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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 07:15:31 优秀作文


开头1This graph/pie chart/table/bar chart reflects the (rate/percentage/proportion/number …) of (对

象)in(place/country)from …to…

2According to the figure , it is not spurring findings that there was/were 总体趋势的描述(the overall trend tended to indicate…/the general trend is…/其他)

结尾1In conclude , the overall trend tended to illustrate ……during this **-year period

2the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that……这些数据资料令我们得出结论……


(1)According to the data , the years from …to…saw/winess a rise/climb/drop in the number/rate/percentage/proportion of 对象 from数据to数据,which was followed by a rapid decrease/reduce/increase over the ** years.

(2)The number/rate…droped/went up again from…in ** year to…in ** year and then went up/clined gradually until ** year ,when there was a leveling off/leveling out at 数据 for 一段时间。

(3) this is a cure graph which describes the trend of……这个曲线图描述了……的趋势。


(1)Also it can be noticed that in ** year ,the number/percentage … reached the buttom . However/on the

contrary,**year saw the peak during this period.

(2)……时间点 ,when the number/percentage reached(amounted to)to a peak of… / a high point at …

(3)……时间点,when the number/percentage bottomed out (at…)


(1)The proportion/number of 对象 in the xx and xx are similar and follow the same trend.In ** the figures were xx% and xx% respectively,rising to xx% and xx% respectively in **,after dipping to xx% and xx% respectively in **.(总体的趋势介绍)Thereafter,分开介绍即可

(2)the number of……remained steady/stable from (month/year) to (month/year).……月(年)至……月(年)……的数量基本不变。


(1)…is projected to…… as to

(2)…is expected to…… as for

(3)…is forcasted to …… …is estimated to…

5. 对波动的描述

(1)as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of…如图所示,两条曲线描述了…的波动情况。

(2)……fluctuated dramatically between xx% and xx% during …period .

此外,在描述过程中还有很多的conjunctional words/sentences,最常用的固定搭配如下:

并列: as well as(句首/中), also, as well(句尾), either, neither, moreover, furthermore, additionally, besides, what’s more, apart from …

举例: to illustrate, as an illustration, in particular , especially

事实: as a matter of fact, actually, as long as, so long as …

雷同/近似:similarly, likewise(句首/尾), at the same time, equally …

转折: whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, although, while, yet, on the contrary, conversely, on the other hand, unlikely, instead (of), in spite of,



(1)It is clear that the most (adj.) xx is A, which accounts for m% of al(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)l x . B is the next largest(adj.)xx ,n% lower than A of all x and followed closely by C . The above three items of xx take uo about o% of the x%

(2)By contrast D E andF make uo the smallest percentage of total x , which are p% q% and r% ,respectively.

(3)The regions can be divided into two groups-one where … and the other where the reverse is the case.

(4) the graph provides some interesting data regarding……该图为我们提供了有关……有趣数据。


(1)Form, comprise, make up, occupy

(2)Constitute, cover, represent, account for

(3)Be shared by

(4)In 1950, the urban population represented less than 13% of the total. It is now about 40% and is expected to reach 60% by 2030. (摘自BBC)


(1)A quarter of… (2)Half of…(3)A majority of…(4) A has something in common with b

(5) A shares some similarity with b (6) The difference between a and b lies in…(7) Double, triple, quadruple (v, n, adj)

(8)原来的2倍-double, 50→100 原来的3倍-triple, 50→150 原来的4倍-quadruple, 50→200

(9)The value of the house has increased fourfold (=it is now worth four times as much as before).

(10)…be twice as adj. as …..

(11)…more than xx times as adj. as …..

雅思小作文模板——柱状图:柱状图(1as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in……从图中可以看出,……发生了巨大变化。

2.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that……or it is clear/apparent from the chart that……从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到……)和线型图写法一致,并且结合饼状图来写!

表格题1. 找出最大值,最小值,以及一般值2. 进行分析比较,找出近似值和相差很大的数值

常用句式1.a is nearly /more than…times as much/many/large as b.(a是b的…倍。) / the table shows the changes in the number of……over the period from……to……该表格描述了在……年之……年间……数量的变化。

2. be the same as…(与…相同)

3.表原因的句子:(1). cause-effect (较常用) :XXX lead to / bring about / result in/ account for … (一个句子/shared the same tendency), therefore / thus / hence / as a result / consequently / (and) so …

(2). effect-cause (较常用)XXX be caused by / result from / be the result of / be the effect of / be the consequence of …(一个句子/shared the same tendency), because …

it is adj. that …

it is unimaginable that …

it is undeniable that …

it is interesting to discover that …






The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.

Write a report a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and

chip remains their most popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza. From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers, pizza being at that time the least popular fast food. The consumption of hamburgers and pizza has risen steadily over the 20 year period to 1990 while the consumption of fish and chips has been in decline over that same period with a slight increase in popularity since 1985.



The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. 两句话,两个图


The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence).

? 说明了高收入人群的两个特点,第一是消耗快餐最多,第二是人群中hamburger,

fish and chips, pizza的特点

? spending more than twice as much on hamburgers than on fish and chip and

chips or pizza 这是一句令人费解的句子,含义应为“消耗的汉堡是薯片或匹萨的两倍多 ”,应用的句型应当为典型的表示倍数关系的句型“n times as…as”,比如 ? This airplane flies two times as fast as that one. 这家飞机的飞行速度是那架


? He has five times as many books as you. 他拥有的书是你的五倍。

? 所以,这句话应当为 spending more than twice as much on hamburger as on

fish and chips or pizza, 其中more than修饰twice, 表示比较句型为 twice as much…as

? 表示倍数比较的句型中还有一个重要的 n times more than, 也表示“是几倍”,而非


? China is 22 times larger than Britain. 中国是英国的22倍。

? fish and chips表示的一组东西“油煎鱼价炸土豆片”,表示的是个不可数的概念 Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per

person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. ? 说明了中收入人群的三类食品的消耗情况。

? 这句是典型的表示顺序关系的表达, hamburgers, followed by fish and chips,

then pizza, 其表达句型为 A, followed by B, then C,这种表达尤其在饼图中应用尤为广泛

Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chips remains their most popular fast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza.

? 说明了低收入人群的两个特征,第一是该人群消耗的快餐数量最少,通过though


? 结合上句,来看看如何表达“最喜欢”,Average income earners favored

hamburgers; Fish and chips remains their most popular fast food.


From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers, pizza being at that time the least popular fast food.

? 说明三类食品的起点(1970)情况,

? N times as…as 句型说明了fish and chips和burgers的关系

? pizza being the least popular fast food at that time 为“独立主格结构”

The consumption of hamburgers and pizza has risen steadily over the 20 year period to 1990 while the consumption of fish and chips has been in decline over that same period with a slight increase in popularity since 1985.

? 用一个表示对照的连词while说明上升趋势的hamburgers和下降趋势的fish and



? 上升 has risen steadily

? 下降 has been in decline

? 表示段时间 over the 20 year period to 1990, over the same period

? with a slight increase in popularity用with 从句补充说明大趋势下的小变化



? N times as+ 形容词或副词原级…as

? N times+ 形容词或副词的比较级…than


表示三种的顺序关系 A, followed by B, then C,这个表达在饼图中很常用


? 表示上升 rise, be in increase

? 表示下降 be in decline, drop



The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 20 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time.

从柱状图看,各收入阶层在汉堡和鱼煎薯条这两种快餐上的支出相对高于在皮萨上的消费;曲线图反映出汉堡与皮萨的消费呈现上升趋势,鱼煎薯条则呈现出波动趋势。 As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income

levels on hamburgers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamburger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a trend of fluctuation.


First, the weekly average expenses of high-income people and middle-income people were 42 pence and 33 pence respectively, a lot higher than that of low-income people which was 14 pence. As for fish and chips, high-income people spent relatively less, only 17 pence, but the expenses of middle-income and low-income groups reached 25 pence and 18 pence, much higher than their expenses on pizza which stood at 12 pence and 8 pence respectively. What is worth mentioning is the amount of money spent on pizza by high-income people which showed only 20 pence, 2 pence more than their expense on fish and chips.


Second, starting from averagely 85 grams per week in 1970, people’s consumption of hamburgers gradually grew to 100 grams in 1975 and was then followed by a faster growth, reaching more than 200 grams in around 1983. From then on, the growth gained a stronger momentum, hitting the peak across the board at 550 grams in 1990.


Third, the consumption of pizza revealed a similar trend of growth as that of

hamburgers and could also be clearly cut into three periods, though the growth rate was not that fast. It rose slowly from 40 grams per week in 1970 to 80 grams in 1980 and then grew faster from 80 grams in 1980 to 130 grams in 1985. From 1985, the growth rate was even faster and we see a big increase from 130 grams to 280 grams.


Fourth, the consumption of fish and chips showed three changes in the general trend of fluctuation. From 1970 to 1975, it dropped slowly from the original 300 grams per week in 1970 to 280 grams in 1975. Later on, from 1975 to 1985, it dropped a little bit faster when it fell from 280 grams to 200 grams. From then on, it began to rise gradually and till 1990, it had climbed back to 240 grams.


To sum up, the consumption of the three above mentioned fast foods in Britain

showed certain rises and falls as illustrated in the chart and graph over the designated 20 years.





2. 比较: similarity

3. 对比: difference

4. 横向总结所有柱状图表的共性特征 & 分别描写各个柱子的个性特征

5. 数据读约数即可


1. 极点说明: 对图表当中最高的,最低的点要单独进行说明

2. 趋势说明: 对图表当中曲线的连续变化进行说明


3. 交点说明: 对图表当中多根曲线的交点进行对比说明

4. 单线单图:






( 一 ) 首段

In the XXX chart, it can be seen some interesting figure of over the period All the trends/statistics of can be categorized

(二)主体部分 approximately +%, after which, in the following 数据 years, which witnessed a sharp increase/decrease by %。

During the same period, however, there was a large increase in + 主题from % to %。In contrast, by YEAR2, there was a significant

upward/downward trend in the figure of (bike owners), which peaked at/amounted to +%。

However, A and B shared almost the same tendency, both experienced a sharp drop/rise from % and % to % and % in +年份respectively, followed by another steady/dramatic slump/rise in 1980 bottomed at % and %.


In conclusion/To sum up/Overall, it can be seen from the data that + 总结图表数据所证明的内容。

The most noticeable thing is + 总结图表最突出的特点。



1. 介绍各扇面及总体的关系

2. 各个扇面之间的比较,同类扇面在不同时间,不同地点的比较

3. 重点突出特点最明显的扇面:最大的,最小的,互相成倍的

4. 所含成分 & 百分比表示法

5. 描写顺序:





The charts demonstrate/ compare... ... and ....


It can be also observed from the first pie chart that the most component of 主题 in year 1 is A, which accounts for **%. B is the next largest part, **% lower than A, and followed closely by C. The above three items take up the majority of all.

In marked contrast, A,B and C make up a small percentage in year 2, which are *%,*% and *% respectively.

From year1 to year2, the number/figure of A increased/decreased significantly from % to % . Similarly, B doubled to %. On the contrary, during the same time, there was a rapid downward/upward trend in the proportion of C.


To sum up/Inconclusion/Obviously/Apparently, A and B gain its popularity from year1 to year2 while C suffers a substantial drop.


1.横向比较: 介绍横向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势

2. 纵向比较:介绍纵向各个数据的区别,变化和趋势

3. 无需将每一个数据分别说明,突出强调数据最大值和最小值,



5. 描写顺序:从大到小, 由主及次


From the table, it can be seen some interesting figures concerning....

(二) 主体部分

It is apparent that A is considerably higher that that of others in 主题1 and 主题2, reaching the number of 数据 and 数据. In year 1, A reached + 数据 in +主题, which number is 数字 times as much as in year 2.

However, the number of B decreased drastically in 数据 years spanning the year of 数据 to the year of 数据 from 数据 to 数据. Between year 3 and year 4, the figure of C, D and E also increased/ decreased by %.

(三) 结尾

According to the table, in every year period, the number of A was larger than that of

B especially in year1 and year 2.



2. 表达每一流程的主体内容,阐明这种关系,揭示其内在联系或规律

3. 最后,给予简要归纳和总结。

4. 不求甚解,不拘泥于细节

5. 分门别类,分段落详细介绍各个图表

6. 不画蛇添足,主观臆断或猜测图表之间的关系

