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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 09:49:20 作文素材



Once upon a time, there have been two ‘kingdoms’ seated together with a bound of a great timberline, one of which was a forest full of wonders and mysteries with the other one outside the forest a human-world in strict stonewalls and castles. As what we would all agree that no example of two countries staying in long peace could exist, this case was destined to be exactly the same. Then the magical and imaginative story has quietly going on.

In the wonderland with kaleidoscopic unimaginable creatures, lived the most powerful character and after no long the queen of the forest, the fairy-girl Maleficent. Possessing the greatest magic and a pair of strong wings, Maleficent unconsciously gained an attractive human-like personality. And for so long time, no one from the other kingdom, which means no human-being, has been managed to step in and take a look of the world behind the timberline. Until one day a boy who had actually been stealing precious stones near the forest by mistake got found by guards around the fairy world. When knowing about human’s appearing, Maleficent was so curious that she flew out to figure it out. No sooner had she come downwards in front of the poor boy, whose name was Stephen, and who understood nothing for then, little Stephen felt a warm stream coming from his deeper heart that is hard to describe, which later developed into their relationship of friendship, as well as beyond friendship. From then on, they two sacrificed both of their youth with each other, until some time later when gradually both of them started to go against as result of the rapidly growing ambitions.

Indeed necessary to mention, Stephen was a son of the king’s, who was of great possibility to be the following king. Interestingly, when first time Maleficent met Stephen and they were to be shaking hands, the iron ring on the boy’s finger burned the girl’s skin, which indicated that only the iron was fatally harmful to a fairy, which played a significant role throughout the following story.

As if it had been arranged by the god, the following story started with an extreme battle between the two kingdoms, the loser of which was definitely humans, who was once facing the unlimitedly-powerful rivals. For revenge, the present king who was almost in his death came out a new order, which said that whoso could deal with Maleficent could be under the throne. Idea flashed out in his mind, just as what Stephen would do that night. Night was in a normal tranquility, when Stephen was again outside the

forest shouting the name, as though things dated back. Maleficent, with no sense of defense, treated him as she did before. They laid down side by side sharing the things happened for the recent decades. Stephen apologized for whatever he had done, and Maleficent forgave all of them. After she felt in deep slumber, Stephen’s play was on. Certainly did he bring an iron knife, he was about to finish it all in one. Nevertheless he was such a man with emotion as well as wisdom, he only cut down her wings to bring back showing that he did it, leaving a life for the girl who was once his companion best of ever, which he thought would be the best solution. He then went back to the castle and as he brought the huge fairy wings with him, he undoubtedly took on the kingdom. He married the queen, with whom later he had a baby. Everything was seem on the right way. But not was Maleficent satisfied certainly. No one knew how much the wings meant to her better than herself. As a result, she's planning a real coming back.

She kept spying the human world, when one day saw a farmer trapping a poor crow. She then used her magic turning the little creature into a human, scaring away the cruel farmer, which saved a life. In return, the new-born living promise to serve Maleficent for everything. 'What could I do for you, your majesty?' 'I want you to be my wings.'

Ever since then, Maleficent often turned him back to the crow and order him discover whatever she wanted. Then on one day, they heard that the whole kingdom would soon make a magnificent celebration for king's baby's coming. Anger deep buried long time ago rising up, Maleficent was about to make such a decision that she would suffer its consequence for a 16-year long nightmare. She went to the ceremony. At the meantime, three tiny fairies were also heading to the castle, but they were to give their magical bless to the lovely baby. Exactly after they took on their gifts, strong wind surged into the castle and spread around blowing out all the lighting candles. From dim to dark, crowd went into great panic. No one knew what's going on, except Stephen.

She was coming, and so as she did. Coming in right from the front gate, she slowly moved closer to the crown and the baby, with an evil-like laugh and roar. She stepped closer and closer, which threatened everybody especially Stephen. To come at such a rite, there cannot be no reason. Stephen felt much more angry but nothing he could do as he again and again confirmed it in mind. Things were going far beyond as Maleficent finally stood beside the bed where laid and slept the baby girl. Maleficent stared at her for a while, then words came,

'I would also present a gift for you, lovely beastie. As what they said, you ARE to grow into a most pretty girl and you WILL have a happy childhood. BUT as soon as you come to your 16, you will be punctured on one finger by a loom. And this will lead you into a deep slumber from which you could never be waken up.'

Stephen clearly heard all of this, feeling frustrated and despaired, unwillingly lowered himself on his knees, begging Maleficent to retreat. To be seemed as a rational curse, she added only a sentence more,

'There is the only key to unknock the curse, that is the True-love Kiss.' No one knew it would be somehow a hard long time ever since the event. Stephen ordered to destroy every single loom and gathered all of them buried downward into the deepest basement in the castle. He knocked himself alone on the top hall where there's nothing but a pair of wings. His soldiers were keeping attacking the forest side in front of which Maleficent built a huge wall of thorn in defense. Wars cruelly presented every seconds as the soldiers burned the thorn wall as well as as Maleficent using magics constantly built up powerful army, which humans called the 'black creatures'. Meanwhile, little baby has been given to those three kind fairies, as King Stephen ordered, to be adopted till her 16. By then, she was named with 'Aurora', so beautiful a name as she deserved. For Maleficent, it was only to keep tracing and spying little Aurora what she would do.

Maleficent yet had not realized something was gonna completely change herself.

As time went by, little Aurora started to discover the outside world. For protecting her by hiding her into woods near the bound, she could simply grew a curiosity of the world on the other side. She approached, finding it more and more interesting. Maleficent shall certainly do something. She was really surprised when Aurora called her 'Fairy Godmother' the first time they met. Since then, they unbelievably became friends.

Date was coming close. Maleficent felt guilty leaving that curse on such a lovely and innocent girl. So one night after Aurora fell asleep, she came towards her bedside, wanting canceling the curse. She repeated the words, but nothing's happening. She could hear only the voice filled with hate saying that curse again and again. She was exhausted. She realized that she had done what a crime and she now could do nothing except seeing Aurora suffering. She was to live in introspection with pain.Finally came the day. Aurora was brought back to the castle as king ordered, then shut into a secret room. It was her birthday of her 16. Suddenly, she caught a vague voice. Voice telling her way, she unconsciously walked throw the castle straight towards the looms. It was

like she had been haunted, she calmly went in the basement, putting her finger onto the sharp-point, then falling down without any sense.

It was too late, as Maleficent thought coming into the castle secretly just for a look of Aurora. Aurora was now in the bed. Maleficent stepped in the room, finding no one else, came aside to meet poor her conscience. She wished no forgive, for what she had done never could request one. Tears floating out as she looked at her own victim, kissing little Aurora on her forehead. For mystery Aurora woke up, for that slight but deep kiss. 'Fairy Godmother.' For now such a simple call could be everything she wanted, Maleficent touching by the sweet sound. They two together went towards the king. King Stephen would never understand what's going on. He had well prepared to kill Maleficent, and he knew she would come. Indeed she came. As she walked through a hall, a large iron net suddenly fell from the ceiling, right covering her. She was aware of the trap. Soldiers with iron shields appeared at surrounding space with death in atmosphere. Stephen came in, in the surrounding iron wall, standing in front of Maleficent. For now, he seemed like a giant. However, game was not that conspicuous. In order to save 'Fairy Godmother', Aurora searched all around the castle, finally finding the wings. It was shaking as if it was flying. It was the indispensable stuff to its owner. Aurora immediately freed it out, seeing the wings heading back to its owner. She felt eventually pleased. On the combat, Maleficent was almost a dead body. Just then, she gained an unbelievable power. She felt it as it was a new born. Or to say a completely reborn. Now she again possessed that sense which she had lost for decades. Pulling up with the wings, spiraling in the sky, Maleficent regained herself. There's no doubt that Maleficent at last (来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)obtained the victory. As she had promised Aurora, Maleficent stated Aurora to be the queen of her fantasy land. End.




光绪二十一年(1895),陈天华随父迁居县城,仍以提篮叫卖为生。后经族人周济,入资江书院读书,刻苦博览二十四史。二十四年,考人新化实学堂,深受维新思想影响,倡办不缠足会,成为变法运动的拥护者。二十六年春,考入省城岳麓书院,成绩名列前茅。其时,莅湘某令识其才,欲以女妻之,陈效法汉时霍去病“匈奴未灭,无以家为”,乃婉言谢绝,说:“国不安,吾不娶”(直至蹈海报国之时,终身未娶)。次年转入求实书院。光绪二十九年(1903)初,入省城师范馆。是年春,获官费留学日本东京弘文学院师范科。不久,逢沙俄企图侵占东北三省,引发拒俄运动,祖国正处主权沦丧境况,陈破手血书寄示湖南各学堂。湖南巡抚赵尔巽亦为感动,亲临各学堂宣读,并刊登于官报,还饬令各府、州、县开设武备讲习所,使湖南全省拒俄运动士气更加高涨。陈天华在日本积极参与组织拒俄义勇队和军国民教育会。还“日作书报以警世”。同年,先后撰写《猛回头》和《警世钟》两书,以血泪之声,深刻揭露帝国主义列强侵略中国和清廷卖国投降的种种罪行,风行于世,影响甚大。次年初,回到长沙,参与组织华兴会,与黄兴等密谋准备长沙起义,事泄未成,又被迫流亡日本,入东京法政大学。此时,陈结识孙中山。光绪三十一年七月,中国同盟会在日本东京成立,陈天华为重要发起人之一,在书记部工作 ,任会章起草员,又任同盟会机关报《民报》编辑,发表《最近政见之评决》、《中国革命史论》,《狮子吼》等政论和作品,引起强烈反响。十一月八日(1905年12月4日),陈天华在东京参加了抗议日本政府《取缔清、韩留学生规则》的斗争,十一日写绝命书,决心以死来激励国人“共讲爱国”。十二日,在东京大森海湾投海自尽,以死报国,时年三十岁。次年闰四月初一,其灵柩经黄兴、禹之谟倡议筹办运回长沙,各界不



周恩来:入于污泥而不染、不受资产阶级糖衣炮弹的侵蚀,是最难能可贵的革命品质。 鲁迅:时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。













一百个字刚写完,陈妈妈一把夺过周恩来的笔说:“这下子行了吧,快睡觉!” “不!”周恩来仔细看完墨汁未干的一百个大字,皱着眉头认真地说:“陈妈妈,你看这两个字写歪了。”



《而已集》文选 《鲁迅传略》 《伪自由书》文选

《野草》 《朝花夕拾》 《呐喊》文集 《二心集》文选







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