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Read a Sense of Franklin

Being generally regarded as the good ethics of the public, the autobiography of the America statesman Franklin aims to tell us his living experience from obscurity to meritorious, which is one of the successful motivational classic masterpieces, and it contains a great many insightful and genuine ideas about struggle and success, and various kinds of beauty and kindness are also concluded. Due to its advocacy of social well-being, this autobiography is recognized to be the food for thought which have potential to change many people’s fate. Reading this book, is liking to have a conversation with my soul, stimulating me to harvest the wisdom of living, promoting me to complete a tour of the American dream in the course of struggle and fighting as well as the perfection of moral spirit.

Benjamin Franklin is a success and generalist in many ways. He is not only an outstanding politician, diplomat, or a good scientist, inventor, but also a predominant writer and thinker. In eighteenth Century America, he is the second most famous Americans in Washington. After finishing reading his autobiography, I deeply feel his diligent, honest, studious, frugal, and many another great characters, all of which will have profound effect in my future life. He is a good communicator, willing to help others, own strong problem solving ability, and always has great enthusiasm in social and public utilities, and a representative who just present the American spirit of the era of independence, initiative, and being brave to explore unknowns.

Franklin loves reading and learning, the one who good at independent thinking. No matter how burdensome the job is, how deprived the life is, he still harbors the strong thirst and enthusiasm for knowledge learning, saving all the leisure time to read and all the extra money to buy educational books. In order to save money to buy books , he volunteers to be a vegetarian, sometimes he even continues reading to the midnight to return the borrowed books early. This book convinced me a lot to be able to think and analyze the knowledge and opinions we acquired independently, enable me to pick up the essence of morals and form my own idea just as Franklin, which is the greatest happiness as far as I am concerned.

Franklin always attaches great importance to develop his own literary accomplishment, improves writing ability as well. From an early age he was always interested in writin


g, enjoy reading poetry and prose, and then improve his writing skills through the imitation of famous works. Plus he is an outstanding problem analysis and independent thinker. So often in the newspapers: write his own commentaries and spread his thoughts, which do great contribution to his political career development in his later life. Learning from him, during my campus life, I should seek more opportunities to write and discuss, improving my critical thinking capability.

Franklin also attaches great importance to his virtue perfection, in order to achieve that, 13 piece of requirements are proposed which are control, quiet, orderly life, determination, frugal, industrious, sincere, justice, moderation, clean, quiet, chastity and modesty respectively. He has been trying to do that, although it is difficult to fully meet the requirements, he still persists. Reading here, I can not help but to the man of the world to make high demands and amazing. I guess anyone , insisting to achieve the thirteen basic virtues and really do it on length, deserves to be called "saints". Admittedly, it is impossible to be perfection according to our daily experience, but once efforts are paid, there must be improvement undoubtedly. My goal is to foster these virtues as Franklin mentions in his experience, picking up a period of focus at one point and then cultured on another until a basic habit is well developed. I set forbearance as my first goal to achieve, not only as the consequence of the calm brain and clear mind it requires, but it’s the solid foundation of other virtues. Clear thinking is necessary and only in this way we can keep ourselves always being constant vigilance to resist the inertia, curb the endless temptation, and much easier to obtain the following virtues after we learn well from the first one.

Due to his modest, prudent, and diligent character, Franklin is so popular to his friends. He often joins his friends , such as reading , writing and debating, and later he organizes a variety of activities to talk about lectures and the latest social problems gradually, reflecting his strong social skills and predominant interpersonal capability vividly. One thing I admire a lot is that the friendship between he and his friends is

everlasting which is difficult to achieve in any age. Making a friend is easy, but operating a friendship is very difficult, and sincere is the only key to gain others’ respect in return.

Having a strong sense of social responsibility, Franklin is always initiative and enthusiastic to throw himself in public utilities, and invent a plenty of useful things for the benefit of mankind. He has his own religion, but never belong to any other type, he also believes in God, believes that mankind should work for social justice and social well-being. He founds the first American membership libraries, founds the Philadelphia academy, establishes the nation's First Hospital; He invents the lightning rod and the new furnace, a new lighthouse; his famous masterpiece provides a reference for many ordinary people's self education; He has served many social functions, including the post office, police and fire departments, the parliament, even the army. His great competent in these social positions shows his strong sense of social responsibility and excellent problem solving ability. There is no doubt that this prompts him to become an outstanding leader in politics eventually.

I think those, from what I mentioned above, are the most basic qualities of the general public but a hard case for them to obtain those all. And not surprisingly, Franklin does it all and has down well, so he is a success. Just as the saying goes ”one will emulate those better than oneself”, after I read the great man's struggle and success, even if not to imitate him deliberately, I guess I also will be potential to affect by his hard work, and the spirit of enterprising, thus motivating myself in academic learning and social interacting to self perfection. At the same time, I fierce believe, with a noble character, own the spirit of keeping learning and thinking, enjoy the sense of contributing his strength to others even to the whole society, all of those are noble things and worth our attention. Each of us can not be conquered by the inert, we cannot be bound by the previous drawbacks, on the contrary, we should use our own unlimited strength and power to pursue our widest dreams and happiness, and it is the top priority for us to understand the saying” where there is a will, there is a way”. I

think this is the core and essence of Franklin’ s spirit !




《自然》一章从自然、物质、美、语言、知识、理念、精神和未来等八个方面阐述了大自然的丰富意蕴和作者自身的独特见解。在爱默生看来,自然都是人的精神化身,欢乐的自然呈现着欢乐,而忧伤的自然则呈现着哀愁。他主张修身养性,认为只有在孤身独处时人的各种内在天赋才能得到充分发展。同时爱默生又提到“自然既外界外界各种事物给予的完整的印象”,表明作者视整个世界为一个有机整体的浪漫主义自然观。他主张人应当回到原始的物质状态中去,单纯地观察世界。接下来又是一段精彩的话:“我站在空地上,头沐浴在和熙的空气里,仰望着无垠的太空,小我的一切都消失了,我变成了一只透明的眼球;本身不复存在,;我洞察一切;上帝的精气神在我周身循环,我变成了上帝的一部分”。这一段描述实际上也体现了作者的超验主义观念。何为超验主义?所谓的超验主义(transcendentalism) 的核心观点是主张人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理,强调直觉的重要性。认为人类世界的一切都是宇宙的一个缩影--"世界将其自身缩小成为一滴露水"(爱默生语)。超验主义者强调万物本质上的统一,万物皆受"超灵"制约,而人类灵魂与"超灵"一致。这种对人之神圣的肯定使超验主义者蔑视外部的权威与传统,依赖自己的直接经验。"相信你自己"这句爱默生的名言,成为超验主义者座右铭。自然界是精神的象征物,精神渗透人的心灵和自然界,物质是精神的象征。

在我看来爱默生的自然观是以人类为中心的,是反生态的。自然归根结底是为人服务的,自然是人类的工具和对象,人类所欣赏的美不过是人类自身的美德在自然界中的影子。自然在爱默生眼里固然是可亲可爱的、值得赞美的,但爱默生更多的是采用一种居高临下的姿态,体现出对自然地政府欲望。爱默生认为,宇宙是大自然与人的灵魂的结合,人通过灵魂与自然和谐一致。只有接近自然感受自然,人的灵魂才可以真正体会到存在的价值。他相信“与自然和谐共处的生活,以及对真理和美德的热爱,会使人们以焕然一新的目光来解读自然的文本。”自然之对人心灵的影响,从时间上看是最先,从重要性上看是最大。”尽管自然是上帝的另一面,是绝对真理的物化形式,但是自然的最重要的作用是荡涤世人心中的尘埃,使人向自己的神性回归。爱默生眼中的自然,是一种理性的自然,一种带有说教性的自然,一种被抽象、被升华了的自然。爱默生的自然观是透过自然来为社会服务,而不是长时间沉浸在大自然的怀抱。爱默生十分强调对自然的开垦和征服,更多地看到了自然的实用价值 如果我们从爱默生的整个思想体系来看,不难理解上述的自然观。在他看来,“人就是一切,世界为人而存在,人决定自己的命运,人要自尊、自信、自助。”尽管这番话在今天看来颇带有些唯心主义色彩,但如果我们考察一下爱默生著作这本书时的时代背景,就不难发现原因了。爱默生(1803-1882)的一生几乎横亘了整个十九世纪的美国,而这一时期也是美国社会经济政治以及思想文化变动最为猛烈的一个时期之一了。资本主义的迅速发展使得美国社会物质主义和拜金主义盛行,而爱默生以及梭罗等超验主义者的思想主张正是对这种社会现象的否定与抵制。他主张的个人发展是对非人格化过程的针砭,但不可否认的是这种理论也为资产阶级狭隘的个人主义找到理论依据。

