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篇二:哈姆雷特 读后感



哈姆雷特是不完美的,有时他的抉择是非理性的,相当冲动的,比如当他在激怒之下一剑刺死他误以为是国王的波洛涅斯时,然而或许正是他这种不理智的抉择,这种人性的弱点的表现,让我们打心底里接受和认同他的艺术形象,因为我们常常可以在自己身上看见他的影子 …..


哈姆雷特在对命运的抉择中构造了自己的悲剧,原来他完全可以屈服于自己的命运,不去探询父王死去的真相,但哈姆雷特的性格不允许他带着一个疑问生活在庸庸碌碌之中,所以他毅然走上了找寻真相的道路,此后,只要他所做出的任何抉择稍有不同,他和其它人最终的命运都会改变,但是他的经验促使他一次次作出在他认为是正确的而实际上是致命的抉择,最后,哈姆雷特并没有为自己的抉择感到遗憾,他只是希望霍拉旭能为他"in this harsh world draw thybreath in pain, to tell my story." 因为每一个人的每一个抉择都是在特定的历史情况下唯一而不可重复的,所以在这里假设如果哈姆雷特能回过头去重新作出抉择,会是怎样一种情景就毫无意义;我们每一个人也是这样,可以说,在我们每一个人心中都有一个哈姆雷特,我们所做的每一个抉择都是唯一的不可替代的,它将直接影响到我们未来的命运,没有什么标准可以衡量我们的抉择是否正确,我们也必然要接受自己的抉择所引起的一切后果,就象哈姆雷特所说的"Thingsstanding thus unknown , shall live behind me !"或许我们要面对的问题不是象"to be, or not to be"这么严重,然而,要想在这个充满风险的混沌世界里做好而不是做对,每一个抉择都不会容易。在一个除了目标,再也没有任何尺度可以衡量其善恶的世界里,勇敢地作出抉择,然后坦然地接受自己的命运,这就是哈姆雷特永恒的魅力之所在吧?

有人说哈姆雷特的剧情太过于牵强,怎么可能所有人都死了。但是这恰恰是现实所在。人永远斗不过命运,你不努力结局往往绝不会是你想要的,你再怎么努力结局也不一定是你想的那样。 他向我们表现了一群对抗命运的人的最终的结局。他们尝试着改变命运,结果什么也没有解救。他们尝试着挽回过去,结果什么得到。这种无奈,依存于每一人身上,也许也就是人本身的最大的不幸。


篇三:hamlet 观后感


As the best well-known work all over the world,Hamlet is the summit of Shakespeare’s art. The story comes from an old Danish legend.Before Shakespeare,Thomas kyd had written a play on the same subject.It was a tragedy of “blood and thunder”.But under Shakespeare’s pen, the medieval story assumed a new meaning.

Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius’s brother and Price Hamlet’s father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude,the old King’s widow and Prince Hamlet’s mother.The play vividly portrays both true and feigned madness and explores themes of treachery, revenge,incest, and moral corruption.

It is said not without reason that the keynote of Hamlet’s character is melancholy,and there can be no Hamlet without melancholy.But his melancholy is not the negative,hair-splitting and fruitless kind. It is r


ather the result of his penetrating habit of mind. When a sudden demand for difficult and decisive action arises,he would ask himself:”how am I do it? When? Where? What will be the consequence to the State? What is the good of doing it in sch a world as this?””To be or not to be is a question.”

At the beginning of the play,he is grieved for his father’s death and mother’s sudden marriage with his uncle, a man utterly contemptible an loathsome in his eyes.With his usual quick sensibility,he probes and examines the matter.Then there comes on him the revelation of his father’s murder, and in the “play scene”his uncle’s crime is ascertained. He burns with the hatred of his uncle and makes a solemn oath to revenge the triple wrong of murder,usurpation and seduction.But in his repeated meditation upon the crime of his uncle ,he perceives something rotten in the state affairs, and his sense of personal wrong grows deeper and deeper until it becomes at last a disgust for a world in which such crime prevails. Now he sees that cruel and unjust rulers are tyrannizing the country and his beloved country is a prison for the people.He seems to understand that his mere revenge upon his uncle would in no way solve the problem that trouble an upset him. Revenge is easy,but it is not merely personal revenge that hamlet seeks. What is more important is to expose the roots of the evil and to establish a reign of justice.His responsibility is thus enlarged into a radical transformation of society. Thus ,Hamlet’s mental world has gone through the shock of a personal wrong to an awakening of his great responsibility in reforming the world as a whole.But to realize his ideal in his own time was beyond him.This, and this only, is the cause of Hamlet’s profound melancholy and his delay in revenge. So Hamlet’s profound melancholy shows,in a way,the crisis of humanism at the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries.

We may illustrate the view mentioned above with on incident in the play. When the players come to the court,Hamlet conceives and arranges the play of having a scene of murder played before the King and Queen.Hamlet’s device proves a complete success. When only six lines have been spoken by the player on the stage,the King states to his feet and rushes out of the hall. Hamlet is beyond himself with the joy of discovery. He declare that now he could “drink hot blood,and do such bitter business as the day,would quake to look on” In this mood, and on this way to his mother’s chamber ,he comes upon the King,alone,kneeling,conscience-stricken and attempting to pray. The enemy is now delivered into his hands.He scanned it;and the sword that he drew at the words,”And now I’ll do it,”is thrust back into its sheath again.The reason Hamlet gives for his refusing to kill the King is that if he kills the villain now,he would send his soul to

heaven;and he would fain kill soul as well as boody. But what he really shrinks from is the responsibility of premeditated killing of a king and its political result,because at that time the abrupt death of the King might cause panic to the people and danger to the state.So what he considers now is no longer his personal wrong but the fate of his country. This is the real reason of his delay in action.

In spite of his melancholy and delay in action,Hamlet still retains his active energy. After his return from the voyage to England he seems to be more assured of his power. There is a thinning of the dark cloud of melancholy. Moreover ,he stands in a most perilous position. On one side of him is the King,who has contrived in every way to murder him;on the other,Laertes,whose father and sister Hamlet has sent to their graves. What is required of Hamlet,therefore,is the utmost wariness and the swiftest resolution. So,presently,in the fencing scene,he kills his enemy with the latter’s own poisoned rapier.

Before his death Hamlet shows all the nobility and sweetness of his nature. In the pangs of death,he has the will to think,not of the past,but of the future,and to take care for the welfare of his country. In all this there is a wonderful beauty.That is why Horatio says:”Now cracks a noble heart.”

Hamlet is a hero of the Renaissance. His learning,wisdom,noble nature,limitation and tragedy are all representative of the humanists at the turn of the 16th and the 17th centuries.
