作业帮 > 优秀作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 08:24:15 优秀作文


1 In many countries, average life expectancy has been increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society as a whole? Suggest some solutions.

2 Staying healthy by playing sports and eating well should be an individual’s duty to society rather than a habit for personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3 Cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world today. To what extent do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

4 International travel makes people more prejudiced rather than more broad-minded. Do you agree or disagree?

5 Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed. Others, however, believe that zoos are useful for the protection of animals. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

6 Charities cannot help everyone in the world. They should only provide aid to people in their own communities and countries. Do you agree or disagree?

7 Some people think that children should obey rules, while others argue that children who are controlled too much will not be well prepared for their adult life. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

8 Today, many young people leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. What are the causes of this? Suggest some solutions.

9 The number of crimes committed by young people has been increasing in recent years. What are the causes of this? Suggest some solutions.

10 Schools should only offer subjects that are beneficial to students’ future careers. Other subjects, such as music and sports, are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

11 Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education. Some people think that universities should make it easier for them to access higher education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

12 Children can learn efficiently by watching television, so they should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and in school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

13 Distance education delivered via the Internet or television has more advantages than classroom-based education. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

14 Early technological developments helped ordinary people and changed their lives more than recent technological developments. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

15 The range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. Do you agree or disagree?

16 Today, many countries are trying to improve the standard of living of their people through economic development. However, some people think that traditional values are lost as a result. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

17 Some people think that we live in a consumer society where money and possessions are given too much importance. Others, however, believe that consumer culture plays an important role in improving our lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

18 Some people think that museums and art galleries should be enjoyable places to entertain people. Others, however, believe that the purpose of museums and art galleries is to educate.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

19 Many people think that private companies, rather than the government, should pay for cleaning up the environment. Do you agree or disagree?

20 Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Some jobs are more suitable for men while other jobs are more suitable for women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Technology & Efficiency

1. promote the development of

2. boost efficiency/productivity

3. widen the gap between the wealthy and the needy

4. be overly dependent on technology

Mind & Education

1. relax their bodies and ease their minds

2. relieve one’s financial/academic/psychological burden

3. steam from their parents

4. stifle creativity/imagination

5. find A monotonous and unmotivating

Society & Crime

1. keep society safe and stable

2. curb the proliferation of crime

3. drive up the crime rate

Time & Space

1. be less time-consuming and more economical

2. diminish individual’s leisure time

Rights & Responsibility

1. have a duty/obligation to

2. pose a threat to

Employment & Competition

1. eich one’s experience

2. generate employment opportunities

3. fulfill one’s professional potential

4. has the inherent advantages of competition

5. the competition is increasingly stiff

Environment & Healthy

1. raise people’s awareness of

2. have a definite link between A and B

3. spin out of control

4. have a detrimental influence of

Culture & Population

1. remove the barriers for cultures

2. promote the cultural communication and interaction between A and B

3. cause tension and conflicts between A and B

4. the population is booming

Money & Fun

1. be benefit from

2. invest in

3. live in poverty/misery/frustration/anxiety


慎老师,您好,再谈10天突破雅思写作,您有什么新的体会或者心得要和烤鸭们分享? 慎小嶷:上周末刚从加拿大回来,就接到出版人的电话,说我的新书《十天突破雅思写作》很快要再印了。当时感觉很难相信,因为1月15号书才出版的,而且第一次印了6000册,培训书里面算第一次印的比较多的,怎么会2月就要再印了?这个星期碰到了一些学生,我才知道《十天突破雅思写作》这本书在北京已经火成这样了,之前确实没有想到的。很感谢朋友们的支持


慎小嶷:您好: 大家都怕流程图,但是我坚定的认为流程图比table, pie chart, bar chart和line graph都要更好写。到底有多少人认真的研究了流程图呢? 如果您看一下《十天突破雅思写作》的第十天内容,您会发现流程图真的比数学图表好写,关键是几点 1 生词怎么办 2 模板(真的,流程图也有模板) 3 跟图表的区别 4 最重要的词汇是什么 建议您好好看看第十天的内容

网友:如果考试的时候看不懂作文题怎么办??我经常碰见这样的情况 不是很肯定题目的意思. 可以向考官求助吗?

慎小嶷:您好: 这种情况对于基础不太好的同学很常见,怎么办呢? 我认为最重要的是在考试之前多看真题,因为我发现其实真题的常用词汇并不是特别多,只要把哪些你不认识的真题常用词都能掌握就够了,其实看懂雅思作文题不需要更大的词汇量。 我的新书另一个特别推荐的附录是“亚太区三年全部真题分类收集”,您可以把这些题目好好阅读一下,同时因为都是亚太区真题,所以也可以不断的提高您在考场里的答题速度


慎小嶷:您好: 首先祝贺您 然后再告诉您一个不太好的消息,我认为7分比6.5分的要求还是高不少 7分的作文,应该是能用出来一些比较复杂的句式(但是请注意只是比较复杂而不是非常复杂),还有是字数应该在300左右,这就表示应该主体段的论证部分压力更大了。还有词汇应该至少有10个以上的加分词汇。语法错误方面,一定要控制到3个以下。 我的新书附录里面有一个部分就是43个高分短落,专门针对需要考7分的同学,而且是专门针对雅思作文的真题设计的,分成教育,媒体,科技,旅游...等等十大类话题,很推荐您看一下。随书赠送的光盘里面有我本人朗读的43短短文的录音,也可以帮助您快速掌握这43个段落。 网友:2月23。。现在可以买到全世界的食品,有什么好处。to what extent do you think the advantage overweight the disadvantages?。。。。这个写双方向可以吗?。。。现在大作文变化越来越多了。。。

慎小嶷:您好: 首先,我提醒您,overweight这个词可不是“超过”的意思,它是“肥胖”的意思,超过应该是outweigh, 这个错误是很多中国孩子犯的作文经典错误之一。粗心真的会让你扣掉很多分数的 :( 其次,我想说这道题用“裸奔法”可以瞬间得出主题段素材如下: I background information II disadvantages : ( money ) higher costs ; ( efficiency)low efficiency in transportation ; ( employment) fewer employment opportunities in the local food industry III advantages : (fun)more choices ; (competition)raise the quality of local food IV conclusion :the disadvantages outweigh the advantages 如果您还没听说过我教给很多同学1分钟内搞定议论文素材的“裸奔法”,请您尽快参考《十天突破雅思写作》的Day 2


慎小嶷:您好: 谢谢您的评价,我特别喜欢您用的“实用”这两个字,您一定还记得我在上

课经常说的“听起来好听考场里却用不出来的东西就是彻底没用的东西”:) 我的口语课时间您可以打环球雅思北京总部的电话62126611-504查询,再次感谢您的信任

网友PAT粉丝:小慎啊!!期待你的到来啊 哈哈..... 3月8号就考试了 也按结合<十天>和写作课的模板自己编了一个, 你说我还应该做点什么? 心里没底啊....

慎小嶷:老粉你好 着急考试的同学我认为最重要的是把《十天突破雅思写作》的100个六分必备词汇,34个六分基础句型+画星号的高分句型,轻量级和重量级连接词背熟,加上我们课上发的“秘制模板”就可以了。 还有图标题争取把《十天》里面第九天的范文都看一遍,超级有用


慎小嶷:您好: 我去年年底就说了,今年雅思写作必须出新题了,因为它要和TOEFL iBT竞争,这可不是什么几月变题这么简单的,要为Harvard,Princeton和Yale这样的学校寄送成绩就说明今年雅思肯定要投资开发新题。 但是这些新题是不是很BT呢? 从今年前两个月的考题看,考了computer, 考了crime, 考了animal experimentation, 考了imported food,这些其实过去三年都考过。 所以我们的结论很明确:今年新题多,新话题却不多。 Just take it easy!

网友:我刚买了你的书,是我妈妈帮我跑了好几个报名点才买到的,忒珍贵了,:) 慎小嶷:感动ing...


慎小嶷:您好: 是我应该做的。至于模板,我认为好的模板应该尽可能个性化。因为雅思



慎小嶷:兄弟/大姐: 您考试作弊被抓住啦?这就是您的不对了。 我估计您说的是考官让停笔但是你没有停笔被记录了吧? 一般这样考官会写一个note,这个note可能出现在寄给大学的成绩单上(少数特幸运的不寄),可能影响后来的大学申请因为分数的可靠性不可信了。但是我不认为会影响签证,不就是没有按时停笔吗。

网友:Pat 在您Blog上贴出的写作预测中,有一题是Some people are optimistic about the 21st century. To what extent do you agree with their optimism? 不知道从何下手,按照您上课说的“裸奔法”要一网打尽?如何抓住重点呢???

慎小嶷:您好: 对于还不知道的同学我的博客是 blog.sina.com.cn/ieltsguru 这道题很大,讨论21世纪的利弊,但是裸奔法同样瞬间解决 I background information II the

disdavantages:(soul) stressful life;(employment) fewer opportunities; ( competition) increasingly fierce... III the advantages: (technology) advancement; ( efficiency) enhanced ; ( money ) wealthy ;(fun) more entertainment IV conclusion


慎小嶷:您好: 我的另一本新书《十天突破



的部分,我希望真正写出一本有创新性的口语书,从根本上打破现有的口语教学结构,就像《十天突破雅思写作》那样真的有原创性。别人写过的东西我不想再写了,挺累的。您再耐心等待一段 :)

网友:口语CUE CARD遇到看不懂的题目可不可以要求换题?会不会影响分数

慎小嶷:您好: 其实世界上没有绝对不可以的事情,有一道著名的辩论题就是 The situation of having no choice is a very rare one. 但是如果您一定要求换题,肯定是对分数有影响的。 口语cue card您可以看看我在 blog.sina.com.cn/ieltsguru里面贴的口语预测,就肯定不会再有看不懂的题的。

网友:慎小嶷老师我可能会在5?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路莸奖本┎渭硬瓜鞍啵话愣荚谀歉鲂G峡窝剑?慎小嶷:您好: 今年我会有很多时间在国外或者外地,您可以环球雅思北京总部的电话62126611-504随时联系

网友:你好,我现在作文水平很烂,没写过一篇像样的,甚至连怎么下笔都不知道,一下笔就尽是些IS AM ARE之类的,您的10天突破能让我变个样么,嘿嘿

慎小嶷:嘿嘿,神州行,我看行! 我的新书就是特别要针对不同层次的同学,不管您是am,is,are还是To be or not to be?或者"Cogito, ergo sum." ("I think ;therefore I am") 都有适合您层次的内容。具体到您的情况,特别建议多看看其中的语法那一章,昨天我的博客里面一个同学还刚发帖说语法那一章对她挺有用的,她也是am,is,are那个级别的。

网友:老师在吗?我的同学是上的您的VIP 作文考的是7,可是他的水平还不如我,我虽然买了您的书,现在要计划上您的VIP呢,您到时候多帮帮我啊

慎小嶷:成,没问题。 个人一直认为VIP课程有烧钱的性质(VIP课程我是目前环球雅思
