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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 12:41:12 优秀作文


作文素材 奥黛丽赫本

高三(1)班 张悦




赫本翻转过她的硬币,演绎着属于她自己的奢华与夺目,在演艺事业上步上了高峰。 圣·赫本

人一生中最永恒,也是最紧迫的问题是:你能为别人做什么?——马丁·路德·金 或许将全世界的溢美之词叠加在奥黛丽·赫本身上也不为过,正如最初面试她的一名导演对助手说的那样:“你看见过一个会走路的梦吗?我今天终于看见了。”然而,赫本的美丽,绝不仅限于她在荧幕上塑造的美好形象,还包含在她那颗慈善的心里。

赫本一生都关注慈善事业,这可能与她的童年经历有关。赫本在二战的困苦环境中度过童年,对缺乏关爱的儿童的痛苦有深刻体会。赫本在数十年后还对战争结束后得到联合国儿童基金会救助的情(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)景记忆犹新,帮助他人的力量让赫本记忆深刻。从上世纪八十年代开始,赫本逐渐淡出影坛,就任联合国儿童基会大使,不遗余力的利用自己的影响力唤起社会对索马里、苏丹等落后国家儿童生存状况的关注,拖着病弱的身体,赴拉丁美洲和非洲救助那些贫困的孩子。




赫本一生鲜有遗憾的部分,原因是她做每件事都尽自己最大努力——这一点相当重要。她说:“我从来不拥有什么天赋才能,我崇拜我的工作,我尽了最大努力。”是的,她的确是这样做的。她曾在大雨中一连淋上好几个小时,也曾为骑马而摔断椎骨;她曾因学开车而撞了别人的车被推上法庭;还曾因拍摄需要花几个月耐心驯养一只小鹿,做它的代理妈妈……因为她的天赋和刻苦工作,她的演技日益纯熟精湛,也越来越得到广大观众的喜爱,甚至那些要求苛刻的影评家也对她推崇备至,授予她各种各样的电影奖。 赫本的执着与完美追求——那是天使的一双纯洁翅膀。


篇三:关于奥黛丽-赫本Audrey Hepburn的大学英语作文

Audrey Hepburn

After the World War II in 1945, Hepburn continued to pursue her interest in ballet in London. Although she supported herself with part-time work, the high tuition fee had forced her to move to Amsterdam. During this time, she appeared for the first time on film, as an air stewardess in an educational travel film made by Charles van der

Linden and Hey Josephson, Dutch in Seven Lessons. When Hepburn asked Rambert about her future, Rambert assured her that she could continue to work there and have a great career, but her relatively tall height of 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m)coupled with her poor nutrition during the war would keep her from becoming a prima ballerina. Hepburn trusted Rambert's assessment and decided to pursue acting. After becoming a star, Rambert said of Hepburn, "She was a wonderful learner. If she had wanted to persevere, she might have become an outstanding ballerina."

Hepburn was active during Hollywood's Golden Age. She has since been ranked as the third greatest female screen legend in the history of American cinema. She also remains one of few people who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Awards.

In 1953,because of the film Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck, she took the world by storm. While producers initially wanted Elizabeth Taylor for the role, director

William Wyler was so impressed by Hepburn's screen test that he cast her in the lead. Wyler later commented, "She had everything I was looking for: charm, innocence, and talent. She also was very funny. She was absolutely enchanting and we said,

'That's the girl!' "Gregory Peck also once said: "She'll be a big star." Audiences and critics alike were wowed by her portrayal of Princess Ann, her first starring role, the royal who escapes the constrictions of her title for a short time. Thus, she won the Academy Award for her performance in this film.After this film, Hepburn was signed to a seven-picture contract with Paramount with twelve months in between films to allow her time for stage work. In 1959, she played Sister Luke in The Nun's Story (1959), which earned her an

Academy Award nomination. The film focused on her character's struggle to succeed as a nun. A review in Variety said "Audrey Hepburn has her most demanding film role, and she gives her finest performance."

In 1961, Hepburn began work on Blake Edwards' Breakfast at Tiffany's after the birth of her son, Sean. The film was drastically changed from the original version. Despite the lack of sexual innuendo in her character,her portrayal was nominated for the 1961 Academy Award for Best Actress and became an iconic character in American

cinemas. This was her fourth Academy Award nomination in her film life. The little black dress which was worn by Hepburn in the beginning of the film was cited as one of the most iconic items of clothing in the history of the twentieth century and perhaps the most famous little black dress of all time.

It is said that the popular musical My Fair Lady (1964) is her most successful work. Overall, about 90% of her singing in the film was dubbed despite being promised that most of her vocals would be used. As a result, although the film had accumulated

eight out of a possible twelve awards at the 37th Academy Awards, Hepburn was left nomination-less in the Best Actress category.

Hepburn is appreciated by people all over the world in different eras. Of course, it is not merely because of her achievement in films. In spite of her big fame, Hepburn always showed her kindness to her counterparts, which helped her gained many good assessments. It is said that during the shooting of "Breakfast at Tiffany's", the handsome young co-star George Peppard was so nervous that he made a few mistakes, but later, Hepburn offered her help to him enthusiastically. So he eliminates the nervous and finally take the play well.

Besides, Hepburn was a very hardworking and persistent actress, which can obviously be seen from her great success in her films. She never chose to act for money. Instead, she was quite fussy with films to act. Actors as well as directors who ever worked with her always tended to be strongly impression by her temperament. It is no wonder that so many people are fond of her.
