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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 14:37:19 英语作文


Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, especially the IT and information industry, cell phones are accessible and they play a dominant role in our daily life, which greatly facilitate our lives. Firstly, it’s very useful and convenient. As a wireless mobile phone, it can be easy to carry and make people reach others and be reached immediately, without considering the location. Secondly, it’s also a perfect recreational tool. With the progress of science and technology, cell phones are much more powerful than ever. With them, people not only can make a phone call, send SMS, but also can play games and search the internet, even do shopping. Furthermore, when you are in trouble, the handy cell phone is an effective way to help you.


However, some people argue that the mobile phones bring some negative

impacts to people’s lives as well as convenience. Firstly, to a certain extent, the mobile phones will affect interpersonal relationships. If you constantly fiddle with your mobile phone when you’re communicating with your friends or families, the mobile phone will make dialogue delay to make others feel that you lack of sincerity and even likely to cause conflict. Secondly, mobile phones will narrow the circle of life by making the traditional social models, such as family gatherings, school reunions, less important.

Because mobile phones occupy too much of our time and attention, and force us to focus on them. Last but not the least, mobile phones are harmful to our health.


To sum up, moblie phones as a tool to faciliate our lives, we should use them

appropriately to make convenience and reduce their negative impacts.



the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology

With the development of science and technology, people's lives have been greatly changed. There is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways. For instance, the invention of computers dramatically increases work efficiency and helps complete many difficult tasks that were impossible in the past. Apart from this, new discoveries and technology in medicine improve people's health, which allows them to enjoy a longer life. The progress of science also enlarges human's ablilities to explore the world around them, from up into space to deep under the sea. Thanks to the developme(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)nt of science and technology, human society has enjoyed continuous prosperity and more convenience.??

However, just like a double-edged sword, science can cause problems too. It is known to all that the nuclear power, an environmentally friendly source of energy, can also be developed into a weapon of mass destruction. In addition, human cloning, which is expected to cure many serious diseases and save lives, may bring disasters of social morality. As a matter of fact, most of the improvements in science are made at the cost of our precious natural resources and have done great harm to the environment where we live in. ??

Therefore, how to deal with the progress of science and technology properly is worth our careful consideration.

Nowadays,more and more hi-tech tools,such as calculator,computer,etc,appear in our daily life.we use them wherever and whenever we are,so that our life becomes easier and more comfortable than before.

However,does anyone think about what problems science and technology have caused to happen in this world?To some degree,it's more serious than that we consider.We human indeed use them to improve our living standard,but on the other hand,we are becoming lazier,more reliable than we used to be.All day long those hi-tech products accompany us,then we have either no space or time to think,as well,communication between each other decreases,and what takes place of it is the huge indifference and gap among human. To solve these problems,we should in no time take measures to do with them.Firstly,communicate with others and think on your own more.Secondly,decrease the times you use hi-tech tools.For the advantages of technology,we should absorb,at the meantime,be independent and abandon the short-comings.Thus,we could combine technology and human progress much closer and not lose ourselves in this modern society.


考过两次的雅思考试9分范文:警察佩戴枪的利弊下面这篇在2004年考过两次,内容比较难写,很多考生都构思不出内容,因此,我请我的美国朋友按照雅思作文的套路写了篇范文,大家可以学习一下里面的语言和内容。Unlike most countries, the police in the United Kingdom do not normally carry guns. Some people think it leaves the citizens unprotected, while others believe that this practice reduces the overall violence in society. Discuss both views and use your own experience and evidence.

Unlike most countries, the police in the United Kingdom do not normally carry guns. Some people think it leaves citizens unprotected, while others believe that this practi c e reduces the overall violence in society. Police having guns however is an issue secondary to criminals having guns. (45words)


Because criminals usually have access to guns, police officers need them in order to control crime. If police in the U.K. are able to go without guns and not have crime getting completely out of control then they have already set a fine example that other countries should follow. The fact that they are able to do this is an indication of their ability to control the flow of guns to the general populace and this makes citizens safer than anything else. To a civilian, taking guns away from criminals is more important than giving them to police. (98words)

For places that are not able to, or are unwilling to control this availability of guns to criminals, police have no choice. Countries with weak or ineffective gun laws, or countries bordering such countries, like Mexico which has strong gun laws, but virtually no way to prevent them from being smuggled over the border from the U.S., need a police force that is not only armed, but is armed better than the criminals. This ?domestic arms race? is the fate of any country that does not realize that civilians have no need of being armed and should have no access to weapons whatsoever.(103words)

The root of the problem is embarrassingly corrupt governments and ineffective half-measures taken to control the circulation of guns, which allows criminals to easily come into possession of guns. Nations around the world should hope to someday reach

资料来源:教育优选 /retype/zoom/2b30e4442cc58bd63186bdde?pn=1&x=0&y=0&raww=630&rawh=52&o=jpg_6_0_______&type=pic&aimh=39.61904761904762&md5sum=a43d1e81fa7ef23e5a8b5d018a0517bd&sign=b5436f9951&zoom=&png=0-8198&jpg=0-1216" target="_blank">点此查看

the point where their police force can afford not to carry guns and still be effective. (54words)


资料来源:教育优选 http://www.jybest.cn/
