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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 14:22:38 字数作文


  Recently watching American TV Dramas has become more and more popular with youth in our country. There are various kinds of reasons. Generally speaking, TV Dramas are suitable for the psychology of youth. The network technology will be developed as well at the same time. What’s more, it can make our spoken English well. Every coin has two sides, but it shows off a humanism, and spreads bad influences such as violence, etc.

  I think the positive influences are more important than negative ones.

  First of all, a number of American TV Dramas express duty, family, freedom, justice and love concept. It’s useful to develop youth’s recessive education. Only in this way will TV Dramas play a positive part and make up for shortcomings in political education. Next, it can broaden our eyes and knowledge and make us know what is different from home and abroad. With this method, we can know the western society. We’ll be affected by different culture ambience and ideology concept. Under the background of the whole world, knowing the cultures of western countries can promote each country’s communications well. In addition, In this process, TV Dramas play a role of bridge. Then, it will develop independent personality. America uphold particular concept and suggest their educational productions. Youth is the most energetic generation, encourages people show off personality and dares to break the outmoded conventions. It’s the prerequisite of innovation.

  Finally, TV Dramas also help you face reality and surmount ideality. Nowadays, some youth always depend on others, such as their parents or friends. They also have idealism and is extremely conceited or inferiority. They often don’t find themselves in society, due to the influences of life education environment.

  By this we can make a conclusion. No matter how hard it will be, we should always be free and try our best to conquer the enemy, just like the actors in the film. Another thing we have to remember is the great development of China. TV Dramas’ productions suggest the culture and psychological state of the country from some kinds of degree. It can promote our country’s economic development. Watching TV Dramas is a way to follow fashion. Therefore, everyone should work hard to make our country stronger and stronger. Through American TV Dramas, we should strengthen our duty and proud of our country. Let’s work together!


My View on American TV Dramas

My View on American TV Dramas

Nowadays,as the economy gets globalized, English has become a more common language of the world. There is tendency for the youth to watch American TV dramas to learn Engligh. Of course, just as a coin has two sides, a lot of people think that watching TV can do more harm than good, I don't agree with their points of view,I believe it do much more good.

Watching American TV dramas, let us not only understand the Anglophone countries culture, traditions, and their sense of fashion. We can also practice oral English, to learn something that we can’t get in class and improving our pronunciation.

American TV dramas show young people’s fashion ideas. A lot of audiences watching dramas are teenagers, they have a greater memory and stronger imitation capability. Because of Friends, I am getting familiar with American TV dramas. I know much American Slang, custom, humour and their daily life. The newly well-known is Homeland, it presents Americanism, national security after the 911.

Watching American TV dramas can enhance our sense of language. While enjoying some incredible stories, we can also learn some English expressions and practice listening. But some people don’t think so. They think it has nothing to do with learning, but wasting time. As far as I am concerned, I prefer my opinion. Instead of learning English word by word hidebound, I would rather master it through an interesting way. In addition, we will get a different recognition to foreign cultures. In sum, watching American TV dramas is the key to having a good command of English.

the influence of American TV dramas on the English learning

题目有语法错误,改成the influence of American TV dramas on the English learning, 介词后要用名词!

Now, the Internet becomes more and more important in our lives. (这句我建议删掉,直接切入主题说drama)Based on(这里用based on 不是很恰当,用Trough,最好移到句尾)the American TV dramas are popular around the world through the Internet . Undoubtedly, the American TV dramas are attractive to youth. As to whether it is worthwhile to watch American TV dramas , there is a long-running controversial debate.

Just as the saying goes:"So many people ,so many minds."

It's quiet understandable that the(建议删这里) on the issue vary from person to person .(太冗长,过度的话不需要这么多,适当删) Some people believe that watching American TV dramas can enhance their language sense. Others think watching American TV dramas has nothing to do with learning. Instead, it's bad for children.To my mind(改成in my view比较好) advantages far overweigh the drawbacks.

There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.(这句建议放到上一段drawbacks后)

(这里单独成段,思维清晰)First of all,It's easier for the English learners to understand the original words and expressions while watching the American TV dramas, one’s mistakes of pronunciation can be corrected wherever discovered as well.

Furthermore, the life TV dramas always show plenty of customs in English countries,which is helpful for students to learn more about the historical cultural background.

More importantly, the American TV dramas build up their self-confidence . The lively scenes(改成vivid images) also increase the interests of the learners and make them learn English with enjoyment(用joy地道).

Last but not the least , the spirits in the American TV dramas, such as respect, optimism, toleration and so on, deliver more positive energy to the English learners .(我觉得这段不是American TV dramas的典型特点,可不写,其实观点3点就够)

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that watching American TV dramas within reasonable time do good to the learners to improve their English .Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will learn English by watching American TV dramas ,but do remember the saying:Take the essence, discard the dregs.Let's enjoy the fun of English.(这就删,跟主题无关,侧重不是学英语,而是影响)

我的建议是建立在专四或者英语专业的想法,高中到底要怎么写我有一点忘记,基本是这样。我还建议你每个观点的topic sentence要简单精炼(first,second后面紧跟的那句),一句观点句后就句号,后面分句是对最开始那句的深化,不要整段逗号,最后一个结尾。

American TV Dramas

American TV Dramas: Meat or Poinson?

With the rapid development of information technology,more and more American TV dramas are rushing into Chinese teenagers’ eyes. American TV dramas such as “Prison Break”and “The Big

Bang Theory” are interesting enough to attract more and more young people.

They enjoy watching them and think it will help them to

improve their English. But there are also some people saying it was just a waste of time. What is your opinion?

From my point of view, one man’s meat is another’s poison,

which means one thing has different value to different people.

Furthermore, there are both positive side and negative side on one thing just like a coin has two sides. So you can also find the two sides on American TV dramas.

Watching Aamerican dramas,first and foremost,does have some good aspects. As for our English studying,we all know that “Practice makes Perfect”. But we Chinese students can hardly set up an English language environment for us to practice speaking or listening —even if during the English class. Why? Because time is too limited for so many students to practice communicating with others, we actually do not have enough chances to practice English speaking and listening.

However,watching American TV dramas can give us more opportunities of practicing more and learning more. When we are watching the drama,we are actually “watching” a audio-visual media. That means “both watching and listening”. We watch American TV dramas,at the same time we are listening to the language. While we are listening, we focus ourselves on the language, which helps us read the story better. And the better understanding of the story, in turn, helps us understand the language better. And during the repeated circle or spiral, we are improving our English. It is widely accepted that it is a very good method to learn a language by watching movies and TV dramas. I think that is just the reason.

Moreover, American TV dramas can help us know more about American culture and custom. And we will be able to look into various aspects of American society and people through the eyes of the characters.It is a great chance to know more about America and if we try to do it,we can learn a lot.

On the one hand, American TV dramas help us a lot in English learning. But on the other hand, they have a negative side,too.

“Prison Break”—A popular American TV drama which has a lot of young fans,has something negative,too. There are violence and crimes in it. For example,Michael—the main character of the drama,was put into prison wrongly. He planned a “prison break”to get

outside in order to find the evidence to prove his innocence and catch the man who framed him before,so he organized a team to help him. But his teammates who will escape with him are “real” criminals. They were put into prison murder or drug-selling or robbery or many other things which are against the law. They deserved to be punished,but they were trying to evade it. These may cause many bad influence. And parents are not willing to let their children to whatch these scenes.

Although there are somethings might caue bad impact,I believe if we keep a clear mind to watch and understand the dark side of the world correctly. We can easily keep away from bad things and discover the positive side behind it.

Just like a coin. It has two sides forever. Through the dark side,I can see the true humanity. Their “prison-break-experence” let me know that independent is as important as cooperation and it teaches me how to plan in aduance,too.

American TV dramas are well worth watching. But remember to choose a proper drama and watch it at a proper time.

At the last but not the least,from what has been discussed above,we can easily draw the conclusion that watching American TV dramas has many good respects. So ,I think it is “more meat than poison”for myself.

What American TV dramas bring to us

What American TV dramas bring to us

“We are exposed to new dramas today.” “Oh, really? They can’t be missed.” Such conversation often occurs among contemporary high school students and it seems to become a tendency for them. Some of them consider that enjoying American TV dramas is a visual feast while others think it just symbolizes vogue and fashion trends. It is a real torment for parents because of their bad influence——it has nothing to do with learning. But have you ever thought about their real value?

American TV dramas are those which often express the theme by portraying ordinary figures to give audiences positive energy including enthusiasm, love and so on. For me, I think they can arouse the desire of freedom buried in our heart which is almost lost in today’s world. More importantly, the attitudes and emotion they show towards life may correct our worldview. For example, a popular American sitcom, “Friends”, gives an account of a story about the lives of six young people, which shows us the friendship among people who own different personalities in a humorous way.To some extent, it also inspires people to search for the same kind of love, beauty and friendship all around them. It goes without saying that watching American TV dramas is a good way to shape character of the youth. It’s a kind of growing education.

Meanwhile, watching American TV dramas can enhance our language sense. What is known to us is that language ability plays an important role in modern society. Thus, if we want to stand firm, improving our English ability will be an extremely urgent matter. Without denying, watching American TV dramas is a good method. To my mind, the standard spoken English in dialogues can develop our abilities of listening and speaking. We also can expand our vocabulary through them.What’s more, not only do the dramas help us obtain the knowledge of culture and customs, but also broaden our horizons, and even impact on our teens’ life. Isn’t it a sort of study?

There is no doubt that American TV dramas do benefit as well as harm to us teenagers.What we can do is to let it benefits us----watch it in a safe range and avoid their abuse as possible as we can. From now on, let’s use the good edge of the sword!
