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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 16:33:19 字数作文


  Dear editor,

  I am writing to express my view on the movie and music piracy. Last year, the Hong Kong Government convicted a person of infringing copyright successfully, who uploaded copyrighted movies to his server and allowed other users to download them. For this incident, I am highly disappointed of the Internet user because they infringed the effort that the copyright owner paid. It is morally wrong to upload or download the piracy music and videos illegally. In addition, this phenomenon means the Hong Kong"s intellectual property is being exploited. If this phenomenon continues, it is believed that Hong Kong will not have good music or video anymore.

  According to a research from some Universities in Hong Kong, it was found that the different age groups had different reasons of the download or upload the piracy music or videos. The research is divided into two age groups to carry out, a group of teenagers and a group of adults. The research found the reason of most teenagers download or upload the piracy music and videos is that they lack of money and resources. On account of their process of studying, they undoubtedly lack of money and resources to purchase the expensive original CDs or movies. Therefore, the only way they can enjoy the music or videos is to download them from the internet. And for the adults group, the reason is convenient. Nowadays, downloading materials from the internet is very convenient. In addition to the huge resources from the internet, the download time is just for a moment. Therefore, these advantages attracted them to download the piracy music or videos from the internet. They would not go to the store for the original CDs or movies.

  In this changing society, many citizens are being turned into criminals simply because of the illegal uploading or downloading. As a consequence, the regulations need to be tightening up. And the Government needs to strengthen the law enforcement to crack down on this kind of Internet crimes. For example, formulate new laws to limit the illegal uploading or downloading behavior. Also, the education is significant. No matter how strict the regulation is, if the students are lack of this kind of knowledge, it will surely become a vicious cycle. The criminals will continuously appear in the coming future.

  To summaries, if the Government still doesn’t face to this problem, the intellectual property will be disappeared in Hong Kong. All creativity companies will be closed or moved to other countries because of the illegal downloading or uploading. So, I earnestly request the Hong Kong Government to solve this problem immediately.

  Yours faithfully,

  Philip Wong



Reasons for piracy

In our daily life, the phenomenon of piracy is almost everywhere, for example, the music you download from the Internet for free, the book you buy from some little bookstores. It is easy to get a hold of pirated versions of popular and expensive software, DVD, CD, video taps, etc. Netizens in China can download music or movies freely from the Internet. It is obvious that the problem of piracy is especially serious. There are many reasons to illustrate the serious problem of pirated products.

The most direct and important reason is that the legal copies are very expensive for Chinese. Before the financial crisis, the average income of the Americans was 6000 dollars, and the XP professional authorized edition was 600 dollars. For foreigners, the price was acceptable, but, for the 82 percent of Chinese netizens, absolutely not.

And,second,the poor awareness of copyright causes the happened of so many pirated products.Wilson,an American said that, which I think very interesting, “If I used a pirated, I wouldwant to go to church, to repent.” On the contrary, few of us will abide the rules voluntarily. We still have to improve our consciousness and our realization. Only when all of us have our awareness of copyright improved can we solve the serious problem of pirated products.

Third, it is the lack of legal concept that leads to the piracy. In China, the intellectual property protection is very poor, so people engaged in piracy always act recklessly and care for nobody.National regulatory authorities lack strong regulatory mechanisms and many leaders lack responsibility, so most people in China pay no attention to it. What’s more,in China, there are no effective ways to punish those pirates. That is to say, it is easy to illustrate why those pirates can act recklessly and care for nobody.

As the result of the phenomenon of pirated products, it not only infringes producers'

copyright, but also damages the consumers'

rights and interests. Because the pirated products often cost much less than the genuine ones, they have a pretty good selling in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products, on the contrary,sell poorly.This problem of piracy should receive due attention now, and it’s time everyone to start the battle against piracy. Customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products and government should take effective measures to stop piracy. Only in these ways can we solve the serious problems of piracy.

游文江 1402121249 16 May,2015

英语写作 Problems Of Piracy

Problems Of Piracy

Nowadays, the problem of piracy has become more and more prominent. Books, tapes, videos and other high-tech products almost all have been pirated. When a new product comes into markets, very probably. Its pirated counterpart will soon make its appearance in, the market ,too.

It gives without saying that piracy has caused great loss to the legal producers and author. Because the pirate product often cost much less than the genuine ones, they enjoy a pretty good selling in spite of their relatively poor quality. The genuine products, on the contrary, sell poorly. This happens especially to some high-tech products whose prices are often overpriced. Then in the case of the pirate editions of books, they are so misprinted. Sometimes, they may even bring the names of their authors under dishonor.

Even so, this problems of piracy has not received due attention yet. Consumers have not developed the consciousness to resist the pirate products. Rather, they tend to be tempted by the great gap between the two prices. Government have not taken enough measures to stop piracy efficiently .For example, the copyright law still has many problems within itself. Finally, some writers and scientists, in order not to involve themselves in the troubles of lawsuit, prefer to suffer the piracy in silence. Really, we have a long way to go to fight against piracy.

In view of the seriousness of the problem. It is essential that laws and regulations be worked out to ban the manufacture and circulations of piracy. At the same time, consumers should be educated to identify sub-standard commodities. What’s more , we should enhance the awareness of the serious consequence brought by piracy with popper laws and alert public , it will only be a matter of time before piracy become things of the past.


Fighting Against Piracy

Piracy in CD and software products does great harm to our society. From a moral point of view,piracy is equal to stealing, which invades the interests of the inventors and producers. Besides,it disturbs the normal order of the cultural market. Worst of all, in the long run, piracy, if not creaked down, will damage the CD and software industries of our country and hinder the development of the civilization of the society.

Therefore, persistent efforts should be made to fight against piracy. First, we should make known to the public the harms of privacy and enhance the people’s awareness of intellectual property protection. Second, market management should be intensified. The government should take drastic measures to protect authentic CD and software products and inflict severer punishment on pirating behaviors. Last, we should develop new technology to lower the cost of CD and software products. After all, the high price is a key factor leading to the prevalence of piracy.

Only through the joint efforts of the government and the public, can VCD and software piracy be rooted out. And only when piracy is rooted out, can we maintain a sound and healthy cultural market.

Fighting against Corruption

The Chinese government has made greater efforts to combat nationwide corruption. Cases of corruption have often been exposed and corrupt officials punished according to the law. However, it seems that corruption will continue to exist for years to come.

Most of the corruption cases exposed involve government officials, who place their

personal gains above the interest of the country. They try all kinds of means to get money;

some of the known corrupt officials even stole tons of money.

The fight against corruption is no doubt necessary and urgent. If unchecked, I believe corruption will inevitably destroy the confidence of the people in the government. I

understand that the fight against corruption is a long and difficult war. But the fight must be won, otherwise it will be impossible for us to develop our country into a strong economy.

Changes in People's Diet

In the past five years, some changes have taken place in people's diet. The proportion of grain which is the main food of the Chinese people has decreased by 4%. On the contrary, the proportion of milk and meat in people's diet has increased.

These changes in people's diet show some modifications in people's living standard and life style. Since China began her cconomic reform in 1978, various kinds of food have appeared in the market, milk and meat, which were seldom seen on people's dinner ta hies before, have now become popular food in Chinese familics.

As the living standard of the Chinese people is rising, we look forward to further changes in people's diet. In the future, the proportion of milk and meat is likely to go on increasing and the proportion of fruit and vegetables is likely to increase as well.






people around the world are learning from him. Entrepreneurs learn from him leadership, management and inspiring. Designers learn from him how to create a product that is both functional and beautiful. Students learn from him how to pursue what they are truly passionate about. Ordinary people who are craving for success learn from him the secrets to spectacular achievement. As a world-known celebrity, Jobs is definitely worth admiring. His wisdom and legacy will benefit generations of people.

Nicholas James Vujicic and Steve Jobs are only two of the countless examples of the celebrities that worth admiring. Worshiping these famous people is no less valuable than looking up to heroes.

(2006.6) Do we tend to accept the opinions of others instead of developing our own independent ideas?

It is rare to find an objective and independent viewpoint on style, literature, politics, or any other matter. Many people's opinions are formed through their associations with others. It is our nature to conform;

conformity is a force that few can successfully resist. We give in to the human instinct to go along with the crowd and to have its approval.

Truly, it is our nature to conform, and human’s long history has witnessed the prevalence of conformity among the general public. However, this does not indicate that we will give in to our nature all the time. In the modern age, with education available to most people and with competition heating up around the globe, people in mounting number are developing their own independent ideas instead of blindly conforming to others.

In history, there are abundant examples revealing that most of the remarkable breakthroughs that humans have ever made are invariably attributable to a few individuals’ independent ideas instead of those of the majority. This indicates a significant fact about the majority of our ancestors, that is, a strong tendency to conform to conventional thoughts and wisdom with little independent questioning. For instance, one of the biggest revolution in the field of astronomy was sparked by an individual—Copernicus whose

heliocentric model transformed people’s understanding of the universe. Before Copernicus’ novel idea was popularized, the public at the time tended to conform to the widely held views, believing that Earth was the center of the universe. Had it not been for Copernicus’ novel theory, the public would have been fooled for longer time.

However, fortunately, this is no longer the case with modern people who have more and easier accesses to public education. Since modern education highly values critical thinking and independent thinking, people receiving this education are all encouraged and trained to do independent thinking. Hence, now it is not uncommon to see children challenging their parents’ excessive controlling at home, students questioning their teachers in class, and people protesting against unjust laws or policies in the street. These are all the manifestations of modern people’s independent thinking.

Another factor contributing to the strong tendency to independent thinking is the rigorous global competition facing the present world. To succeed in this highly competitive world, one has to resort to innovation, which entails independent thinking. Hence, the ability to think independently has become a key element of one’s success. The unprecedented success of Apple Company is the best illustration of this. Thanks to its exceptional creativity, Apple not only defeats all his rivals but also brings us such amazing products as iPad and iPhone. In a word, the pressure of living in the world rife with competition is forcing people to nurture their independent thinking ability so that they can innovate and then succeed.

In the past, humans were subject to conformity, but it is not the case now. The widespread public education and the competition around the world are shaping the strong tendency for people to think independently rather than just blindly following others’ steps.

Assignment: When some people win, must others lose, or are there situations in which everyone wins? (2009.6)

It is often assumed that when someone wins, there must be people losing. Indeed, there are some people whose winning is at the cost of the happiness of others. However, this does not mean that there is no situation in which everyone wins. In fact, when we cooperate with others, there will be a win-win situation.

An excellent example to illustrate this point is the international

cooperation among countries around the world to deal with the deteriorating global warming. Scientists and environmentalists have warned us that our planet is facing a warming climate globally, which will cause a series of problems like ice melting in Antarctic areas, rising of sea levels,

desertification and so on. These problems will severely threaten humans’

survival in the near future. Cognizant of the possible catastrophic

consequences of global warming, nations around the world are trying to reach an agreement to curb global warming. While the international cooperation concerning this issue is not going on smoothly, once the international agreement is settled down, every nation will benefit from this joint effort. Once our planet is exempt from the threat of global warming, each nation will be protected. In this case, every nation is a winner. In other words, this international cooperation creates a win-win situation.

Apart from international cooperation, in business world, it is also not uncommon to see win-win situations. A typical example is the partnership between Apple Company and such top record companies as Time Warner. When Jobs unveiled iPod in 2001, he sensed that the music service provided by record companies at the time was far from satisfactory. Nor were the record companies themselves satisfied with the music service, for there was massive piracy hurting their profits. Hence, to improve music service, Jobs and his team created the iTunes Store and persuaded the top record companies at the time such as Warner Music and Universal Music Group to sell music in the iTunes Store. In this successful partnership, both Apple Company and the record companies were winners, for the rising popularity of the iTunes Store not only immensely sparked the sales of iPod, but also stimulated the sales of the music of those record companies, helping them sell a million songs in six days. Now the iTunes Store it has been the most popular music vendor in the world since 2010. The spectacular success of the iTunes Store is just another example of win-win situation.

One’s winning does not have to occur at the expense of others’ success or happiness. As shown in the above two examples, when there is successful cooperation, there will be a win-win situation.

Assignment: Can common sense be trusted and accepted, or should it be questioned? (2009.6)

Common sense is the product of society’s norms during a certain time frame, prone to reinventing itself at the change of an opinion. Such “common sense” cannot be the natural basis of all decisions and must be questioned, as it is contingent upon fickle norms.

Millennia ago, the Egyptians believed that thought and reasons were formed inside the heart, not the brain. Thus, during the process of embalmment, they threw away the brain while carefully preserving the heart in an assortment of herbs. It was common sense, they thought, that one’s center of knowledge

should rest in the center of the body. We know now that what they believed to be “common sense” was in fact flawed and incorrect, yet at the time, Egypt was the most technologically advanced nation on the planet and its beliefs were thought to be the most correct. By ancient Egypt’s example, we can clearly see that one era’s common sense may become utter nonsense with the passing of time.

Centuries ago, the Chinese believed that their emperor was divine, a son of the heavens who had to be respected and worshipped at all times. It seems ridiculous now, that any mere mortal could be seen as a divinity, yet religious common sense of the 10th century persuaded all citizens that it was noble and necessary to worship their ruler. Their common sense depended on the religious beliefs of their time – beliefs we now perceived to be incorrect and even somewhat silly. Common sense, it seems, does not always confer common sensibility.

Decades ago, Americans believed that it was common sense to spread a certain pesticide in their fields – because who could want bugs preying on

potentially profitable wheat, corn, or rice products? The pesticide they used was DDT, and years later, we now know that what Americans of the mid 1900s believed to be beneficial common sense translated into environmental harm and ecosystem destruction.

From the scientific beliefs of ancient Egyptians to the religious and agricultural “common sense” of the Chinese and Americans, it is evident that common sense is quite common but not necessarily sensible.
