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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/22 04:20:20 英语作文












假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的内容,为校刊《英语园地》写一篇题为 “My Special Gift for Grandma”的英文稿件,介绍你在寒假里用压岁钱为奶奶购买手机,并教会奶奶使用手机的完整过程。词数不少于60。稿件的开头已给出。

One possible version:

As can be seen from the picture, a teacher-like cock stands on the bank, proudly and vividly explaining how to swim. His students, three ducks, float in the water, listening attentively.

The picture wants to remind us of the importance of self-awareness. Both the cock and the ducks fail to know themselves clearly, so they make vain effort. The cock is definitely unable to swim but works as a swimming coach confidently. On the other hand, the ducks


, the born swimmers, are eager to learn how to swim, even from a cock. Lack of a sound self-knowledge, they are bound to fail. As to us, we should have a right judgment to our ability and choose to do what are really suitable for us.





注意:1. 日记的开头已为你写好。2. 词数不少于60。

My Special Gift for Grandma

During winter vacation, I spent my lucky money on a special gift for Grandma. ___________ _______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version: My Special Gift for Grandma



During winter vacation, I spent my lucky money on a special gift for Grandma. One Friday afternoon, I went to a cell phone store and chose a large button phone specially designed for seniors. I gave it to Grandma when I came to visit her at the weekend. Upon receiving the phone, Grandma was very happy and eager to learn how to use it. I patiently explained all the important functions she needed. Grandma learned carefully and wanted to have a try. With my help, she successfully called her friend. That afternoon Grandma proudly told the neighbors that she could make calls with the new phone I bought her. They all praised how thoughtful I was.


In your English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.

提示词公鸡 cock

March 23, Friday Sunny

Today is Dad’s birthday and I wanted to buy him a gift.

One possible version:

March 23, Friday Sunny Today is Dad’s birthday and I wanted to buy him a gift. So after school I hurried to a bakery and bought a big birthday cake. Imagining the delighted look on his face when Dad saw the cake, I

couldn’t wait to go back home.

When I got on a bus, I was pleased to find a vacant seat, so I sat down with the cake on my legs. When the bus got to the next stop, an old lady got on, carrying many bags. Without hesitation , I offered my seat to her and I was standing until arriving at the destination. I got off the bus and was about to cross the road when I saw a blind man waiting by the crosswalk. I walked over

quickly and led him across the road safely.

Arriving home, I gave the cake to Dad as well as my best wishes. And then, I told Mum and Dad


what I had done on my way home. Hearing my story, Dad smiled, “It is not the cake but your

deed of helping others that is the most valuable gift for me.”

第二节 开放作文(15分)

In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

Last Saturday, _______________________________________________________ Possible version:

Our school holds Career Day once a year in March, offering us a chance to get familiar with different businesses and career options.

Last Saturday, we took part in Career Day activities. At 9 o’clock, we gathered in the library. Having read the schedule, we went into the meeting hall eagerly. The guests from different businesses had already been there waiting for us. They gave us a lecture introducing what they did at work, which offered us a general knowledge of different jobs. After that, with many questions we communicated with them face to face. To our great delight, we got more valuable information we were interested in. Surprisingly, we were also given a chance to experience the work under their guidance. It helped us have a better picture of our favorite jobs.

After all the activities, I had a clearer goal of my future career. I’m sure I will strive for it with passion and determination. (132 words) 第二节开放作文(15分)

In your English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

One possible version:

As is seen in the picture, a pig, with a pair of glasses on the nose and a book in hand, is giving some hens a lecture on how to lay more eggs, while the hens are staring at the whiteboard with doubtful expression.

The simple picture conveys a profound message that we should take a skeptical attitude towards false experts and believe our professional knowledge. As we all know, hens are born to know how to lay eggs. Therefore, there is no doubt the pig is showing off before an expert, though he is dressed up like a well-educated person. In our daily life, we often meet some people who pretend to be expert in a certain field, but in fact, they know nothing, just like the pig in the picture. When these so-called experts give guidance to us, it is wise to question them first and not to accept their advice blindly. Otherwise, we may be misled.

In conclusion, on our way to success, learning is a must but questioning is also necessary.


假设你是红星中学高三(1)的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的信息,为校刊英语园地写一篇英文稿件,叙述上周六你参加学校组织的“Career Day”的活动过程及感受。 注意: 1.文章的开头已为你写好。2.词数不少于60。

Possible version:

From the picture, we can see a boy playing football. To our surprise, he is not kicking the football towards a goal but a basket. Although he is sweating a lot, he looks very excited. He seems to be proud of his creativity and imagination.

The picture may convey the message that creativity can open up a new door to our life. As we can see in the picture, the boy manages to enjoy playing football on the basketball court. Maybe there is no football field around. In spite of limited conditions, he can think out of the box to achieve what he wants. I think we should learn from the boy and deal with problems in unusual ways instead of complaining about unsatisfactory situations. Then we would probably, like the boy, gain something unexpected, which surely brings us happiness. (140 words)



Our school holds Career Day once a year in March, offering us a chance to get familiar with different businesses and career options. 



though lower.

The picture implies a very important rule of doing things — we always need a balance between speed and quality. It isn’t difficult to see examples of how often higher speed is set up as a target. “The faster, the better” has become a motto for us due to the fiercely competitive environment of our society. However our work has no value at all if we ignore the quality of it just like the man building the twisted wall. As students, we are required to do things at high speed. It’s definitely helpful to keep in mind that no matter how fast we

need to achieve something, quality may never be ignored.


假设你是红星中学学生李华,上周参加了学校组织的“京郊美丽乡村”展示活动,为此,你与父母一起去感受了乡村的变化。请根据下列四幅图的先后顺序,给美国笔友Peter写信,介绍你参加此次活动的全过程。注意:1. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好。 2. 词数不少于60。

Last term we went to Miyun to work on the farm. We spent a whole week there. _________ _______________________________________________________________________________ One possible version:

Last term we went to Miyun to work on the farm. We spent a whole week there.

Upon our arrival, we were divided into groups of four and each group shared one room. All by ourselves, we wiped the windows, swept the floor and made the bed. After getting settled, we went to the fruit yard and got down to work at once. Some of us picked apples and others loaded baskets of apples onto the trucks. While we were there, we also helped with the corn harvest. We cut the corns off and piled them up. Never in my life had I ever seen so many corns lying about in the field. I felt it was great fun. On the last day, we gathered together in the open air to have a party, where we sang songs and danced happily. This was really an unforgettable experience for us all. 第二节 开放作文(15分)

In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

Dear Peter,

How are things going?

Last week, I took part in the show of “Beautiful Villages around Beijing” in our school. ________________________________________________________________________________

Do keep in touch. Best wishes,

Li Hua

One possible version:

One possible version:

As we can see in the picture, two men are competing against each other in building walls. One man has built up an obviously higher but twisted wall, while the other’s work is completely vertical, strong and solid


Dear Peter,

How are things going?


morning, my parents and I went to the suburbs to get some information for my poster. On arriving at the destination, we were impressed by the beautiful scenery and people’s living conditions. I took many photos. Then we chatted with a farmer, who told us about the changes

Last week, I took part in the show of “Beautiful Villages around Beijing” in our school.On

these years. They now can get online to learn agricultural science and trade their products. And in spare time they can enjoy various leisure activities, like playing table tennis and chess. The next day I put my pictures and an article on the school wall newspaper. I feel proud of the development of our country.

Do keep in touch. Best wishes, Li Hua

第二节开放作文(15分)In your English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

One possible version:

From the picture we can see two men standing in two areas, each holding a stick ready to kill the mice in his area. Between them is an area where a mouse is playing freely but neither of the two men seems to notice it. They both expect the other to catch it. People are sometimes selfish. They tend to avoid their responsibility when problems arise. We need to concern about our own gain or loss, but on the other hand, why don’t we go a little further to help others? Helping others means helping ourselves.


假设你是红星中学高二年级学生李华,在通用技术课(general technology class)上,老师让你们自己动手设计并制作书架。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊英语园地写一篇以“Our Own Bookshelf”为题的英文稿件,介绍课堂活动的完整过程。

注意:1. 稿件的开头已为你写好。 2. 词数不少于60。提示词:锯 saw

Our own bookshelf

We have a general technology class this term to learn some basic skills. Last month, our teacher brought some wooden boards, asking each group to make a bookshelf. I had never thought I could make it. My partners and I searched the Internet and studied different types of bookshelves until we got a creative design of our own. So we started when Liu Dong sawed the boards, while Wang Mei and I were trying to fix the pieces together. My hands were shaking as the tool didn’t seem to fit me well. Fortunately, the teacher came and told me the right way to use it. “Well done!” I felt encouraged by what the teacher said. Looking at our products displayed in the classroom, all of us were proud and excited. Well, we can do it, and do it by ourselves. That’s something beyond the basic skills we learnt. 第二节开放作文(15分)

In your spoken English class,your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.

As is seen in the picture, a little duck is learning to swim. Unexpectedly, it is swimming with the help of a lifebuoy.

A duck, usually a born swimmer, should be confident of its own natural ability. However, this little duck doesn't seem to trust itself, using a lifebuoy to secure its safety. This, ofcourse, could make the duck feel less likely to take risks or become a good swimmer more efficiently. Same in life, most people have potentials. If they lack confidence or depend too much on others, they will not tap into their fullest potentials much like the duck with the lifebuoy.

Added force does not really help but limit a person's development. Trust yourself and go with your

natural talents.




桃浦中心小学 五(1)班 黄智诚



那一天,我们来到了教室里,只见课桌上放了一些馄饨皮、一碗水、一盆馅和一根筷子。正在奇怪这是上什么课题时,张老师走了进来,原来今天他要教我们包馄饨呀。他先给我们放了一段关于馄饨的视频片段,从这些视频里面我们了解了馄饨的来历和各地区对馄饨的叫法。如:四川的馄饨叫“抄手”、广东的馄饨叫“云吞”? ?




