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很多烤鸭都喜欢Sherlock Holmes这部英剧,enjoy the show的同时学点地道的英式英语,何乐而不为?

Sherlock Holmes Season 01 Episode 01:A Study in Pink

1. How’s your blog going?

这是剧中Dr. Watson的心理医生问Dr. Watson博客写得怎么样时的对话。

“How’s ?? going?” 是典型的口语问候,意思是“??进行的怎么样了?”如,在国外读书,同学见面经常会互问 “How’s your essay going?”即“你的作业进行的怎么样了?”国外大学作业繁重,可见一斑。

也可以直接用作口语见面打招呼,老外见面打招呼时常用 “How’s going?”或者 “How’s everything going?”,可替换乡土气息浓厚的 “How are you?”。

2. It’s going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life.

“it takes sb a while to do sth” 意思是“做??需要一段时间”。 如,“It’s going to take me a while to process the fact that I was dumped.”意思是“我需要一段时间来接受我被甩掉这个事实。”另,这里“process”意为“消化,接受”;“dump sb”意为“甩掉某人,与某人分手”。

原句里面的“adjust to civilian life”意为“适应平民生活”,因为Dr. Watson之前是军人。

3. In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked.

“in the light of??”意思是“根据??”或“鉴于??”,类似意思的还有“in view of??”或“based upon??”,也可用于写作中。

4. Like that's going to happen!

“Like”后面跟一句话,且语气激烈,意思是“好像??是真的似的!”。如,当你想表达你不可能相信某人,你可以说“Like I would trust you!”蕴含讽刺意味,意思是不可能相信你。

5. Sometimes I don't talk for days on end. Would that bother you?

“on end”意思是“连续”,也可用“in a row”,如“it has been raining for three days on end”“已经连续下了三天的雨了”。另,本集也曾出现“in a row”这个词组:“Four people, in a row? It's not chance.”这是最后杀人犯出租车司机说的话,意思是“连续死了四个人了,这已经跟运气无关了。”

“bother”可指“让某人讨厌”,如例句的意思就是“有时候我会连续几天都不说话,你会觉得讨厌吗?”。“bother”也可指“麻烦某人”,如,“I don’t wanna bother you”,即“我不想麻烦你”。

6. Wasn’t a difficult leap.




7. Got to dash.

意思是“我赶时间”,非常英式口语。也可以说“Got to run”。

8. You won't go to him for help because you don't approve of him.

“go to sb for help”意为“求助某人”,而“approve of”意思是“赞成,许可,认可”,这里全句的意思是“你不会找他帮忙,是因为你并不认可他”。

9. Owe me a favour.

“欠我一个人情”,favour本身意思是“帮忙”。如当你想找人帮忙时,你会说“Could you please do me a favour?”或者“I wanna ask for a huge favour from you.”

10. It's just sometimes this bloody thing.


但在英国人的口语中,“bloody”经常被用作副词,略为粗俗,慎用。如,这一集里面第二次出现这个单词是“a bloody awful cabbie”意为“一个太TM坏的的哥”,同样,第三集里曾出现“It's bloody ridiculous”意思是“太TM可笑了”。

本集还有一次出现该词是Dr. Watson说的“He bloody left again”这里的bloody意为TMD,句子意思是“他TMD又一声不响地离开了”。

英国人还经常用“bloody hell!”表达感叹,同样略为粗俗,慎用。

11. Piss off!

这里意为“滚开”,很口语,略为粗俗。也可用“piss sb off”指的是“使某人生气”,如“She really pissed me off when she broke my cup”意思是“她弄坏我杯子的时候真的把我给惹毛了”。

12. I'm supposed to be helping you pay the rent.

“be supposed to do sth”非常地道的口语表达,意为“本应该做某事,理应做某事”。

同样,在美剧“Gossip Girl绯闻女孩”第一季第一集里面,女主角Serena也曾说过一句话“That’s the way things are supposed to be.” 意思是“这就是事情应该发展的方向”,蕴含着一种无奈之情。

13. He likes it. He gets off on it.

“get off on sth”意思是“喜欢??,一做某事就很兴奋”,剧中是指Sherlock一看到离奇凶杀案就很兴奋。。。再例如,“Women often get off on shopping”意为“女人通常一遇到购物就会很兴奋”。

14. He does love to be dramatic.


还有一个名词短语“drama queen”用以形容喜欢小题大做的人。如“Stop being such a drama queen”,意思是“亲,不要再这么夸张了好吗?!”这个词组曾在美剧“Modern Family摩登家庭”里多次出现,用以形容在该剧里言行举止较为夸张的gay男Cameron。

15. You're unattached.

在这里意思是“你是个无牵无挂的人”。英文中有个常用短语“be attached to sth”意思是“依附某物”。这里的“unattached”意为“无所依恋”。

同样,在美剧“Two Broke Girls破产姐妹”中,Max也曾说过“Don’t be attached”,意思是“不要爱上我哦”^_^

16. Anderson, face the other way. You're putting me off.

“put sb off”此处意为“让某人失去兴趣,令某人讨厌”。


17. I've outlived four people.



18. Child’s play.


19. Did it never occur to you that you and I belong on the same side?

这句话的意思是“你有没有想过我们其实是同一条船上的人?”这里,“it occurs to sb??”意思是“某人想到??或想过??”。例如,“It never occurs to me that you are the murderer”,意思是“我从没想过原来你才是凶手”。

20. Oddly enough - no.

“oddly enough”意为“说来也奇怪”,较为地道的口语表达。


另,剧中还出现了另一个相似词组“funnily enough”,意为“奇怪的是,好笑的是”。





【微博】@ Sarah陈莹


【经历】雅思8.5(其中两个单科满分);英国牛津大学(University of Oxford)高等教育硕士毕业;英语专业四八级优秀,大学三年级开始教授雅思课程;英国TKT证书(英国教师资格证)持有者。


Sherlock is a British television crime drama that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes detective stories.

cool-headed Holmes has keen observation, reasoning ability

So,i think he is the best detective in Britain.

But do you know there is also a big detective in China?And a popular crime drama about him?

It is called New Detective Alliance.The New Detective Alliance was the first large national detective series with a lot of international charges. It tells about a story of De City which is full of sin during the


period of Republic of China.The elites of De City’s CBI are responsible for the most tricky cases.

The professional prosecutor comes to De City to crack down on crime or sins with the inspector, agent and forensic.

Then let me ioduce the main characters in it.

First The prosecutor bao:

He is a man with great intelligence. He is a man who can make all the problems be a piece of cake with his wisdom. Also, he is a man who can stand up at any

key points. So, he is awarded as Chinese Super Hero.

Next The inspector sun

He is an introverted and rigorous man who was born in a police family. He is a deserved noble detective who cares a lot about wearing. He is such a tall, rich and handsome detective.

The last one The forensic sherly

She is a gentle and kind woman who is constantly strive to be stronger and independent. Also she is a typical female image who is very wise and calm when whatever things she faced.

Actually,sherlock homles and New Detective Alliance have a lot in common.

Both of them are humorous.

Both of them are good at shooting.

Both of them have a girl friend who admired them and loved them deeply.

Both of them have one best friend who is a well-done helper.

Maybe genius always have many similarities.

Anyway,whatever he is a detective in Britain or a detective in China,they are excellent detectives.
