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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 16:34:49 作文素材


One day at dusk, a sheep was enjoying himself at the mountainside, while a wolf came out of nowhere all of a sudden and intended to eat it. The sheep jumped away immediately and used his horns to counter the wolf, crying out loudly to his friends for help.


The full looked through the trees and spotted the wolf, running away immediately.


The horse looked down and spotted the wolf, dashing away quickly.


The donkey stopped his pace and spotted the wolf, slipping away quietly.


The pig passed by and saw the wolf, rushing down the mountain right away.


The rabbit heard the voice of the wolf and darted away swiftly.


The dog heard the cries of the sheep and hurried to the mountainside, leaping out of the bushes and biting the wolf’s neck. The wolf felt so painful that he exclaimed miserably and escaped quickly when the dog loosened his bite for breathing.


After the sheep came back home, all his friends came up to visit him.


The bull said, “Why not tell me you were in danger? I could use my sharp and sturdy horns to hook out the intestines of the wolf.”


The horse said, “Why not tell me you were in danger? My strong hooves could stamp broken the wolf’s head.”


The donkey said, “Why not tell me you were in danger? I could shout the wolf away with my formidable voice!”


The pig said, “Why not tell me you were in danger? I could use my big mouth to crush the sheep down the mountain.”


The rabbit said, “Why not tell me you were in danger? I am good at running and could ask others to help.”


Among all of them, only the dog did not say anything.


The real friendship does not lie in rhetorical words but in the hand that could help you out of troubles when needed. Those who often surround you and make you happy are not necessarily your real friends, while those who seem to be distant from you but care about you and do you a favor when you are in difficulties are. So who are your real friends and whose real friends are you?



双语小故事:美丽的春天 Beautiful Spring 美丽的春天

Beautiful Spring


Beautiful spring is here. 春天就在这里。

The winter is gone. 冬天走了。

But the birds are back. 鸟儿回来了。

The snow is gone. 雪融化了。

But the flowers are back. 花儿回来了。

Old coats are gone. 旧衣服走了。

But new ones are here. 新衣服在这里了。

Spring is a beautiful time. 春天是一段美丽的时光。



人类对长生不老的痴迷 For ever and ever


For ever and ever


Four narratives and an actuary


Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How It Drives Civilisation. By Stephen Cave. Crown; 320 pages; $25. Biteback Publishing; £20. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk

《长生不老:对永生的追求及其如何推动人类文明》作者:斯蒂芬。卡夫,皇冠出版社。IMMORTALITY is an age-old obsession. Plenty of literature deals with the subject, from the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamish to the poems of Homer and the writings of the Old Testament. The quest to live for ever has motivated medieval alchemists, modern techno-Utopians and mystics through the centuries。


In his survey of the subject, Stephen Cave, a British philosopher, argues that man’s various tales of immortality can be boiled down into four basic “narratives”. The first is the simplest, in theory at least: do what the medieval alchemists never managed and discover an elixir to simply avoid dying. The second concerns resurrection, or coming back to life after dying, a belief found in all three of the Abrahamic religions. The idea of an immaterial soul that can persist through death dates back, in a formal form, at least to Plato, and forms Mr Cave’s third narrative. His fourth narrative deals with immortality through achievement, by becoming so famous that one’s name lives on through the ages。



For the aspiring undying, Mr Cave unfortunately concludes that immortality is a mirage. But his demolition project is fascinating in its own right. The section on the soul is an able attack on the related doctrines of “vitalism”, the soul and mind-body dualism—the intuitive and still

widely held body of ideas that hold that living creatures are animated by some sort of supernatural spark, and that an individual’s personality or consciousness can survive death. The chapters on resurrection will interest Christians, as Mr Cave examines how the literal recreation, by God, of dead people’s bodies remains the doctrine of most branches of Christianity. The idea of one’s soul, as opposed to one’s body, ending up in heaven or hell is a subsequent embellishment。


If anything, readers might want more of Mr Cave’s crisp conversational prose. There could be more on living longer; Mr Cave barely has time to give even the briefest overview of the emerging science of life extension, which has allowed researchers to lengthen the lifespans of mice by a third or more in the lab。


There are a few quibbles. Mr Cave’s repeated claim that the quest for immortality drives every human activity feels overdone. Others might dispute his definition of immortality itself. Mr Cave’s chief argument against the desirability of living for ever (even assuming it is possible) is the familiar one of boredom. As the uncountable billions of years tick away, the argument runs, even the most vivacious will come to realise that they have done everything there is to do,

hundreds of times. With yet more billions of years looming ahead they will be struck down with a debilitating ennui。



That argument only applies if these notional immortals are also invincible, and therefore impervious to accident. But that is an odd definition, and not one that crops up very often, especially in scientific research into ageing. The holy grail there is simply to arrest the ageing process. Indeed, Mr Cave quotes an actuary who has estimated that the average “medical

immortal” would persist for around 6,000 years before dying in a plane accident or a car crash or the like. And besides, boredom seems to be a non-


problem: after all, if an immortal does ever get truly bored of his vastly extended life, there would be nothing to prevent him from ending it。然而,这种见解能够成立的前提是:这些假想的长生不老者同时也是刀枪不入者,因而不会被任何事故所损伤。但这种前提是难以成立的,特别是与研究老化的科学成果相悖。这种科学的目的仅仅是延缓老化。确实,卡夫先生引用了一位精算师的估算结果:即使在医学意义上能够长生不老的人,平均寿命大约也只有六千年,因为他们也终会由于飞机失事或汽车事故而死去。此外,厌倦看起来不是什么问题:假如一个长生不老的人实在由于活得太长而厌倦了,他随时可以结束自己的生命嘛。
