作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 10:38:42 英语作文



过去:家乡小镇绿树环抱;小河清清鱼儿嬉戏;房屋简陋 街道狭窄;人们劳作生活清贫;

现在:高楼大厦厂店林立;大小车辆驰骋街头;工业发展 环境恶化;树木减少鱼儿消失;治理污染当务之急。

二、假如你是一位足球爱好者,请你根据下列要点提示,以“My favorite sport ” 为题写一篇110词左右的短文。

1 踢足球是你的最大爱好;

2 一次偶然的机会让你爱上了踢球;在回家路上捡到一个 足球,然后就和朋友们一起玩,从此深深地爱上了踢球; 3 经常和同学一起训练和比赛;

4 最喜欢的足球明星是英国的贝克汉姆;最大的愿望是成 为一名职业足球运动员。

参考词汇: 偶然 by chance

职业运动员 a professional football player

三、你发现你身边随便扔垃圾的吐痰等等的现象很严重,请你请以”It's Our Duty To Protect Our Environment”为题,写一篇不少于80个单词的作文。




2. 南京有2400多年历史,曾有10个朝代在此建都。

3. 南京很美,有许多名胜,如玄武湖、鸡鸣寺、



五、假如你是记者,请根据下面所提供的信息,用英语为某英语报社写一篇短文,介绍澳门,发表在该报的Local Feature (地方特辑)专栏。





10% 左右;


3.呼吁大家节约用地,充分利用土地,以及保护现有的耕地资源。 要求:1.文章包括以上提示,可适当增加内容,以使行文连贯;




I used to live in a beautiful small town with green trees all around it.The river,running through the town,had clean water in which fish could be seen swimming in groups. The house, however, were small and simple, and the street wasn’t wide enough to run cars. People here worked hard all year round yet lived a life of no more than poverty.

Now great changes have taken place here. You can see tall

buildings, department stores and factories everywhere. Cars and buses are running in broad streets. But with the development of industry,pollution is becoming more and more serious. A lot of trees are gone, and fish have disappeared because of the dirty water.

To our joy, people have been doing their best to stop pollution and make the town even more beautiful.

二、 My favorite sport

Playing football is my favorite. I fell in love with it by chance. One day, I found a football on my way home.I was so curious about the little round ball that I began to play it with my friends. From then on, football became part of my life. I often play football with my classmates after class. We often train ourselves, and sometimes we compete in football games in order to improve our skills.

Among all the football stars, I admire Beckham most. It is not his handsome appearance but his skills that impress me a lot. My greatest dream is to become a professional football player in the future.

三、 It's Our Duty To Protect Our Environment

It's our duty to protect our . Where do we live? The earth. The earth is the only one place we live in. So you know how important the environment is. But now, some people are harming the

environment, like cutting down trees, drawing pictures on public walls, onto the ground. It's terrible if we still do it.

Now, it's time for all the people in the society to protect the environment. It's our duty. It needs each of us to make a contribution to improving the environment. We should make our environment more and more beautiful.




Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to our city. I’d like to tell you something about our city. Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, lies in the southeast of China. It has a population of about 5 million. The city has a history of more than 2,400 years, and was once the capitals of ten dynasties. It is a very beautiful city with a lot of places of interest, such as the Xuanwu Lake, the Jiming Temple and the Stone City. It also has many modern factories

篇二:英语作文 关于体育

Sport and I

Sports benefit me in many ways. Firstly, sports call can make me fit and strong physically. When taking part in sports, I get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. In addition, sports call can maintain my psychological well being, Whenever I'm in low spirit,aking part in sports can help me forget my anxieties and worries. Besides, sports can teach me some lessons about life. Through participation, I can learn that on the playground I not only struggle for my own self but also fight for my team. Sports teach me to be considerate, cooperative and optimistic.

I am fond of sports very much. I feel that I not only gain a well balanced life through going in for sports, but also get more chances to make more friends, to move closer to nature. Sports add happiness to my everyday life when I participate in them in a proper way.

My favourite sport is football, as it is very exciting. I play footetball three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I feel very happy when I play football in school with my friends. Sometimes I play football in the playground near my school.Football is very easy to play. If you play football very well, you can form a football team to take part in the competition. You may become a famous football star.

Therefore, football is a very good sport. I think, you can play football, can't you?










1.开头:This is a picture about…/ In the picture we can see…/ From the picture it can be seen that…/ Let’s look at the picture… 2.结尾段:It is not right that…/ If they do like that…/ We can draw a conclusion that…/ The story tells us that …/ It teaches us a lesson…

3.承接词汇及句型:in my opinion / in our daily life / nowadays / As the proverb says …/ I’m sure… / meanwhile / however / at the same time / but / so / as a result / Do you think so?...

4.另外,漫画作文在揭示实质后往往会有精彩的谚语,格言,成语等出现,给文章添彩不少。如:No pains, no gains. / All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy. / Dripping water wears through rock./ Constant effort brings success.(滴水能穿石,功到自然成)/Use “one stone” to kill “two birds”(一石击双鸟) 例文:


(一)内容要点: 1. 描述文字说明:

1) 学生被迫上很多补习班 2) 无兴趣可言 2. 议论文字说明:

1) 太多的补习班是浪费时间 2) 学习要有兴趣

3) 家长不要强迫孩子参加补习 4) 表达希望

(二)One possible version:

Looking at this picture,you will understand better too tired to learn these lessons well with no interest.

They might do better when they show interest in what they are learning.


He has to … besides his school classes. Life is …. … have become …. He is …

In my opinion, … for many students. They might …when they … what they ar

e learning. Please don’t …what they…, and when learning is fun, surely …



1. One day / the other day / a couple of days ago / while he was…,he.. 2. It was snowing /raining heavily on Monday /Sunday morning …when … 3. The picture sets me thinking deeply… 4. From the picture,we can see …. 5. It is really an unforgettable day … 6. As is shown / indicated in the picture, …

7. After seeing the picture ,I was greatly shocked by …

8. This is a funny and instructive picture. In the picture, a young man … 9. We can learn from the picture that … 10. The picture shows that…

11. This sight reminds me of something in my daily life….


假设你是下图的李华。请根据图画所提供的信息,写一篇英语作文,描述昨天晚上邻居看足球赛影响你学习的情况,并描写你随后与邻居交涉的过程(如:你向邻居提出要求,对方向你表示歉意等。) 注意:1. 词数:80—120

2. 可以编写对话或其它叙述方式描写你与邻居的交涉过程

One possible version:

Last night I was preparing for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted me. The noise went on and on. said to him: “Excuse me, would you please turn down the TV? I’m preparing tomorrow’s examination.” Having heard these words, his face went red. Then he said, “Ok, I’ll turn it down. Li Hua,the football was very wonderful. I was too excited to control myself. I won’t do that again. Good luck in your coming examination. ” After that, I got down to my study.



1、 开门见山,点明主题。 ② A,which accounts for…%,ranks the first;next in line is B with…%,followed by

C,making up…%;finally D,at…%. A排在第一,占……%,紧接着是B,占……%,跟着是C,占……%,最后是D,占……%。 归纳总结或发表评论

2、 呈现数据,分析原因。 3、 归纳总结或发表评论。 常用素材: 1、 常用词汇


table 表格 chart 图表figure 图形;数字graph 曲线图 describle 描述 tell 告诉 show 表明 represent 描绘;表现indicate 指示;揭示

分析数据间的主要差异及趋势: 表上升或增加:rise;increase;go up

表下降或减少:decrease,fall;reduce;decline;drop;go down

表示趋势:sharply 急剧地;quickly 迅速地;rapidly 快速地;dramatically 戏剧般的,显著地;slowly 缓慢地;gradually 逐渐地

表示对比或比较:compared…to/with…;in contrast to;the same as;similar to; different from;differences between;while;but;on the contrary;however;as…as…; among;more than 2、 常用句式 开门见山,点明主题

① Last week,we made/did/carried out a survey on…上周,我们对…进行了调查。 ② The chart describes/tells/shows…图表显示… ③ As is shown in the chart,…如图表所示,…

④ According to the figures given by the graph,…根据曲线图所给的数字,… ⑤ It can be concluded from the graph that…从曲线图可以得出结论…. ⑥ We can see from the table that…我们可以从表格中看出… 呈现数据,分析原因

① It is obvious from the chart/graph that…rank the first/hightest,while…turn out to

be the lowest.图表中清楚显示…是排在第一位/最高的,而…..结果最低。

① In a word,…. 一句话,……

② Personally/In my opinion/As far as I’m concerned/From my point of view…依


③ We can draw the conclusion that...我们可以得出这样的结论……

例文: Students Use of Computers







Student Use of Computers

提纲: 1. 上图所示为某校大学生平均每周使用计算机的时间: 1990年(2 hours),

1995年 (4 hours), 2002年 (14 hours),请描述其变化;

2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加


3. 你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。 参考范文

1995, it increased to almost four hours; and in 2005, the number soared to 14 hours per week.

computers provide facilities for us in many aspects of the fast development of the Internet contributes to our increasing demand for computers. We can easily contact we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly.


私人信件一般由五部分组成:信头(Heading);称谓(Salutation);正文(Body of the letter);结束语(Complimentary Close)和兼称(Mannerly Salutation);签名(Signature) 常用表达

1、 开头语

I’m…,a middle-school student from……我是来自…的一名中学生,名叫……(自我介绍)

Thank you very/so much for your letter/gift.来信/礼物已经收到,甚为感谢。(致谢) Glad to receive your letter of+日期.收到您...(时间)的来信,我非常高兴。 I’m writing to ask about…今写信给你,想了解……(询问)

Sorry to have written back to you so late because…因……迟复为憾(道歉) I’m writing to tell you something about……现写信告诉你有关…… 2、 结尾

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.望早日来信。 Looking forward to an early reply from you.希望您能早日答复。 Do write to us when you have time .如有时间,务必来信。 Please remember me to….代向…问好。 Good luck to you! 祝你好运!

例文(2012 四川)

假如你是大学一年级新生李华。开学之初,你的英语老师Ms Li希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。请你按以下要点用英语给他写一封信。 1、 对英语学习的认识; 2、 自己目前的英语水平;

3、 自己英语学习存在的主要问题; 4、 对英语教学的两点建议。 注意:

1、 词数100左右; 2、 信的开头和结尾已给出。

参考范文 Dear Ms Li,

I’ As the world is becoming a global village,English is getting more and morereally hope that you can give me good advice on how to memorize new we can make much progress in English with your help. Thank you!

Li Hua
