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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 08:28:16 英语作文





1. 直到他完成使命(Not until he had fulfilled/finished his mission)did he realize that he was seriously ill. (08.06)

2. The witness was told that under no circumstance ( should he lie to the court ) 他都不应该对法庭撒谎。(07.12)

3. Only in the small town( does he feel secure and relaxed) 他才感觉安全和放松,he feels secure and relaxed. (07.6)

4. Not only ( did he charge me too much ) 他向我收费过高, but he didn't do a good repair job either. (06.6)

5. Only after I found out the truth( did I realize (that) he was innocent ) 我才意识到他是无辜的。

6. Not until the game had begun ( did he arrive at the sports ground )他才到达运动场。 阅读中的倒装:

1. Among the report are more outrageous(令人无法容忍的)findings - a Geman fertilizer described itself as "earthworm-friendly", a brand of flour said it was " non- polluting", and a British toilet paper claimed to be "environmentally friendlier".(05.06阅读)


2. Then one day a few years ago, out of my mouth came a sentence that would eventually become me reply to any and all provocations: I don't talk about that anymore.(07.06阅读)


3. Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern business people who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. (03.01阅读)



1. Reaching new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.(06.12阅读)




2. Not only has the highway system affected the American economy by providing shipping routs, it has led to the growth of spin-off industries like service stations, motels, restaurants, and shopping centers/malls. (0606阅读)



3. Only when it's gone do you wish you've done more to protect it.(0806阅读)



eg. Only you can do this job.

4. Not only do we evaluate the cause of the pain, which can help us treat the pain better, but we also help provide comprehensive therapy for depression and other psychological and social issues related to chronic pain.(0706阅读)


5. Had I not attended this workshop, I would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel.(0906阅读)


6. It is said that never before has man been so highly successful in his attempts to modify the weather on a very small scale.





















一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order); 二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order)。

而倒装语序中又有完全倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)

完全倒装(Full Inversion):又称"全部倒装",是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。

部分倒装(Partial Inversion):指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词倒装至主语之前,而谓语动词无变化。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。




here, there, out, in, up, down, now, then, away等副词放在句首,句子需要全部倒装,全倒装句型公式是:特殊词 + 谓语 + 名词主语。注意代词主语不可以倒装。特殊词包括up, down, here, there, now, then, in, out, away 等等。例句:

There goes the bell! = The bell is ringing. 铃响了!

Here comes the bus. =The bus is (转 载于:wWw.zW2.cn 爱作文 网)coming. 汽车来了。

Now comes your turn to make a short speech. 该轮到你发言了。

Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 我们期盼的时候到了。


部分倒装句型公式是:否定词 +助动词 + 主语 + 谓语 +…,注意主语无论是代词或者名词都可以倒装。否定词包括not, no, hardly, barely, scarcely, few, little,seldom等等,例句: Seldom did he talk about his past.他很少谈论他的过去。

Hardly had I gone out did it begin to rain.我刚出门,就开始下雨了。

Not a single word did he say about this incident.关于这个事件他没有说一个字。


一、 表示强调:


1.only +状语或状语从句置于句首,句子用部分倒装。例子:

Only in this way can you solve this problem.


Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.


2. hardly,in no way,little,scarcely,seldom,never,no more, no longer,not, not only, no sooner, not only … (but also),not until… 等具有否定意义的词或词组位于句首,句子用部分倒装。例子:

No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. 我刚到家就下起了雨。

Seldom do I go to work by bus. 我很少乘公共汽车上班。

Not until twelve o'clock did she go to bed last night . 她昨晚十二点才上床睡觉。

3. so / such...that结构中的so或such位于句首可以构成部分倒装句,表示强调so /such和that之间的部分。例子:

So ueasonable was his price that everybody startled.


To such length did she go in rehearsal that the two actors walked out.



二、 承上启下

1.为了避免句子部分内容不必要的重复,常用"so+be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语"或"neither/nor + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语"的倒装句式。

其中第一个句式表示"与前面所述的肯定情况相同",第二个句式表示"与前面所述的否定情况相同"。 例子:

A:His brother is(not) a college student; B:so is mine.(nor is mine .)


A:He used to have his further study abroad; B:so did I.(neither did I.)


A:One of my friends can speak three foreign languages; B:so can his wife.(neither can his wife .)


2.倒装可把前一句说到的人或物,或与前一句有联系的人或物在下一句紧接着先说出来,从而使前后两句在意思上的关系更加清楚,衔接更加紧密,起到承上启下的作用。 例子:

They broke into her uncle's bedroom and found the man lying on the floor, dead. Around his head was a brown snake.

他们破门进入她叔叔的卧室,发现他躺在地板上死了。一条棕褐色的蛇缠在他头上。We really should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and paupers we shall remain.



三、 制造悬念,渲染气氛


如朗费罗(Longfellow)《雪花》中的一节: Out of the bosom of the Air,

Out of the cloud-folds of her garments shaken, Over the woodlands brown and bare, Over the harvest-fields forsaken, Silent, and soft, and slow, Descends the snow.


四、 平衡结构


1. 以作状语的介词短语开头:当主语较长或主语所带修饰语较长时,为了使句子平衡,常将状语置于句首,句子用完全倒装语序。 例子:

A.To the coal mine came a company of PLA soldiers with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.

B. A company of PLA soldiers came to the coal mine with orders from the headquarters to rescue the trapped miners.


A. On the ground lay some air conditioners, which are to be shipped to some other cities.

B. Some air conditioners lay on the ground, which are to be shipped to some other cities.地上放着一些空调,等着用船运到其他城市去。

从例句中可看出, 采用倒装语序的A句结构平衡稳妥,读起来自然流畅,而采用自然语序的B句结构零乱, 读起来也别扭。因而,在主语较长时采用倒装语序以取得理想的表达效果。

2. 以表语开头的句子:有时为了把较长的主语放在后面,须将表语和谓语都提到主语前。 例子:

Such would be our home in the future. 我们将来的家就是这个样子。

3. 以副词here , there开头的句子,也采用完全倒装来保持句子平衡。 例子:

Here is the letter you have been looking forward to. 你盼望已久的信在这儿。

五、 使描写生动


(如:down, up, out, in, off, on, away等)或拟声词(bang, crack等)置于句首,句子采用全部倒装的语序(主语为人称代词的句子除外)。 例子:

Up went the rocket into the air. 嗖地一声火箭就飞上天了。

Down jumped the criminal from the third floor when the policeman pointed his pistol at him


Boom went the cannon! 轰隆一声大炮开火了!

Bang came another shot! 砰!又是一声枪响!

以上句子简洁明快 ,生动逼真地描述了有关动作 ,令我们一览此类倒装的风采。但这种倒装句的修辞功能在语段中可以体现得更为清楚。

“Stop thief! Stop thief!” There is a magic cry in the sound. The tradesman leaves his counter, ... Away they run, pell—mell, helter—skelter, yelling—screaming, ...

“Stop thief ! Stop thief !” The cry is taking by a hundred voices, ... Away they fly, splashing through the mud, up go the window, out run the people. ( Dickens )

作者在第一段和第二段中分别用副词away, up和out位于句首引出四个倒装句

Away they run , Away they fly, up go the window , out run the people。从而制造出一种紧张、急促的气氛 ,生动地刻画了一个紧张、混乱的捉贼场面。 倒装是英语中一个重要的修辞手段。倒装句的使用丰富了我们的语言表达,了解并掌握倒装句各种句式的用法 , 不仅会提高我们对英语语言的欣赏能力 , 对英语表达能力的提高也将大有裨益。因此,写作中适当用一些倒装句式定会使文章表达更生动、有力。



某些表示否定意义的副词或副词短语位于句首,表示强调,句子要求用倒装结构。常见的这类副词或副词短语有:never,seldom , rarely,no sooner...than,hardly/scarcely/ barely...when,no,little,nowhere,not, hardly,no longer, not until,not only...but also等等。


如: Never before that night had I felt the extent of my own power.

2、no sooner ...than,hardly /scarcely/ barely ...when位于句首,表示一件事紧接着另一件事发生,句子要求用倒装结构。例如:

Hardly had he opened his eyes when she told him that it was time for them to clean. Scarcely had it grown dark when she realized it was too late to go home.


The customer complained that the dining table had not been delivered yet,

and neither had the chairs.

I could not persuade him to accept it,nor could I make him see the importance of it.


Neither of the two books holds the opinion that the danger of nuclear war is increasing. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university was accepted.

4、含有not until的强调句,如果not until位于句首,句子要求用倒装结构,如果是主


1)Not until the game had begun did he arrive at the sports ground.

2)Not until then did he come to realize the seriousness of the situation.


1)Little did we suspect that the district was so rich in mineral resources.

2)Nowhere has the world ever seen such great enthusiasm for learning as in this country.

6、含有"no"、表示否定意义的介词短语位于句首,句子要求用倒装结构。常见的这类介词短语有:at no point(决不),at no time,by no means,in no case,in no circumstances, in no sense,in no shape,in no way,in no wise, on no account,on no consideration,

under no circumstances,in no time(立刻),in vain(徒劳),not once,still less等等。例如:

1)We have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

2)At no time and in no circumstances should a Communist place his personal interest first.


在以下列副词及连接词开头的句子中,要求用倒装结构。常见的副词有:only,so, here,there,now,often,then,down,out, in,up,hence,thus,well,off,away,twice, gladly,many a time等等。


1)Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard.

2)Only under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make-up tests.



John had been working hard and so had his brother.


1)The door opened and there entered a young man in a blue uniform.

4、由there或now引起的句子、谓语为 come(go)的句子,要求用倒装结构。例如:

1)There comes the bus. )Now comes your turn.


1)Here are some good newly-published novels.

2)Here is China's largest tropical forest.

但是,如果主语是人称代词时,由here和 there引出的句子也不用倒装结构。例如:

1)Here we are. )Here you are.


篇三:高考英语作文 巧用倒装句

高考英语作文 巧用倒装句


China receives men's rifle gold from Emmons again

The scene was reminiscent to the one four years ago.

American shooter Matthew Emmons just needed a 6.6 to be crowned in the men's 50-meter rifle three positions at the Beijing Olympic Games.

But he made a 4.4.

Gone was the gold, even the silver and the bronze.

The champion became Chinese shooter Qiu Jian, with 1272.5 points. Following him was Jury Sukhorukov from Ukraine with 1272.4 and world record holder Rajmond Debevec from Slovenia with 1271.7 points.

Advancing into the final with 1175 points, one point behind the leading Debevec, the 27-year-old American shooter got a 9.7 in the first shot, while the 45-year-old Slovenian shot a surprising 7.7 and was hence dropped to second.

Emmons further enlarged his leading advantage by making seven of the following eight shots above or equalling 10.

While the 33-year-old Qiu experienced some ups and downs with his scores fluctuating from

8.8 to 10.6. But originally ranked fourth with 1173 points, he managed to climb to the third.Before the last shot, top four were Emmons, Sukhorukov, Qiu and Debevec, with their gaps 3.3 points, 0.1 points and 1.6 points respectively.

Sukhorukov fired in the last shot, a 9.8.

Debevec made a 10.8.

Qiu, the second to last to open fire, collected a 10.0, surpassing his Ukrainian rival.It was the moment for Emmons.

Four years ago in Athens, the shooter, with an obvious advantage and was just one shot away from the gold, had his last bullet plunged into another shooter's target and saw the gold won by Chinese shooter Jia Zhanbo.

This time, he needed just a 9.2 to break the Olympic record of 1275.1 by Debevec and a 6.6 to beat Qiu and win the gold, and everyone held breath to see the man staging a comeback.He fired.

The target was right.

But spectators let out an exclamation.

Like enchanted, he notched up a stunning 4.4 and plunged to the fourth.

After several seconds of bewilderment, audiences cheered and applauded for the lucky Chinese champion, who himself gazed at the screen of score in disbelief.

Emmons threw himself into the arms of his wife Katerina, who just won a gold and a silver from the Beijing Olympics.



第四段使用了一个完全倒装句,“Gone was the gold, even the silver and the bronze.”把它用在“But he made a 4.4.”这样的结果出现之后,凸现出了一种无奈叹息的情感。一般而言,倒装句的作用一是为了强调,二是为了语言结构的需要。



He fired.

The target was right.

But spectators let out an exclamation.

Like enchanted, he notched up a stunning 4.4 and plunged to the fourth.






一,not only?but also?句的部分倒装not only?but also?前后连接两个句子时,not only后的句子要用部分倒装,但but also后的分句不用倒装。例如:

Not only had the poor man been fined,but also he had been sent to prison. 这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱。



Only in this way can we achieve greater success.

Only in this way can everyone involved benefit from the student loans. Only when your identity has been checked, will you be allowed in.

Only when you pay attention to it can you see a colorful and harmonious future better sooner or later.

Only when the war was over did the young soldier return to his hometown. 三,So放在句首时的部分倒装

Who will win the match is still unknown. 谁能赢得这场比赛还不得而知。(不倒装)

So the new policy still has a long way to go.(倒装,体会still倒装)
