用正确的时态呢?要记住,不止要用对时态,还要再小作文中写清具体的时间!

3. The subjects 对象


一. The table shows the total length of high speed train track in three countries

The table presents the information about the total length of high speed train track in China,France and Japan in 1990,2010 and the projection for 2010.

It is clear that Japan had the longest high speed train track in1990,with 1200 kms,while France ranked second position with 700kmsand China had no high train track at this time .However, the next two decade experienced a sharp increase in high speed train tracks in China, reaching up to 5800kms in 2010, while the length of high speed train track was 2600kms and 2500kms in France and Japan respectively in the same year.

It is predicted that China will remain on the upward trend in the next decade . In 2020,the length of high train track in China is expected to reach 13400kms, which is over three times the length of the other countries’ .The length of total high train track in France is expected to increase gradually to 3900,while that in Japan, it is predicted to see a relatively slow increase ,reaching only 3600kms in 2020.

Overall,since China began the project of high speed train, the total length of high speed train track has increased dramatically in the past few years ,while the industry of high speed train in France and Japan rose relatively steadily.


? Pay attention to detail: capitalization, spacing, commas, spelling etc

? Improve better word choice for tables


? Make sure to complete the details of the numerical data Write a general statement in the introduction


? 6.5分小作文写作纲要

分成4 块模式:

1. special terms:appear, emerge,不合要求, make one’s debut

Agree, in favor of, advocate高端词汇

2. 架构和过度:改变结构,使用新颖句型和连接成分。

1. referable. 2.个性化

3. temporal topics: broad topics: 文章论据相似,题目千变万化,但大主题是

一样的, 一共有十大主题,合并后有六大主题:生涯规划、 基础设施、抽象题、科技、马斯洛生理需求、全球化。

1. TASK ONE: (F4)

饼图/ 柱状图/表格题/曲线图,其中柱状图考察频率最高。

Task 1的三种基本句型:

1.主位模式 2. there be模式 3. We can witness… F4整体备战:

1.饼图:Pie Chart

Paraphrase and eich the expression of statistics


? 60%= three-fifths// three out of five = a/the majority of >50%

= a large/striking/potent/overwhelming/dominant/leading/astounding /splendid/extraordinary/bulky/superfluous/magnificent portion/part/share/ratio/proportion/percentage/margin of ? >80% (93%)= a lion’s share

? <50%=a minority of, a marginal/micro/slim/slender/tiny

/small-scaled/meagre/barren/unnoticed/neglectable/pathetic portion ? 35%:comparatively majority

? 37.8%= maximum/comparatively a majority of (<50%的最大值) ? 40% 35% 25%

? 65% 20% 15%:comparatively a minority of WRONG 40% 35% 20% 5%

? 40%: comparatively a majority(描述) ? 5%: a minimal portion (极值) ? 20%: one-fifth (分数)

? 35%: in moderation, moderate share//medium share (描述) 饼图的三句万能句型

a) 数据+抄题+导入宾语 b) 主语+―占据‖(先特征,后数据)c) 剩余数据―占据‖的讲法:

a) constitute b) make up

c) be the factor(s)/instrument(s) of 致成物 the remaining 35% a. the rest (35%) a./n.

the remainder n.剩余物 the remnantn. the remainder of 35% in the charge of – sb

due to//owing to//attributed/ascribed/attached to//for//oriented to//belong to—sth归因于

Pie Chart的审题过程:非常简单

1. 看文字信息

2. 标题审题 标1\2\3 2>1>3

Food and drink, Other items covered comparatively a majority of the Average weekly expenditure, at 26% and 24% respectively. 小作文时态:

1.过去时——过去时间 2.将来时——将来时间

从过去到将来——现在时 3过去进行时 4现在完成进行时 两种禁忌时态: 1) 现在完成时(描述阶段)

Since 1970, there has been a large increase in ______. 最后段文字总结的时候可能会用到现在完成时 2) 现在进行时

On the other hand, Recreation and education, Clothing accounted for a small portion of the expenditure, at 17% altogether/en masse. “累加”的写法:

totaling 17%//amounting to 17%//adding up to 17%//with a total of 17%//equaling 17%//summed up as 17%//put together as 17%

When added up, they amount to ___19% of the expenditure was shared by Housing and power. Furthermore, the remaining 14% was due to Transport and communication.


1) 先写一个,另一个再比 2) 直接联动
