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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 23:21:07 初中作文


初二作文:生活中,人人都在盼望着。小学时盼望上中学,中学时盼望大学,大学时盼望??在你十多年的人生旅程中,你曾有过怎样的盼望呢?在你对未来的畅想中,你又有哪些盼望呢?请以“盼望”为题写一篇文章。 注意:①这个题目的范围是很宽泛的,可回忆,可畅想等;但内容要具体,不可空乏;③题目自拟;④不少于650字。





Dear Peter

I’ve been here for half a year. The life of students here is different from that of London though they have something in common.

In Hangzhou,_________________________________________________________________ Please write to me soon!

Yours, .


One possible version:

Dear peter,

I’ve been here for half a year. The life of students here is different from that of London though they have something in common.

In Hangzhou, the weather is often sunny. The students speak Chinese and most of them go to school by bike or by bus. They sometimes get together to have fun. And teachers have many rules for the students. The students usually have much homework to do after class. However, in London, it rains a lot. The students there speak English because English is their mother language and they go to school on the school bus. They often get together to make them relaxed and teachers are less strict. They give the students more freedom. The students have less homework at home. It’s interesting, isn’t it?

Please write to me soon!

Yours, .








参考词汇:get good grades,exercise more,go to the movies,visit grandparents,do the dishes One possible version:

Spring festival is coming. I have a lot of New Year's resolutions. I am going to work harder in school this year to get good grades. I want to eat more vegetables and exercise more to keep healthy. On the first day of the spring festival. I am going to visit my grandparents. I will help them do the dishes and sweep the floor. In the evening, I am going to the movies with my friends.

I can't wait the spring festival because I’m enjoying this festival.





2.do chores

3.visit grandparents


Dear Peter,

Thanks a lot for your e-mail.

The winter vacation is coming.I have some plans for it.First,_______________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ I’m looking forward to the winter vacation!


Li Qiang

One possible version:

Dear peter,

Thanks a lot for your e-mail.

The winter vacation is coming. I have some plans for it. First, I will read more English every morning to improve my English and study math because I'm not good at math. Second, I will spend more time with my parents and help them do the chores, such as cleaning the room, d(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)oing the dishes, making the bed and taking out the trash. Third, I will visit my grandparents and stay some days with them. What’s more, I'm going to take part in more activities so that I can help others better. I'm sure I'll have an interesting but busy winter vacation. I’ll make myself happier and healthier.

I'm looking forward to the winter vacation.


Li Qiang



A Trip to an Aquarium

We had a great time on the school trip last Sunday.We went to an aquarium.

One possible version:

A Trip to an Aquarium

We had a great time on the school trip last Sunday. We went to an aquarium. It was sunny in the morning. At seven thirty, we took a bus there. We went to the Visitors’ Center to watch a seal show. It was very funny and interesting. Everyone laughed to tears. We took a lot of photos there. In the afternoon, it began to rain. We went to a big room to see a movie about sharks. It was also wonderful. We also played games after that. We didn’t come back until it was 5 o’clock. I really enjoyed the trip to the aquarium. It was exciting and relaxing.


假如你是张鹏,今年寒假你将和你的父母开车去杭州西湖及动物园玩。请你根据下表信息给你在杭州的好友Jenny写一封信,告诉她你们的行程安排,并与她约定一个见面的时间。 注意:1.文章必须包括表格中的所有信息,可适当发挥;2.信的开头和结尾已给出,

Dear Jenny,

I’ve got good news to tell you.This winter vacation my parents and I are driving to visit Hangzhou._____________________________________________________________________ I’m looking forward to seeing you.


Zhang Peng

One possible version:

Dear Jenny,

I’ve got good news to tell you.This winter vacation my parents and I are driving to visit Hangzhou. We are going to leave for Hangzhou on the morning of January 20 and stay in Hubin Hotel which is 2 kilometers away from West Lake. Next day we’ll have more activities. In the morning we’ll go to West Lake to go sightseeing and go to the zoo to enjoy the monkey show in the afternoon. In the evening, I think I am free that time, so we’d better meet to have fun Can we meet then? We plan to go back to Shaoxing on January 22.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.


Zhang Peng




Lucy is my best pen pal.She is from America._______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

I’m looking forward to coming.

One possible version:

Lucy is my best pen pal. She is from America. She was born on June 18,1998. Lily is her twin sister. They look the same, but Lucy is more outgoing and stronger than Lily. She has a healthy lifestyle. She exercises every day and eats lots of vegetables and fruit. The school is about 2 kilometers from her home. It takes her 30 minutes to ride a bike to school. She likes China very much. Next week she is going to Beijing with her family. They will stay there for a week. They are going sightseeing and eating Beijing Roast Duck in Beijing. Do you think it’s great? I’m looking forward to coming.






参考词汇:review lessons复习功课

The winter vacation is coming. Paul is thinking about what to do during the vacation._______ One possible version:

The winter vacation is coming. Paul is thinking about what to do during the vacation. He is going to play computer games on Internet. He is also going to a movie with his friends. He is going to read English in the morning and play basketball in the afternoon. He thinks it’s good for his health. As for me, I am going to review the lessons for I didn’t do well in the final exams. I’m also going to help my parents do the housework. I am going to exercise for an hour every day during the vacation. At the same time, I’ going to practice playing the piano because I like music very much. I want to be a pianist when I grow up. I will have a very meaningful vacation. 宁波市鄞州区:



Mary’s Winter Vacation Plan

1.每天花半个小时(spend half an hour)锻炼。

2.帮助父母亲做家务活(do chores)。比如说:洗餐具、打扫房间。

3.(when)当天气晴朗的时候,骑车去图书馆看书(read books)。

4.春节(Spring Festival)打算全家去哈尔滨旅游(travel)。顺便去看看表兄(cousin)一家。

One possible version:

Mary’s Winter Vacation Plan

Winter Holiday is coming.Mary planned to have a different holiday this year. She is________

Mary’s Winter Vacation Plan

Winter Holiday is coming. Mary planned to have a different holiday this year. She is going to spend half an hour exercising every day. And she’s going to help her parents do chores, such as sweeping the floor, doing the dishes, cleaning the floor and so on. When it is sunny, she is going to the library to read books. She’s going there by bike, because she thinks it is a good way to keep healthy. During the Spring Festival, she’s going to travel to Harbin with her family. She’s also visiting her cousin there. And they are going skating there. I think she will have a good holiday. 湖州市:

盼望已久的寒假就在眼前了,你打算怎样度过这个假期呢?请写一写你的寒假计划。 以下词组仅供参考:have…lessons, find a part-time job, make money, visit…, stay at home… 要求:语言通顺,表达准确,意思清晰无误,6~8句话即可。开头已给出。

Everybody has their own plans for the coming winter vacation. As for me, ______________ One possible version:

Everybody has their own plans for the coming winter vacation. As for me, I'm going to learn an instrument this year. So I’m going to have some piano or drum lessons. If possible, I’m going to find a part-time job to make some money. Then I can buy something I like and also buy something for my parents as their New Year’s gifts. And of course, I’m going to visit my grandparents. I love them a lot and I want to spend the Spring Festival with them. What’s more, my family are going to have a trip this winter vacation. It’s so exciting. I hope to go somewhere warm. Sanya sounds like a fantastic place. When I come back, I will stay at home and get ready for my new term. It must be a nice vacation. I can’t wait!



Different people have different dream jobs. I want to be a singer when I grow up. __________ One possible version:

Different people have different dream jobs. I want to be a singer when I grow up. So I am going to take singing lessons. My New Year’s resolution is to learn to play the piano. My friend Jim is going to be a soccer ball player. So he is going to play soccer every day. And he is planning to teach other students to play in New Year. As for my another friend Ken, he wants to be a computer programmer. And he is going to try his best to learn math. His New Year’s resolution is to ask teachers for help. I hope our dreams will come true.





初二期末考试作文初二期末考试 作文----故乡牵着我的情思光阴荏 苒, 我,已长大 而您,故乡 依旧… ---题记 时移事迁, 故乡的面容身影却依旧随着我情思的转动而交织缠 绵。回眸往事,故乡,您好像是我情思地尽头,是我心得归处, 是冲洗心灵的港湾。 故乡有一条小河。小时候,孩子们总是在夏天时结成一群到小 河边玩耍,小河得水刚没膝头。水,清澈见底,小石子在岸低的 悠然可以看得一清二楚。我们几个孩子脱了衣服便往水里跳。你 把水捧起来向远处撒去,他用水想你身上袭来,水珠子不时在身 边飞舞。岸边不时传来我们的嬉戏声与欢笑声。皱褶似的水纹不 时从我们腿上掠过,凉嗖嗖的。玩累了,便坐在水中,任河水冲 洗着身体。 故乡的小河承载了我的多少欢乐。 故乡有一条宽阔的路。每当放学后,孩子们边都来到这条大街 上,有的在跳绳, 绳子飞舞,扬起徐徐尘土,而路好似十分快乐, 也滚动着石子在向两旁驱去。有的孩子坐在路两旁写作业,好赶 紧写完作业和同伴们一同游戏。还有的孩子们在你追我赶,伴着 路的方向跑着,留给路得,是一个个快乐的身影,一句句欢乐的 笑声。路,依旧静静的享受着孩子们的欢乐。 故乡的路啊!您赋予了我们的是希望,是我们人生的方向。 故乡有一片树林,郁郁葱葱。在夏天正午时分,太阳炙烤着 大地,而故乡的树林为我们提供了一片阴凉。大人们在中午时, 总会拿上一副扑克牌,几个一组,在一起打牌。还有的是在一片 空地上铺上一张席,躺在上面休息,风自吹来,吹走了人们的热 气,带给人们一份凉爽。孩子们就在树间奔跑着,一忽儿窜到这 棵树,一忽儿又跑到哪里,从树林里不是有着大人们的说话声, 和孩子们打闹的嬉戏声。 故乡的树林啊!您是我们避阳的场所,是无私的象征。 梦随风万里,而情思的归处依旧是故乡,它教会我们太多。 情思随着故乡走……
