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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 06:51:33 英语作文


Although Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee were fierce adversaries 对手during the Civil War, their lives, both military and nonmilitary, has a great deal in common. Grant descended from a family whose members participated in the American Revolution. He received his commission of second lieutenant 少尉from West Point and served in the

Spanish-American War. He was later

summoned by President Lincoln to assume command of the Union Forces 联盟部队during the Civil War. After the Civil War, Grant suffered financial problems and was forced to declare bankruptcy. Lee also

descended from a family which engaged in the American Revolution. He, too, received his commission from West Point and later fought in Mexico during the Spanish-American War. His fame as a military strategist during the Civil War, when he was the commander of the Confederate armies,同盟军 is well known. Like Grant, he also had financial difficulties

after the civil War and was compelled to declare bankruptcy. (整体比较)

1比较和对比 ( comparison and contrast ) 比较型作文




1. 首段



Topic 1: 有人认为大学住宿应该独处一室

2.有人认为应该与同学合住 3.我的观点 It is often difficult for _students_ to decide whether they should live alone or they should live with other students . In my opinion, to live with others is always better.

Topic 2: 幸福的秘诀是找一个最完美的人,还是找一个最适合你的人,和他或她建立一个最和谐亲密关系?

The key to happiness is to find a perfect person or to find someone who is perfect for you and build a perfect relationship with him or her? In my opinion, to find someone who is perfect for you is always better.

Topic 3: 有人喜欢乡村生活 2.有人喜欢都市生活 3.我的观点

Those who prefer city life have their own reasons,while some other people prefer

country life. As for me ,both city life and country life have merits and demerits.

Topic 4: 1.名校校园正成为旅游新热点



People’s attitudes toward whether famous universities should be open to turists or not vary from person to person. In my opinion, it is a good idea for universities to attract tourists.



Topic 1: ( 学生住宿)

Some students don't like B . First, they think ______ because ______. Second, _______. Third,_________.

The incomparable advantage of A is that ___________. First,___________. Second,________ .Third,________.

3、结尾段 = 呼应主题句 强调被肯定事物的积极作用等



首段和主体部分与倾向型比较论说文相同 Topic 1. 1.有人认为类似于因特网的高科技产品会代替书籍





There is no consensue of opinions among people about.....(争论焦点).Some people are of the view that...(观点一),while others take an opposite side,firmly believe that...(观点二).

As far as I am concerned,the former(latter)notion is preferable in many senses.The reasons are obvious.First of all,...(论据

一).Furthermore,...(论据二)Among all of the supporting evidences,one is the strongest.That is,....(论据三).

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that...(总结观点).As college students,we are supposed to......(支持某种观点) 模板二

The vast majority of people argue that....(观点一)By saying that, they mean.....(对观点一进行阐释).But a few other people take an opposite side.They firmly believe that....(观点二)An example they have presented is that.....(支持观点二的一个例子).

According to a survey performed by......(某种权威机构),almost 80% of people are in favor of the idea of.....(观点二或者观点一).There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief.But if we consider it in depth,we will feel no reservation to conclude that....(从两种观点中选择你的观点).There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,......(论据一)More importantly,....(论据二).Most important of all,.....(论据三).

Based on the zbove discussions,I can easily forecast that more abd more people will......(支持你的观点)


Some people are in favor of the idea of doing.....(某种行为).They point out the fact that....(支持某种行为的第一论据).They also argue that....(支持某种行为的第二论据).

However, other people stand on a different ground.They consider it harmful to do....(某种行为).They firmly point out that......(反对某种行为的第一论据).An example can give the details of this argument:.....(反对某种行为的第二论据).

There is some truth in both arguments.But I think the disadvantages of......(某种行为).outweigh the advantages.In addion to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about,......(某种行为).also may......(可能产生的另一种弊端)

To conclude,......(你所得出的结论)A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent.....(某种行为)from bringing us more harm,



(1开头 )、Now, ti is commonly(generally/widely) believed(held/acknowledged) that___,but I wonder whethe___.


(2)、when asked about___, the vast majority of people say that___;but Iview a bit differently.


(3)、There are different opinions among people as to___. 关于___,人们的观点大不相同。

(4)、When it comes to__ _,some people believe that___,and others argue that the opposite is ture.


2、 主体

(1)、The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.A相对于B来说优点更多。

(2)、Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.


(3)、there is no doubt that ___has its drawbacks as well as



3、 结尾

(1)、it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.


(2)、personally,I am standing on the side of___.


(3)、all in all, we cannot live without ___,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems would arise.



四级作文大致分为五大类 对比选择类、现象解释类、问题解决类、观点论证类、应用文类



The professional jazz musician and the professional football player

Every one of us will have your own career when you graduate from university. Mayb(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)e you are an engineer, a teacher or others. However, different professions may have similarities. Although the professional jazz musician and the professional football player are quite different, there are some potential similarities between them.

First of all, the professional jazz musician and the professional football player have several differences. Their workplaces differ from each other. The stage is the place of the musician’s showing; but the field is the place of the football player’s crazing. Maybe for a football player, he must withdraw from the field because of his age, injuries and physical strength when he is over his 35s. However, for a musician, there is no such problem. Finally their audiences may be different. Someone likes listening to jazz, but he knows little about football.

Despite their apparent differences, the professional jazz musician and the professional football player have much in common. They must strive hard to be proficient in professional work. For either to be successful, he must take his work seriously. The trumpeter who abuses his lip or the halfback who cannot be bothered learning a new pass pattern will have a short professional career. In addition, each must constantly work at improving, and not only maintaining, his level of achievement. The real “pro” considers his daily practice session, whether on the bandstand or on the ball field, not as a routine exercise, but as a chance for him to develop new attacks and new techniques. Finally, each must have considerable physical stamina. It takes a good deal of muscular effort, for example to bang a set of drums for six hours——just about as much as it takes to survive being banged around for two hours on the gridiron.

It is clear that although there are some apparent differences between the professional jazz musician and the professional football player, there are potential similarities as well.
