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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 02:30:18 体裁作文


Louis Sachar's Holes is just about perfect. Maybe it isn’t the best book ever written or even the best children’s book ever written, but it’s perfect in that does exactly what it sets out to do – tell an exciting children’s adventure story with profound things to say about prejudice, friendship and loyalty – and does it beautifully.

For those who aren’t familiar with it (namely adults who don’t work with kids or have kids or failed to see any of the ads for the film adaptation of the book), Holes tells the story of Stanley Yelnats (palindrome intended), a meek, overweight, hopelessly unlucky young boy. His run of bad luck, we learn, dates back to a curse laid upon his

“no-good-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.” The latest evidence of this curse occurs when a pair of sneakers belonging to a famous ballplayer fall from the sky one day and hit Stanley on the head. Stanley is blamed for stealing the shoes from a local homeless shelter, which was planning to auction them off at a fundraiser, and gets arrested.

Then, as most twelve-year-olds could probably tell you, Stanley is given the choice between jail and Camp Green Lake. Stanley chooses the latter, one of the great ominous locales in children’s literature. Camp Green Lake, you see, isn’t exactly a camp. There is no lake. And nothing is green for miles around. It’s basically a work camp, where the coolly authoritative Warden (as she is known) and her helpmates Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski make the boys dig one five-foot by five-foot hole every day. They say it’s to build character, but Stanley senses something is up.

The book’s genius is that it delicately balances so many elements – the camp, Stanley’s history, his friendship with a quiet but thoughtful boy nicknamed Zero, a legendary female bank robber named Kissin’ Kate Barlow and a

mess of very creepy yellow spotted lizards – without anything feeling forced. All the pieces of the story fit together seamlessly. So seamlessly, in fact, that when it’s finished, you realize that it couldn’t have ended any other way.

It’s no wonder that Holes has been embraced by kids and adults alike. It’s smart, funny, thrilling and moving – a treat for all ages.

You really get three stories for the price of one with this book, but the main theme is how young Stanley Yelnats IV comes to redeem the curse which was visited upon his great-great-grandfather and all the Yelnats family, through the generations, by Madame Zeroni.

Here is the first thread of this story. Four generations ago, in Latvia, the young Elya Yelnats fell in love with the beautiful but stupid Myra Menke.

He sought the help of ancient Madame Zeroni to win Myra's hand in

marriage. In return for Madame Zeroni's help, Elya promised to carry her up the mountain to drink from a special spring one more time before she died. Unfortunately for Elya, the courtship went wrong and in a fit of despair he boarded a ship bound for America to begin a new life before he had fulfilled his promise to Madame Zeroni. Things never went right for long after that. Settled in America, Elya had one son who succeeded in making a fortune, but he lost it all when he was robbed by Kissin' Kate Barlow, the famous outlaw.

So, when we meet Stanley Yelnats IV, he is on his way to a boys' juvenile detention centre for a crime which he did not commit. The family curse has struck again! The second thread of this story takes place at Camp Green Lake. What can Stanley make of life in a juvenile detention centre? Stanley is rather a gentle type himself, overweight, reconciled to failure and being bullied at school.

'You are to dig one hole each day, including Saturdays and Sundays. Each hole must be five feet deep, and five feet across in every direction. Your shovel is your measuring stick. Breakfast is served at 4.30.'

Stanley must have looked surprised, because Mr. Sir went onto explain that they started early to avoid the hottest part of the day. 'No one is going to baby-sit you,' he added. 'The longer it takes you to dig, the longer you will be out in the sun. If you dig up anything interesting, you are to report it to me or any other counselor. When you finish, the rest of the day is yours.'

Stanley nodded to show he understood.

'This isn't a Girl Scout camp,' said Mr. sir.

It certainly isn't a Girl Scout camp. And it isn't a green lake either. The lake dried up years and years ago:

'Nobody runs away from here. We don't need a fence. Know why? Because we've got the only water for a hundred miles. You want to run away? You'll be buzzard food in three days.'

So Stanley gets on with it. He learns how to dig his holes. He keeps his mouth shut. He tries not to antagonize anyone. He even forms a tentative friendship with one of them, Zero.

And here comes the third strand of this story. Who was Kissin' Kate Barlow? How did she come to be such a fearsome outlaw? What happened to her,

and her ill-gotten fortune? At Camp Green Lake, there are hundreds of holes dug, apparently at random, across the dried-up lake bed. The Warden claims the labour is character building. Stanley thinks the Warden must be looking for something. Slowly, ideas come to Stanley, after he finds a strange

cylinder in the earth, engraved with the initials KB. The Warden is frantic to unearth more, and Stanley is also quite interested - wasn't his own great-grandfather robbed of his fortune by Kissin' Kate Barlow?

This is an intricate story. There are a lot of characters spread across the generations. Their paths cross and re-cross brilliantly. And who should end up at Camp Green Lake with Stanley, but Zero, real name Hector Zeroni, great-great-great-grandson of Madame Zeroni. Perhaps Stanley can render some service to Hector which will redeem the ancient curse of the Yelnats family? Read on ...

I think you will really enjoy this book. It's an adventure and a mystery, with moments of high suspense, all neatly tied-off with a happy ending.


The thoughts of Wuthering Heights

The Wuthering Heights told us a story about revenge.

Orphan Heathcliff was adopted by Mr.Earnshaw, the owner of Whthering Heights. Soon, he fell in love with Catherine Earnshaw. However, Hindley Earnshaw hated him greatly, for he couldn’t accept the truth that a low-down people took his father’s love. Driven by this Hatred, Hindley made Heathcliff be a salve after old Earnshaw had died.

Catherine love Heathcliff, though, she was ashamed of showing it in public. She decided to marry with Edgar Linton, the owner of Thrushcross Grange, which hurt Heathcliff deeply. He left out with dark hatred. After three years, Heathcliff came back with a lot of money, and started to carry out his revenged plan. He managed to do it, and became the owner of the two manors. But did he feel fulfilling? No, he always felt lonely and empty. In the end, he gave up revenge, and slept beside the Catherine’s grave forever.

After finished reading this book, I am very sympathy for Heathcliff. The poor orphan, who had been endured hardships of life early, had grown up with strong emotions. He learned from the cruel reality that tolerance did any help, but resistance. The death of Catherine is the most important turning point of the book. It caused Heath(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)cliff turned his softest love into the greatest hate, which drove him revenged to Hindley and Edgar crazily, even to the next generation. It seemed obey to common sense, but it thoroughly expressed that “hate is another kind of the deepest love”. In author’s opnion, hate and love can be transformed each other.

The ending touched me most. Heathcliff’s death indecated that his love to Catherine would nerver changed until he died. Besides, he gave up to revenge showed that he still was a kind person, but the cold reality forced him to be cruel. When he died with a smile, he probably freed himself from hatred.

To Catherine, I have a hybrid attitude. She was vain, but she was also very unfortunate. Ultimately, the tragedy is not simply of Heathcliff and Catherine, but is also of that society. The love between a classy woman and a low-down man couldn’t exist in the world, so Heacliff and Catherine couldn’t live together until they died. Closing the book, I seem to be in a strange world. In this world, there are rugged stones, steep cliff, cloudy sky; a young couple was running in the borderless wild land. The fierce wind went through the land, which seemd to never stop.



I‘m so surprised himself unexpectedly so fascinating finished reading the book. Although books have lay quietly on the desktop, can with them or cute or cunning man has in my mind flick scattered not go. The deepest impression, must be "the daughter of the sea", "a beautiful mermaid, fell in love with a prince, for him, put aside the sea at the freedom of living, throw away love her sisters, I lost my voice, and become a normal person. But unfortunately the prince had love princess, mermaid helpless into foam disappeared. The mermaid although pitiful, but his mind was precious to the prince, that copy of pure heart, who is now a rare. Regardless of the outcome, no matter face what happened, everyone should have simple sincere heart, and effort, bravely pursuit, learning or life, only the effort man can succeed. Fairy tale, while just false, but it's better to tell us, everything is possible, let us like the daughter of the sea is same, uemitting struggle, eventually can obtain brilliant.


I got a lot of inspiration and lessons after read this.Let me feel the deepest is the "luck of the donkey,". This short story is that a donkey laden with salt to cross the river. When it came to the middle of the river, the foot slipped, fell in the river, the total dissolved salt bag. It stood up when he felt relaxed a lot. Then one day, he carries the sponge across the river, thought fell down, stand up will be more relaxed. So, it deliberately broke down, full of thought can be like the last time as the bag becomes relaxed, but did not think of the bag becomes more important, so the donkey did not stand up, drowned in the river.It turned out that the sponge is not like salt to melt, but to absorb the water, and become more important.The story of the donkey, don't drag something, always want to be lazy, light work, but harm them. We address the problem, administration cannot be limited to the experience of the past, never stolen machine crafty, do things must diligently, steadily and surely. 鲁宾逊漂流记

This article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, Crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood. In a lonely island overcome Robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was "on Friday, they get along with each other, then built on Friday, Crusoe one kind of warm friendship." I also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: Crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, I admire John Robinson's rich, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought!
