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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 06:54:38 英语作文

篇一:关于roller skating(轮滑)的英语作文

My favourite extreme sport

There is no doubt that my favourite extreme sport is Roller Skating. When I was still a little boy, I was extremly interested in this sport. But I couldn't afford a pair, for that they are so expensive. However, My dream for that has never disappeared. With this dream, I entered college. So when I saw the Roller Skating Association in our school, I was so excited and joined it at once.

Since we are talking about Roller Skating, I have to refer to its history. According to the records, Skating originated in the Netherlands in the eighteenth century , But it was invented by an unknown Dutchman . In 1860, there was a mechanic and a Belgian musical instrument manufacturing worker , they made a pair of Roller skating.On April 1, 1892, the international Skating Union was established in Switzerland, making the skating to the regularization .

Now, it's popular around the world ,extremely among the teenagers. It is mainly divided into five species: speed roller skating , figure roller skating, inline roller skating, recreational roller skating and extreme roller skating. In many cities, roller skating is being accepted, and gradually becomes a kind of practical skills. In some western countries it has even replaced bicycle.

As a fashionable sport, roller skating attracts a large number of fans. What charm does it have and what benefits can it bring to those who are into it. Firstly, just as many other extreme sports, roller skating is exciting. When people are rushing with rollers ,the feeling is so cool. I am sure you will enjoy it as long as you master the skill.

Besides, skating is an entertaining and interesting sport. It enable people from the usual tension free from heavy study and work to achieve relaxation. What's more, skating is beneficial for balance, coordination and flexibility , for the psychological adjustment to relieve nerve , and a very good role to improve physical and mental health.

However ,if you want to play it,you must own the necessary equipment. Firstly , a pair of roller shoes, which is also the basic item you should have. Secondly, Gloves can protect your hands so that they won't be hurt by the rough ground. Then,

Elbow and knee guards .They can guarantee your arms' and knees' safety when you wrestl on the floor.Lastly, if you want to be a super player, cones are needed, because only by them can you make your skill more perfect.

In our country, roller skating is still under the session of developing. In 1980, Roller Skating Association of China was formally established. In the process of the deepening of China's education reform, some kindergarten started roller teaching. As can be seen, with the deepening of education reform, roller skating has been widely recognized. Roller skating teaching of young children occupy at a certain position in current education system.

At last ,what I want to stress is that. All kinds of extreme sports have many risks. So if you want to learn that ,you must make full preparation.

Have fun!




这里人山人海,到处都是轮滑爱好者。有的人再换轮滑,有的在成群结队地速滑,还有的在教受初出茅庐的轮滑者 ……热闹非凡。我立刻把轮滑鞋换上,开始轮滑。这儿个个都是轮滑高手,他们有的倒滑,有的练习360度踢刹,还有的练习过桩……我也没闲着,加入到他们的行列中。我跟随在他们后面,学着动作,渐渐地累了,便来到湖边的椅子上坐了下来,静静地休息。

看,那湖面上泛起一圈圈涟漪,荡漾在上面。路灯的光照耀在上面,闪闪发光,我背后的那颗大柳树挺立着,柳条被风儿吹得微微飘动,别有一番情趣 。我又继续开始练习起360度空中旋转。我背弯着,右手放在背后,右脚在前,作出一个俯冲的姿势,在心中默数三秒,向前滑去。大约滑出五米多远,我双脚并拢,奋力一跳,在空中迅速旋转起来。我在空中持续转动了一两秒,然后右脚落地,左手撑地。我以优美的姿势旋转,再以优美的姿势落地,整套动作近乎完美。这时,在边上(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)散步的中年.老年人们看见了,不禁对我微笑起来,甚至有人为我鼓起掌来。我望着他们微笑的样子,觉得湖面上的涟漪再美,也比不上那些甜美的微笑;柳条再有诗意,也比不上那些甜美的微笑。








