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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 03:35:44 英语作文

篇一:暑假学车 英语短文

Summer Vacation: Time For Getting A Driving License

During the summer vacation, some students choose to climb mountains, some volunteer, and some think learning how to drive a car is a vital skill for their future. But with tough weather conditions, tough driving instructors and even tougher requirements for getting a license, students not only learn a skill but also a lesson for life.

Endurance test

Zhang Li, 19, a sophomore majoring in botany at Yunnan University, nearly lost confidence when he learned to drive at a local driving school.

“The driving instructor easily got angry about my performance. A lot of students want to learn how to drive in the summer vacation and let’s face it, we make a lot of rookie mistakes, which really gets on their nerves, ” says Zhang.

But the constant criticism made Zhang feel bad about himself, as if he was too stupid to learn how to drive. Through his parents’ advice, however, he started seeing it as an endurance test.

“It will be important to keep calm at all times when driving on public roads in the future, so I think it’s a good preparation, ” says Zhang.

Vital checks

Wei Ruolin, 22, a senior majoring in law at Sun Yat-sen University, was one of the many students at the driving school this summer waiting patiently for her lesson to begin. But when Wei finally got behind the wheel next to the instructor, she almost caused an accident.

“I forgot to check the position of the rear- and side-view mirrors before I started driving. I couldn’t see anything on both sides as the mirrors were folded in. I tried to adjust them while driving, but I nearly lost control of the car as I was distracted. It was very dangerous, ” Wei says.

When you get into the driving seat, don’t hurry to start the engine, but check everything and make any necessary adjustments before moving off.

Difficult rules

Huang Shunlin, 22, a senior majoring in management at Central China Normal University, failed the test for traffic rules three times, even though the majority of the test is based on common sense. But then Huang thought of how many points he would lose on his driving license and the money he would be fined if he kept violating the traffic rules and didn’t learn them well.

“I didn’t pay much attention to the test at first and failed it several times, ” says Huang. “When I finally treated it like a real test and prepared with my friend’s help, it was easy and I learned many things to keep me safe on the road.”

instructor [in'str?kt?] video

n. 指导书;教员;指导者

adjustment [?'d??stm?nt] video

n. 调整,调节;调节器

criticism ['kriti,siz?m] video

n. 批评;考证;苛求

distract [dis'tr?kt] video

vt. 转移;分心

volunteer [,v?l?n'ti?] video

n. 志愿者;志愿兵adj. 志愿的vi. 自愿vt. 自愿

rookie ['ruki] video

n. 新手

endurance [in'dju?r?ns] video

n. 忍耐力;忍耐;持久;耐久

violate ['vai?leit] video

vt. 违反;侵犯,妨碍;亵渎

Such kindness as young grass receives from the warm sun can’t be repaid.



学车族必备:安全驾驶必备的英文短语 禁止标志:

禁喇叭 No horn

禁闯红灯 No jaywalking

禁止通行 No passing / No th(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)rough traffic 禁止越线 Keep in lane

禁止汽车 Auto not permitted

不准回转 No U turn

不准入内 No entry

不准停车 No parking

不准等候 No waiting

不准左转 Keep right

不准右转 Keep left

不准超车 No overhead

不准掉头 No turns

禁止鸣笛 No tooting


慢(快)车道 Slow(Quick) lane

单行道 One way only / Single lane

双车道 Two-way traffic

高速公路 Freeway(FWY) / motorway

公路 highway

收费站 Toll station

高架道路 Elevated road

入口 Entrance

出口 Exit

由此而入 Enter here

绕路而行 Detour

大路 Avenue

林荫大道 Boulevard(Blvd)

小路 Path

人行道 Pavement

宁静区 Silent zone

徒步区 Walking area

拱桥 Arch bridge

停车处 Parking lot(zone)

地下道 Underpass


窄路 Narrow road

滑路 Slippery road

弯路 Curve road

此路不通 Blocked / Road closed 修路 Road works ahead

改道 Diversion / Detour

险陡 Dangerous ahead

危险弯路 Dangerous curves

三岔路 Road junction

十字路 Cross road

回车道 Loop road

左(右)弯 Left (Right) curve

弯曲路 Winding road

之字路 Double bend road

让车弯 Passing bay

小心火车 RR Crossing / Railroad crossing 前有工程 Men working

前有狭桥 Narrow bridge ahead 塌方 Landslide

当心行人 Caution pedestrian crossing





禁喇叭 No horn

禁闯红灯 No jaywalking

禁止通行 No passing / No through traffic

禁止越线 Keep in lane

禁止汽车 Auto not permitted

不准回转 No U turn

不准入内 No entry

林荫大道 Boulevard(Blvd)

不准停车 No parking

不准等候 No waiting

不准左转 Keep right

不准右转 Keep left

不准超车 No overhead

不准掉头 No turns

禁止鸣笛 No tooting


慢(快)车道 Slow(Quick) lane

单行道 One way only / Single lane

双车道 Two-way traffic

高速公路 Freeway(FWY) / motorway

公路 highway

收费站 Toll station

高架道路 Elevated road

入口 Entrance

出口 Exit

由此而入 Enter here

绕路而行 Detour

大路 Avenue

林荫大道 Boulevard(Blvd)

小路 Path

人行道 Pavement

三岔路 Road Junction

宁静区 Silent zone

徒步区 Walking area

拱桥 Arch bridge

停车处 Parking lot(zone)

地下道 Underpass


窄路 Narrow road

滑路 Slippery road

弯路 Curve road

此路不通 Blocked / Road closed修路 Road works ahead

改道 Diversion / Detour

险陡 Dangerous ahead

危险弯路 Dangerous curves

三岔路 Road junction

十字路 Cross road

回车道 Loop road

左(右)弯 Left (Right) curve

弯曲路 Winding road

之字路 Double bend road

让车弯 Passing bay

小心火车 RR Crossing / Railroad crossing前有工程 Men working

前有狭桥 Narrow bridge ahead塌方 Landslide

当心行人 Caution pedestrian crossing
