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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:51:17 英语作文


The colors

There are many colors in our life. They can not only mean different things but also bring us different feelings. Let’s talk about four of them-----blue, white, orange, yellow.

The first is blue. It is a cold color. IT means sadness and harmony. I know most of Americans like blue. However, do the Americans live in harmony with other countries? No, I don’t think so.

White is the second. It usually means purity. Maybe that's why the people often say someone is pure just like a piece of white paper.

The orange looks active. When you want to cheer people up by picture. You can try to use it. Because it can let us feel happy and warm during sad time.

The last one is yellow. It just like the sunshine and a kind mother for them. I think the flowers will like it very much.

How interesting the colors are! I don’t know why they can mean so many feelings. But it really makes our life more beautiful. So, I love all of them! What will the life be like without the colors?


Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees. It is also the color of most growing plants.

Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it describes something that is not yet ripe or finished.

For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns had not yet developed.

A century or so later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle. By the eighteenth century, a greenhorn had the meaning it has today - a person who is new in a job.

About one hundred years ago, greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west. Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities back east. The greenhorn lacked the skills he would need to live in the hard, rough country.

Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb. The expression comes fr


om the early nineteen hundreds.

A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.

The Green Revolution is the name given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much larger crops. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural scientists who had green thumbs.

Green is also the color used to describe the powerful emotion, jealousy. The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space. It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play "Othello."

It describes the unplesant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants. A young man may suffer from the green-eyed monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else. Or, that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay raise and she does not.

In most places in the world, a green light is a signal to move ahead. A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on. In everyday speech, a green lightmeans approval to continue with a project. We want you to know we have a green light to continue this series next week.






⑵注重语感教学。加强听说训练,努力做到视、听、说同步,培养语学习兴趣。每篇课文的生词、句型和文章都是朗读的好材料。要注意创造情景,让学生懂得不同句子的重音有不同的语感,显示不同的语言心理。同样,语调的不同,重音的移动,也体现了说话者不同的心理状态。经过训练,学生在以后朗读中也就注意了正确使用语音、语调和重读、弱读及升调,朗读也会绘声绘色,津津有味了,课堂上学生们兴趣盎然,学习积极性也大大提高了。 对话使用,角色表演。结合课文内容,每教一个情景句型,让学生用当天所学的,到讲台前来表演。如学到 family tree这课,我告诉学生都带一张"全家福"照片,根据自己的全家福来用英语介绍。有能力的学生在根据实际情况在黑板上画出图表。整个课堂就是欢乐的海洋,在热烈的气氛中学生们学会并运用所学单词和句型,提高了运用语言交际的能力。

⑷运用直观教具为了进一步激发学生学习兴趣。我充分利用多媒体,图片、图表及实物、录音机等现代化教学手段及教具,生动形象地开展教学和交际活动。利用实物和图片教单词,学生能更好地记住词义,并能反复利用它们复习,其趣味性、直观性较强。例如, 在unit 3学习颜色一单元,我利用多媒体将多彩的鲜花和颜色相结合,一朵朵漂亮的鲜花怒放,多彩的颜色随着一朵朵鲜花开放在学生的眼前,学生们惊奇得连声欢呼着,雀跃着的同时自己就记住了不同的颜色的单词。同时将颜色和现实生活中的广泛使用的实际例子相结合,例如,说出学生们喜欢的颜色,朋友和父母喜欢的颜色等等。what colour do you like? what colour dose your father /mother /friend ? i like ….the best. he likes …the best. 同时让学生明白颜色构成了五彩缤纷的世界。学习英语的趣味和身边的点点滴滴和英语的紧密相关,让学生们有了学习英语的热情。激发学生珍惜现在的大好时光,要为祖国和自己将来得到更好的发展而勤奋学习。又如教unit 7.the weather forecast 时,我准备了中央电视台7:30新闻后的天气预报实况展示给同学们。优美的音乐,宋英杰那独有的中音,娓娓道来的天气预报的全文,变化的屏幕。学生们兴奋极了。七嘴八牙的纷纷参与,抢着举手说出自己知道的天气预报知识。然后,我又在屏幕上打出一张表格,根据课文将各种不同的人物需要知道天气预报的理由让生们一一列举出来,有能力的同学可以填到表格内,让学生感受到我们今天高科技的发展令人耳目一新。同时对于天气预报的兴趣油然而生。快乐的学习又使我的教学达到了教会知识的目的。一堂课学生们在快乐中学习,又在快乐中结束了。学生们经常会说,怎么时间这么快呀。





注意在课堂上经常复现旧知识,让学生反复操练,由易而顺利地完成一个个学习目标。具体方法是:学习—复习—再复习。复习时做到系统性、针对性、综合性。用以前学过的词语操练新句型或已学过的句式学习新单词。国际音标是初中学生教学的基础知识,学生感到拼读困难,针对这一个问题,我将英语的音标知识动画片每一堂课前都放上几分钟,既有趣又反复的复习了音标,效果很好。 当堂巩固,注重反馈


五、 注意培养自学能力




⑶搞好课外阅读,对一些有自学能力的学生,给一些课外读物来扩展他们的指示视野。 ⑷强调作业的独立完成,培养学生克服困难的意志。帮助学生认识到,做作业实际上是新旧知识的运用过程,一定要养成自觉独立完成作业的习惯。



