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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 10:37:12 英语作文

篇一:英语作文 论金钱.About Money

About Money

Different people have different attitudes towards money. Some thinks that money is the basic of living a happy and comfortable life. There's no denying that we chose job often depending on salary. And others think that money problems cause crime and argument. Some people squander their money on gambling and drink. Money even provoke a controversy.

In my opinion, money isn't everything, but it's the necessaries of life. If we don't have enough money, we cannot satisfy the needs of our life. For individual, if we got our money worth, we can get good value for the money that we spend.We can get more chance to travel all over the

world. For government, money can develop the economic and build national defence. What's more, money can provide high-tech equipment for having a convenience life. It can also raise the living standards of the people.

In a word, we should regard money as a tool of building for a wonderful life and not just our purpose. Only in this way, can we earn money for existence, but not living only for money.

篇二:外语作文Money and happiness


Money and happiness

1.Money is undoubtedly important without which life is impossible. To some extent, money can bring us basic happiness like eating, drinking, and travelling. Everybody needs to work for money to support themselves, and if they can get more money by working hard, they make themselves happy in a way. But money is definitely not everything. In my

opinion, money is something that we use to make our lives better. We make money to live a better life, but in no way do we live just for money. If your only goal in life is to make money, I'm sure you are actually not living a happy life though you might be seemingly contented with everything, that's not real happiness I believe for sure. So just work hard for the money you want for your life, but don't ever let money dominate your life.

2. Many people get sucked into the belief that having more money is the key to their happiness. Others money can buy happiness by having the latest gadgets, the biggest house, etc. But I think people can be happy by : ①Creating rituals around the things we love to do; ② Expressing gratitude for the good things in our lives; ③ Setting

meaningful goals that reflect our values and interests; ④ Simplifying our lives — not just the stuff, but the time. I think true wealth isn’t about money. True wealth is about

relationships, about good health, and about continued self-improvement. True wealth is about happiness. Ultimately, it’s more important to be happy than it is to be rich. 3. Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness.

But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it.

I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even

though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with

which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness.

4. Nobody says "No" to money! It's affirmative that everyone wants to earn money so as to maintain his/her livelihood. So to speak,one can not survive without money.For this reason,there's a critical proverb,saying:"Money doesn't mean anything but without which we can do nothing". In a word,it seems that money is more desirable than anything else.

Generally,there are two perspectives upon money.One takes money as the source of happiness,while the other considers it is the root of all evil.

However,personally speaking,what will money be depends on its owners.On one hand, one maybe satisfy himself/herself after donating his/her money to charity which makes money the source of happiness;On the other hand,if one's enormous greediness on money never ends,or he/she takes money more serious than his life,in this case,money will be the undoubted root of all evil.

Hereby,we youngsters should form positive habits of spending money to benifit from it and avoid its negative impacts!

5.if you have no money, it is a shame;

If you have no feeling, it is incurable;

Remember, my friends,

Money can not solve every problem;

Feeling can not break reality;

The most important thing is:

Put them in the right position!

6. Isn’t money the evil source or does money make the mare to go?(金钱不是万恶之源?还是有钱能使鬼推磨?)

Money and happiness , in anyplace at any time to anybody , the two always have countless ties .(金钱和幸福,在任何地方任何时间对于任何人而言,两者总是有千丝万缕的关系)Money can not only satisfy one’s material necessities but also can meet one’s spiritual needs sometimes .(金钱不但能满足一个人的物质需求,有时候还会满足他的精神需要)That is so-called money can support happiness .(那就是所谓的金钱支撑幸福)But money also can bury your head in the sand and bring

misfortune to you at times .(但是有时候金钱也会让你看不到即临险境给你带来不幸) We have to admit the truth that money can buy lots of things even health .我们要承认金钱可以买到很多东西甚至健康这样的事实In nowadays ,a poor family shall have to live a hard life .在当今,贫困的家庭必将过着艰难的生活The poor people even can't afford to children’s schooling ,no mention to the house in big city and other luxurious consumables. .穷人甚至负担不了子女的教育费用,更别提在繁华都市有栋房子,或者其它奢侈的消费品It is common that lots of serious diseased people have no enough money to go to hospital for a treatment , if they wouldn’t get social aid ,the only way leaving to them is waiting for the death .重病的穷人没钱去医院治疗是很普遍的,如果后来他们也得不到社会的援助,留给他们的唯一的路就是面临死亡If you have no money ,you can’t live the life you want , you can’t buy the

things you like .如果没有钱,你就不能过你想要的生活,不能买你喜欢的东西If because of moneyless you have to haggle over every ounce for every little thing all days , how could you be a happy person ?如果因为清贫,你整天要为鸡毛蒜皮的小事斤斤计较,你还怎么能是幸福的人呢?In all ages ,从古至今people have been pursued nice life and worked hard for earning more money to improve life quality . 人们都在追求美好的生活,都在努力工作以此赚更多的钱去改善生活质量It’s human being

instinct , 这是人的本能吧so this kind of behavior is right and natural .所以这种行为是无可厚非的But we can’t plunge ourselves into the trap that money is omnipotent .但是我们不能让自己掉进信赖金钱万能的陷阱里面

In someone’s eyes ,money can buy everything ,有些人看来,金钱能够换取一切Its charm and function has exceeded its true value and the meaning of existence . 金钱的魅力和作用已经超过了它真实的价值和它存在的意义

People drove by this thought incline to make money by any kind of means ,被这种想法驱使的人就会为了钱财不择手段so lots of them will make themselves walk up to the criminal road . 所以他们也很容易走上犯罪的道路

Money can satisfy the basal needs or make your more immaterial needs come true , but it isn’t means that money can buy happiness .金钱可以满足你的基本生活需求或者也能满足更多的非物质需求Maybe you will fell more happy if you have much money ,but in fact ,the ratio of money and happiness is not an absolute direct ratio .也许拥有许多钱会让你感到更加幸福,但是事实上,金钱和幸福之间没有绝对的正比关系呵The number of money don’t represent the degree of happiness .金钱的数量并不代表幸福的程度Because you could earn money by hardworking 、struggling or effort work ,but you can’t get happiness only through money .因为你可以通过努力,上进,勤奋去挣更多的钱,但是你不能只用金钱就可以得到幸福

Happiness is a kind of felling .幸福是一种感觉when you help others you will feel happy .Just like Jesus had said“It is more blessed to give ……”当你帮助别人,你会感到快乐,就像耶稣说过的一样:施比受更有福Some rich people are also

charitarians , they could make themselves more happy basing on sponsoring welfare .一些富裕的人也是慈善家,赞助福利事业会让他们更快乐 SO The

psychologists advise the ones who often find themselves suffering to help those worse lucky people that could reduce pain . 所以心理学家建议那些总是自感痛苦的人去帮助那些更加不幸的人,那样会减轻自感痛苦者的痛苦感觉If you work hard and contribute to the society, you will be respected by people, don’t you feel

unhappy? 如果你努力的工作给社会作贡献,你就会受人尊敬,那你又怎么会不幸福呢 Sometimes happiness comes from a little case .有时候幸福只是来源(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)于一件小小的事情If you often admire others unfeignedly , you will obtain others’ appreciation at the same time ,you will enjoy yourself all your time . 如果你经常由衷地欣赏别人,你同时也就会获得别人的赞美,那么你一生都会其乐无穷You will be happy as long

as you full you life with value. 只要你活的是有价值那么你就会幸福The people who try his best to create happiness for human being will get the return from all he has done .努力给别人创造快乐的人肯定会因他的所为而得到回报的

The value of happiness can’t be weighed by money.幸福的价值是金钱不能衡量的 So happiness is not a certain kind of material criterion, 幸福并不是某种物质标准it is not rest with money but depend on yourself .它不依赖于金钱而是在于你自己If you feel happy, that it is happy, no absolute relation to money. 如果你感到快来,那就是幸福,和金钱没有绝对的联系



Money and Happiness

Money makes the mare go. People nowadays put too much attention on money and they are fighting for money all their lives. Does money mean everything? With money, you could get many things, such as food or clothing and so on. With money, you could have a brilliant mate and afford one big house and the best education for children. But can money buy happiness?

However, there’s the negative side of money. As a proverb goes, money is the root of all evil. In the real world, the requirement for money cause heavy stress for people. Many people become criminals just because they were in search of much more money. Therefore, money takes the morality and freedom away from people.

In my view, it’s the most significant to change your attitude of the treatment of money. Don’t care too much about the size of your house, the stuff of your clothing. Don’t be the slave of the cash.
