作业帮 > 优秀作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 15:27:26 优秀作文








Directions: Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. Write a notice to

1) briefly introduce the camp activities, and

2) call for volunteers.


June 20, 2014

To eich extracurricular activities, our school intends to hold a summer camp for students from high school on July 6, 2015. The event will include English learning and basketball games.

Thus, volunteers for this camp are badly needed to assist us in organizing the relevant affairs, including reception, distribution of documents,

etc. Candidates must have adequate patience with the adolescents. Besides, the volunteers ought to haveoutstanding skills at English. Students who have previous experience as volunteers are preferred.

Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before June 30, 2014.

Peking University


Direction: You just bought an English dictionary from a famous e-commerce site only to find it not as good as you expected. Write an email to the customer service center to

1) complain the poor quality of the dictionary, and

2) give reasons for your complaints.

Dear Mr. Wang, (大家注意此处是逗号)

As a regular customer, I am writing this letter to complain about the quality of dictionary bought from the bookone.com.

I ordered an Oxford Dictionary of Contemporary English a week ago. Apart from the delayed delivery, many pages in the dictionary are missing and some of the pages are reversed, which are totally unacceptable to me.

I would like to get a refund or at least change it for a new one. And I trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.

Yours sincerely, (逗号)

Li Ming(无符号,千万不要打点)


Write a letter to your university canteen, making suggestions for improving its service. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET .

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a student of our university, who often have meals in our

canteen. Generally speaking, our canteen provides quite good food. However, I still have some suggestions for you to make our canteen more popular among students.

To begin with, I wonder whether you could provide more varieties of food. We do not have many options when eating in our canteen now. To continue, some students have complained about the price of the food there, would you

please lower it down?

I do hope to have a better canteen. And I would be highly grateful if you could take my suggestions into consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Write a letter inquiring a travel agency about the trip to Mount Huangshan. Some necessary details must be included. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to travel to Mount Huangshan this summer. I would be most grateful if you could send me information regarding the following aspects.First, my family will come with me. Therefore, I would like to know the details about this trip, such as the accommodation, the plans and the money it will cost. Besides, how do you deliver these materials to me? What’s the deadline before we make the final decision? How do I pay for you?

Thank you for your attention. I am looking forward to your immediate response.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



You want to apply for the following job: a personal secretary to the general manager, write a letter to Mr. Byron to:

1) show your interest,

2) describe yourself, and

3) explain why you would be suitable for the job.

Dear Mr. Byron,

I am writing to apply for(求职) the position as the personal secretary to the general manager./(求学)(the opportunity for further study in your


I am fully confident that I am the right candidate. To begin with, I major in secretary and will graduate from Peking University. I have a good academic performance in school and have been the top five students for four years in my grade. In addition, I am an open-minded, cooperative and ready-to-help girl.Enclosed is my resume to provide additional information. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Directions: You find your study load is too heavy. Write a letter to your college teacher: 1) you need to withdraw from two courses,

2) explain the reasons,

3) ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.

Dear Professor Smith,

I am writing to formally request to withdraw from two courses:

Introduction to Elementary Education and Teaching Methods.

The main reason for reducing my course load is that I find it extremely difficult to manage six courses. Because I really have to work part time, I have no other choice but to decrease my course load. Besides, I would also like to request a tuition refund. I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this change in plans.

Thank you for your attention to these requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 82036600. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Directions:Your friend Smith told you he had started his own business.

Write a letter to him to congratulate him and give him some helpful suggestions.Dear Smith,

I was happy to learn that you had opened your own firm and I would like to express my warmest congratulations.

The final realization of your long-cherished dream should be attributed to your diligence, persistence and ambition. I am glad that your consistent

pursuit of dream is rewarded now. As a good friend of you, I advise you to keep your ambition. Moreover, in response to challenges, please never overestimate the difficulties and underestimate your ability.

Please accept my congratulations again. And I do believe you and your firm will achieve one success after another.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming








序 言



Top 1:建议信





I'd like to suggest that…

May I suggest that…

Could you please…

Why don’t we…

In my opinion…

I feel that it would be beneficial if…


I hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making anyway.

I hope you will find these suggestions/ proposals/ recommendations(建议)helpful/ practical/ useful(有帮助的,实用的).



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am glad to hear that the library is to improve its service and facilities (服务和设备) . So I am writing to offer my proposals(建议).

We all know libraries play a vital role in the education and entertainment of the general readers. In my opinion, our library should do its best to purchase the latest publications and make sure it

has a full set of classical and reference works. Another important facility I suggest is the Internet via computers. In this way, the library will expand its services to more readers.

All in all,I think a library should take all necessary measures to keep up with the times(与时俱进). I will highly appreciate your consideration of my proposals.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming









Top 2:祝贺信





I was


very happy to learn that…

I was very delighted to hear the news that…

It is with great pleasure that I hear of your success. Please accept my warmest/heartiest congratulations(最衷心的祝贺).

Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to…


Wish you good luck!

I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead.

Happy New Year to you and may each succeeding year bring you greater happiness and prosperity.



Dear Lily,

Good news travels fast. I heard that you were accepted (录取) by Tsinghua University. You may not imagine how excited I was when I got the news. Owing to your industriousness and intelligence (勤奋和聪明才智), your dream finally comes true . We feel proud of you and send our congratulations on this important milestone (里程碑) in your life.

I know that your eollment (入学,录取)is the beginning of a new and broader education. And I believe that your intelligence and backbone will enable you to be successful in the forthcoming four year’s study. How happy I shall be when I see you graduate with knowledge and skills to benefit our country.

May you have a good health, happiness and outstanding success in all your life.

Yours truly,

Li Ming









Top 3:投诉信





I am writing to inform(告知,代替tell)you that I find…unsatisfactory…

I am writing to express/ air dissatisfaction/ disappointment/ concern regarding…


I hope you will take steps to rectify(纠正、改善,代替improve) this situation soon.

I believe you will take my complaints seriously. I would ask you to give back my money, or I would file my complaint(投诉) to the authorities concerned(相关部门).

To solve this problem/ surmount this difficulty/ improve the situation/ crack this hard nut(解决问题), I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned.



Dear Mr. President,

My name is Li Ming, a junior of the Civil Engineering School. I venture(冒昧) to write a letter to you about the the canteen service(食堂服务) on campus which has given rise to a lot of complaints among students.

The focus of the complaint is the poor quality of the food. The vegetables are so overcooked as to lose their nutrients. The price of the food is surprisingly high. Besides, the attitude of the service staff to the students is not hospitable at all.

All in all, there is still much room for improvement as far as the canteen service is concerned. I do hope we will not suffer for another year. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming









Top 4:申请信





My major interests are…, and I understand your university has a good program in those fields.

I feel the need to study further in order to develop my potential in this field.


If my application could be taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful.

I hope you will kindly send me an application(申请单) form.

I would greatly appreciate receiving copies of the required application forms(申请表格) and any instructions(说明) you may be so kind to give me regarding my possible admission.

Enclosed(附上) are my score reports on all subjects and two recommendations(推荐信).



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university(贵校). My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information(基本信息).

First, what qualifications(资格) do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I have already had a bachelor’s degree from Peking University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements(学术要求). Second, how much are the tuition fee(学费)? Although I intend to be self-supporting(自费), I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships(奖学金) available for international students(留学生). Third, what is the situation regarding accommodation?

I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

















1. The chart below shows the expenditure on three categories with different proportions among residents in the UK in 2004.

2. The bar chart shows what the UK graduates and postgraduates do (apart from those who find full-time employment) when they graduate in 2008.

3. The chart below shows the aid from six developed countries to developing countries from 2008 to 2010.

4. The graph shows the proportion of males in a particular country who prefer watching sports, compared with that of the males who prefer participating in sports.

5. The charts below show the proportion of the people who spent on some commodities in 1998 and 2008.

6. The graph below shows the proportion of women, men and children eating above 5 proteins of fruits and?


7. The bar chart shows the information about the favourite subjects of 60 students from 2 schools, school A and school B.


8. The graph below shows the number of students from the US 、the UK and Australia, who studied in universities in other countries during the years from 2002 to 2007.

9. The line graph shows the sales of children's books, adult's fictions and educational books between 2002 and 2006 in one country.

10. The line graphs below show the river water quality of four countries from 1995 to 2015.

11. Government spending on retirement pensions, education and health from 2001 and projected to 2051.12 The line graph below shows the quantities of goods transported by water, railway, water and pipeline in a particular European country from 1980 to 2015.

13. The graph shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in a European country between 1987 and 2007.


14. The table below gives information related to population growth, average birth per woman, life expectancy at birth in countries with different income levels in 2000 and 2004.

15. Changes of population in Australia and Malaysia from 1980 to 2002.

16. The table shows the population ratio of males per 100 females in six different areas in 1995 & 2005 (Africa, Asian, Europe, North and Central America Oceania, North America)

17. The table below shows information about age, average income per person and population below poverty line in three states in USA.

18. The table shows the information about the usage of water in Australian cities in 2004.

19. The table gives information about annual salaries of five employment sectors in Australia In 2006.次重点话题类型:


20. The maps below show a village park now and ten years ago.

21. Comminity centre 10 years ago and today


22. The map describes the change of a park from 1980 to now.

23. The map below illustrates the changes of the docks of Lerton in 1980 and the present.流程图

24. The diagram below shows the method companies use to recruit new employees.

25. The diagram shows the stages of processing cocoa beans.

26. The flow chart below shows the recycling procedure of glass bottles.



27. The chart shows the percentage of time working adults spent the day on different activities in a particular country in 1958 and 2008.

28. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the two graphs below.

29. The pie charts below show reasons why people left the UK to other countries and why people stayed in the UK.

30. The chart shows the percentage of time working adults spent the day on different activities in a particular country in 1958 and 2008.


31. The charts show the information about the water consumption and water residential use in Australia in 2004.

32. The bar chart gives us the information about the life expectancy in Japan, United States, Korea and Indonesia and the table shows us the change in the life expectancy between 1953 and 2008.雅思大作文预测:














1. Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Some people say modern children's games do not develop a wide range of skills, while traditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3. Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

4. Today’s children are living under more pressure from the society than children in the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

5. Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries?

6. Some people say that it is the responsibility of individuals to save money for their own care after they retire. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


7. In many countries more and more young people are leaving school but unable to find jobs. What problems do you think youth unemployment causes for individuals and the society? What measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among youngsters?

8. It is better for students at university to live far away from home than to live at home with their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


9. Some people think the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others believe that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

10. Some people think all children should learn history in school. Others think learning subjects more relevant to life is important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

11. Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education until they are at least 18 years old.

12. Nowadays many parents are sending their kids abroad to acquire good education. Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of this trend. Give your own opinion.


13. In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials (eg. paper, glass and cans).What are the reasons and solutions?

14. The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?

15. Some people think that the environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

16. The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce the

consumption of fossil fuels (e.g. gas and oil). To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

17. Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problem, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

18. Many people think it is very important to protect the environment but they make no effort to do it themselves. Why do you think it is the case? What actions can be done to suggest individuals protect the environment?


19. Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between the poor people and the rich people, while some others say this has an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
