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7 2 0801班~00826班多媒体第七期 《保镖》鉴赏与讨论



















电影回顾 《保镖》影视鉴赏 一、继续欣赏《保镖》 二、电影歌曲欣赏 歌手:whitney houston i will always love you我永远爱你 保镖影视歌曲 i would only be in your way so i'll go, but i know i'll think of you every step of the way and i will always love you i will always love you you, my darling you, you bitter sweet memories that is all i'm taking with me so goodbye, please don't cry we both know i'm not what you need and i will always love you 3

i will always love you


i hope life treats you kind

and i hope you have all you dreamed off and i wish to you joy and happiness but above all this i wish to you love

and i will always love you

i will always love you

i will always love you

i will always love you

i will always love you







三、小结 (5min)

四、作业睛之处。在片尾才响起的那大名鼎鼎的I Will always love you,Whitney用她富有穿透力的高音不仅穿透了保镖的心,也穿透了我的心,听完之后简直是余音绕梁三日啊!而我个人最喜欢的是片中的一首插曲I Have Nothing,片中的Rachel(Whitney片中角色的名字)唱得激情四射,豪迈奔放,一句I have nothing ,If I don't have you,不仅点出了电影的主题,也让我们感受到了Rachel和Frank(Kevin Costner片中角色的名字)的甜蜜。至于其他的I will,I'm every women等歌曲亦是是不可多得的好歌,它们穿梭在电影中,为电影带来更多的魅力和惊喜。我想看完电影后,会有许多人和我一样会去搜下这个原声带来细细品味,也再次细细品味了保镖中最美好的部分。 至于片中演员的表演,Whitney本色演出,仗着青春靓丽和高超歌艺,在电影中风光无限,不仅又唱又跳,还要忙着一边对付一个五岁的儿子,一边和我们闷骚的保镖谈情说爱。虽然在部分场景中表现得有点生涩和稚嫩,但谁叫人家歌唱得好呢,又是第一次拍戏,有这样的表现已经值得称道了。 总之,Whitney和她的歌曲挽救了这部可能沦为平庸的电影。电影在商业上获得了巨大的成功,而电影的原声带获得了更巨大的成功。 1. 剧情总结 2. 演员演技评说 保镖影视歌曲练习 5


Crash, may be simply recognized as a traffic accident due to a police event, which coincidentally involved a series of several characters’ interweaving stories during two days. However, we had better understand it as a crash deep in human minds and about human soul, and that the film gives us a chance to clue in to a fact, which is about our true self.

The movie shows us that, racism and nobility can exist in the same man, hate and love can be found in the same woman. Confusing as it sounds, it does make a sense in human nature. Conflicting as it seems, it does coexist and mutually form human personalities. In other words, everyone is the complicated compound of angel and evil.

Take Ryan as an example, he is an explicit racist. He always holds the opinion that the society shows its great tolerance to the black. Government provides them preferential policies, as well as a considerable varieties of guarantee, which is far more fair than it is supposed to be. Therefore, when received a tardy respond from a black HMO executive to his ill father’s dilemma, he revenged himself on others and poured his anger on the innocent black couples without a bit of shamefulness.

On the contrary, the younger officer, Ryan’ s ex-partner,who is resentful of Ryan’ s racism and appears to be an honorable man with justice and integrity, actually bear the implicit racial discrimination in deep inner side. Not until he killed the innocent young black boy mistakenly did he realized that.

However, almost nobody can be the complete evil, neither does Ryan. We could tell his inner beauty regardless of races and cultures when he risked his life to save the African American woman from the sure death in an auto crash. In addition, We saw his confused face after the rescue and we all know that he might be completely perplexed, and wondering which one was the real him, too.

What about Terrence Dashon Howard? The refined and cultivated gentleman, who always remains silent and gets used to compromise in face of the unfair treat, even when his wife was sexually offended by the racial officer. However, he soon became so easily irritated. When he being carjacked by the two black man and heard of the word, Niger, his repressed rage erupted like a volcano just in a second, and he suddenly turned violently to the police. On that plot, you could be shocked by his facial expression reflecting the huge indignation he had suffered in mind. Which ones are the real them? Which one is real me? The director leaves us a bewildering question for us to struggle with, while the Taoist theory in Chinese philosophy which may come up with a proper answer. Nevertheless, all the yin-yang dichotomies make it the human species so utterly confounding, yet so utterly fascinating.

In conclusion, we need to bear in mind that never should us think in stereotype, judge others by their appearance, with no exception of yourself. Don’t take it for sure

? Indignation is a feeling of shock and anger when you think that something is unjust or unfair. 愤怒不平

例:She was filled with indignation at the conditions under which miners were forced to work. 她为矿工们被迫工作的条件满心愤慨。

愤慨 悲愤之水;下载地址 人类的愤怒

抗议大会 王进愤恨 愤慨分开 义愤 尤其愤慨 十分愤恨 神的忿怒;神之愤怒;上帝的惩罚

侵犯 海外本钱染指 侵占了财政收入

侵害 侵权 或侵犯主权 侵犯专利权 侵犯人权 侵害债权 损害社会公共利益 决不侵犯

refined prudent

Refine 完善改进 refine on 精于;改进

? 3. V-TIf something such as a process, theory, or machine is refined, it is improved by having small

changes made to it. 完善 [usu passive]

例:Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.


困惑 思想困惑 很困惑 完全不知所措


相反 萧条的经济 呆滞的市面

? The phenomena is known as "emotional contagion, where if you're facing somebody, for instance, and

they're they look at you in a face of absolute rage, it is very difficult to just sit there without your own face molding in accord to their own.





1. 陪伴;交往,结交:

Thieves and other criminals often consort together.


2. 一致,符合;协调,调和;相称:

His practice does not consort with his preaching.


disposition/?d?sp??z???n/( dispositions )

? 1. N-COUNTSomeone's disposition is the way that they tend to behave or feel. 性情

例:The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.

这种骑乘不适合紧张型性格的人。 心理倾向 鼓励个性 常态个性 品牌特性

? But in the meantime you see that we can't mess with conventional systems by imposing the individuality

of our will on them and expecting anything to change.



? Shape. V-T Someone or something that shapes a situation or an activity has a very great influence on the way it

develops. 塑造

例:Like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us what we are.



? Interweave 1. V-RECIP If two or more things are interwoven or interweave, they are very closely connected or are

combined with each other. 交织

例:For these people, land is inextricably interwoven with life itself.


例:Complex family relationships interweave with a murder plot in this ambitious new novel.


例:The program successfully interweaves words and pictures.


例:Social structures are not discrete objects; they overlap and interweave.



adj.错综复杂的;弯曲的;曲折的 ,

? Youthhood is the phase to success, she's anfractuous, colorful and contains variables and possibility.


? The anfractuous characters, plots and space-time structure of "Master and Magaritte" reflect the author's

thinking on religious philosophy.


? During the first half of the 20th century, there existed anfractuous and interlaced national contradictions

and class contradictions as well in modern Chinese society.








其中的有一段情节记忆特别深刻,也让我很是感动:当麦克斯和小妮娜逃到麦克斯的一个战友鲁迪那儿时,因为小妮娜迫切需要胰岛素,所以麦克斯暂且离开了她们的避难场所去买胰岛素,结果被追杀的人找到。当时房子里只有小妮娜和鲁迪俩个人,本来失去双腿的鲁迪为了救小妮娜被枪杀了,得知消息的麦克斯立即赶回,却晚了一步。之后麦克斯又孤身带着小妮娜逃亡,后来麦克斯受了枪伤,已经发炎。这时当他们两个无路可走的时候,找到了莉莉寻求帮助,莉莉和小妮娜的那段深情的谈话让我十分感动,小妮娜描述了鲁迪为了就他被遇害的事情,其实莉莉也认识鲁迪说他之前和麦克斯作为军人时的不易,现在却这样牺牲了,真是令人感到很惋惜和痛(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)心。当时我就哭得稀里哗啦了,太感人了。这样的场景,无不触情于当场的每一位观众。




