
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 17:56:09
有没有关于zhang和qin的成语 你存在的意义是什么?你生活的勇气是什么? 成语 那个叫什么来着 ni gai xu zhang 还是 mi gai xu zhang 张养浩传(节选) 文言文阅读答案 急!张养浩字希孟,济南人.幼有行义,尝出,遇人有遗楮币于途者,其人已去,追而还之.年方十岁,读书不辍,父母忧其过勤而止之,养浩昼则默诵,夜则闭户,张灯窃 张养浩传译文 张养浩传注释 How( ) your father?A is B am C are 求含有“瑞”字的成语 谐音也可以 close the gate Don't close the gate 改为肯定句 fill in the blanks with be allowde or not be allowed .1.sixteen -year- olds should ___ to drive .2.students should ____ to have part -time jobs .3.sixteen-year-olds should ___ to get their ears pierced .4.teenagers should ____ to go out with their fr 克隆植物的好处急用! Sometimes,I really wanna to care about everybody.Intead of so selfish like 跪求Finish the sentences with the proper form of"be"的中文!作业上的题目英文,我在线等! Choose the words to finish the sentences.for since ago next Example:Mary went to the beach three days ago.1) I have been in Beijing ① 1998.2) I’m going there ② summer.3) He has been in New York ③ three years.4) Where were you one minute ④ 5 use the right tense to finish the sentences.请用正确的时态填空.1.I am going to _______ (take) pictures this sunday in the park.2.He ______ (eat) good food in xingjiang on his holiday.3.She ______ (like) singing and dancing.4.It's time to ___ 英语翻译实在是不想看一堆又长又怪的名字……什么叫“后来几乎都不能免除”…… 怎样自己不用任何机器孵鸡蛋? 机器怎样孵化鸡蛋 机器孵化小鸡鸡蛋大头朝上还是朝下机器孵化小鸡、鸡蛋的大头朝上还是朝下? police和policeman的区别? policeman和police可数吗? police和policeman有什么区别求教 —I'm sorry I broke your mirror.—Oh,really?_____A.it doesn't matterB.don't be sorryC.not at allD.it's OK with me Sorry,I broke your watch ------Oh,really?____选not at all 还是 it doesn't matter i;m sorry i broke your glass 该怎么样应答 i am sorry he broke your window yesterday.有没有别的说法而意思又相同? He said he wouldn't mind_____at home.A.leaving alone B.being left alone 这道题选B,为什么 sad 的音标怎么写 请问有谁知道音标是[sad]的单词是哪个? 英语音标作业A.sad的d发啥声 I stepped on the edge and fell right down怎么翻译