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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/10 02:23:10 初中作文







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四、【玄外】 请以“______真好”为题,写一篇不少于600字的记叙文。

















题目:只要我们留心观察,用心体验,就会发现生活中许多有价值的东西。如从一件寻常小事中感悟出一个道理,在学习过程中发现了一种有效的方法,在与人交往中察觉到一份真诚……请以“我发现 ”为题写一篇文章。

要求:(1)根据自己的生活经历将题目补充完整;(2)表达真情实感;(3)文体不限;(4)5 00字左右。




① 提示:横线上可以填上“逆境”、“苦难”、“呵护”、“奋斗”、“磨练”、“关爱”等词语,也可以填上其他的词语。





请以“感受 (幸福、孤独、成功……)”为题写一篇500字左右的记叙文。









请你以“在 中成长”为题,写一篇作文。(提示:横线上可以填上“逆境”、“苦难”、“呵护”、“奋斗”、“磨练”、“关爱”等词语,也可以填上其他的词语。)

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Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world, and people's health is threatened. How to solve this problem remains one of the most important issues for each country. Write an essay on the topic "The Problem of Pollution". You should base your essay on the following outline.

1. 全球污染现象变得日益严重。

2. 全世界人民都非常关注这一现象。各国政府也采取了一定的措施来解决这一问题。

3. 我们应该怎么做。

I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan many businessmen are selling fresh air to customers, and now it is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A., China, India, etc.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing. It is largely caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Besides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys;

those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of pollution For example, poisonous gas given off by automobiles should be controlled by equipping them with a device which can dispose of waste gas so as to prevent it from polluting air.

范文:My Ideal Friend 1、你心目中理想的朋友是什么样的? 2、现实生活中你是否有这样的朋友及你如何获得这样的朋友。


Friends can be classified into two kinds, good friends and evil friends. Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good ones drive us towards the right and make our life successful. Two of them exist in our daily life. However, ideal friends exist in people's mind. They should be

diligent, successful and loyal. When you need help, they will stand beside you and be delighted to give you a hand. Also you can share your happiness and sorrow together.

In my opinion, friends can share something but they also should keep their own secrets. So I wish my friends wouldn't interfere in my privacy too much. On the other hand, my friends should have Something in common with me, at the same time something special. In this way we can attract each other and learn from each other

范文:The Difficulties in My English Learning 1、学习英语的重要性。



Most Chinese students have difficulties in learning English. The difficulties vary so much from person to person that it is difficult to cite here in a few words. Some may have problems in reading. Others may have trouble in writing. I also had problems in English learning, but my difficulty seemed to lie in listening. For example, when tested for listening comprehension, I couldn't understand a single sentence, let alone a passage of medium level. In order to overcome the difficulty in my English learning, I made great efforts to find the key to the problem. I consulted my teacher and found out that I merely didn't have enough time to practice listening. So I bought a tape recorder and listened to it at least two hours a day. In addition, I listened to "Special English"

on VOA. I also went out of my way to speak to foreigners on the campus whenever we meet so that I could have the chance to listen to the native speakers. After half a year's hard work, I could get 70% of the questions correct in

listening comprehension tests. I own my success to my English teacher. It is him who tells me the correct way to learn English. It is him who always encourages me when I encounter difficulties and feel disappointed.

范文:The Person I feel the Most Grateful to 1、你最想感谢的人是谁?2、为什么要感谢他?


I am now a college student.I not only stay on top in studies in my class,but also have a strong constitution.Perhaps no one believes that as a child I was meagre and weak,not able to speak and walk until three years old.The reason might be that my family was very poor when my mother was pregnant with me.There was not enough to eat,to say nothing of nourishing food. Mother never gave up hope and tried all means to feed me up.She worked very hard.She raised pigs and chickens,and planted vegetables.She learned how to make edible oil from peanuts,vinegar from millet,beancurd from soy beans.She did all this by herself,for my father was working for a geological prospecting party,always away from home.Mother took perfect and minute care of me.Once I had a high fever,she carried me on her back and walked three hours at night to see a doctor.Litle by little,I grew stronger,then I went to school.Mother often encouraged me to take exercise in order to keep fit. Now I am a sturdy young man,while mother,only a small more than forty,is a grey-haired woman with a wrinkled face,looking much older than she actually is.I feel I owe everything to my mother and she is the one I should be most grateful to.

范文:Should We Learn to Do Housework? 1、学生是否要学做家务?有人认为应该。



Housework is often too heavy for our parents,especially for our mothers. Although we are very busy working at our lessons, I think we should do some housework for our parents,because our parents are also busy and tired after a day's work. They care for us and we should care for them too. What's more,doing housework can also help us learn to look after ourselves and make our tired brains relax. But,now,many parents don't let their daughters or sonsdo anything,because they hope that their children can have more time for lessons so that they can go to university and then have good jobs. But some of us don't make good use of the time. They just take it for granted that the housework is something done by parents. In other words,they don't value the time,or rather,they are just wasting the time. I think we should study hard every day in order to learn all the lessons well. At

the same time,we should also do some housework every day. It is good for us. Now we are not small children any longer. We should spend some of our spare time on housework to reduce our parents'


With the improvement in living standards, more and more people start to go abroad for their

holidays. Write an essay on the topic "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Going Abroad for Holidays". And you should base your essay on the outline below.




The Advantages and Disadvantages of Going Abroad for Holidays Going abroad for holidays is becoming more and more popular. One reason is that you can choose wherever you like to go. Another reason for it is that you can know nore about the local habit and culture. What's more, it's a good chance for everyone to practice speaking English.

But every coin has two sides. You may be badly ill or can't get used to the local culture immediately. Another disadvantage is that you can't talk to a person who doesn't have the same interst as you.

In my opinion, we can't miss a chance to go abroad.

Personally, I think this question should be probed(探究) in depth. From what has been discussed above, we can see clearly that the key lies in whether the student is able to strike a successful balance between work and study.

6. “My View on One-Child Family”


Many of the Chinese people think that a family with one child is better than those with more children. For one thing, many people will try their best to achieve career success and have little time to care about their children;

for another, if they only raise one child they can afford better education for the child.

But there are also some negative views about the one-child family. They think it is better to have a big family. Everyone in the family can help each other when they have difficulties. What is more, the more children they have, the better life they will live when they grow old.

In my opinion, it's enough for a family to have one child. Nowadays population expansion is one of the most serious problems in the world. Population expansion contributes to a series of problems: shortage of

natural resources and food supply, crowded cities and high rate of

unemployment. Some day the earth will be too crowded for people to live in.

3. Topic: My View on Studying Abroad 1.一些人认为出国学习是自我发展的最佳途径 2.另一些人则认为在国内也能充分展示个人的才华 3.我的看法 In recent years, studying abroad has been popular in our country. More and more students would like to go abroad through mediators. Is it good or bad to study abroad? In my opinion, on one hand, it has some advantages. Studying abroad can provide better studying conditions. People can make rapid progress in their foreign language study and it can also help widen their field of vision. Meanwhile, young students can learn advanced science and technology from foreign countries and spread cultures of different nations. On the other hand, it has disadvantages. For example, because of the lack of living experience and poor capability to take care of themselves, they may feel lonely and homesick. In addition, high living expenses and tuition fees will become a heavy burden upon their parents. So I think whether studying abroad or not should be decided according to oneself and

2. My View on Working at Home".

1.随着高科技的发展,越来越多的人选择在家工作 2.选择在家工作的利与弊 3.我的观点 With the development of hi-tech, more and more people work at home. There are many advantages of home working. For example, by working at home, you can save time and money spent traveling to and from work. What’s more, you can arrange work around family duties, and avoid noise and distractions of the workplace. However, there are disadvantages from home working too. You may find you have trouble with separating home and work life, and sometimes you will be interrupted by domestic duties. Besides, working at home makes one feel isolated. As far as I am concerned, one should weigh carefully the advantages and disadvantages and find out which is more suitable for him or her before making a decision

范文:Healthy Life 1、健康的生活方式包括合理膳食、有规律的起居、锻炼等。



Healthy life style involves keeping a balanced diet,living a routine life,and undertaking regular physical exercises. A balanced diet means eating a variety of foods and allowing for an adequate intake of them every day. Living a routine life refers to getting up and going to bed at a fixed time, and maintaining 8-hour sleep each day. Doing physical exercisesregularly is also the key to staying healthy. Choose a suitable type of exercise depending on your own interests and physical conditions and keep to it. Unhealthy life style includes smoking, drinking and overeating. Smoking would cause bronchitis and lung cancer. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. Drinking would result in health and social problems. Drunk driving is a deadly hazard both to the person himself and to other people. Overeating would lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health-related diseases. It has been an undisputable fact that good life style will make people healthy, and bad one will result in many

diseases. To keep fit, we should develop good living habits, i.e. , eating a balanced diet, living a routine life, and doing physical exercises regularly. 范文:Grammar Learning 1、在很长一段时间,中国的英语教学非常重视语法教学。


3、但语法学习也有其必要性, 关键在于如何将语法学习与语言应用相结合.

In the past, grammar was the focus of the English language teaching and learning in China. The English class had been dominated by teachers’ explaining grammar rules and sentence structures. Students were busy taking notse and they were given no time to practice using English for communication. Consequently, while having acquired a sufficient amount of grammar knowledge, students did not know how to express themselves in simple English. In recent years, it has been argued that we should stop teaching grammar in class, as memorizing grammar rules is not the proper way to learn English. It is suggested that more emphasis should be laid on developing students’ communicative abilities, i.e. their abilities to use English to interact with people. As a result, class time is mainly distributed to students’ 作文库大全小升初中考满分高考满分高考零分 doing various types of communicative tasks. However, more and more people have come to realize that grammar is necessary in developing communicative skills. Both fluency and accuracy are important in language learning. The key now is how to combine the two in practice

范文:Western Festivals in China 1、越来越多的中国人过西方的节日。

2、有些人却为这种现象担心… 3、我的看法。

Nowadays,various western festivals, such as Christmas, Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving Day ,enjoy great popularity among the people in China,especially the students in colleges and universities. There are many factors accounting for this phenomenon.For one thing,with the quickening pace of technological and economic development,the whole world is now becoming a global village with people of different nations sharing each other's customs and cultures.For another,it is human instincts to pursue something different and exotic, and most young people regard it as fashionable and novel to celebrate western holidays.Last but not least some shops celebrate western festivals because of financial drive to grab commercial profits. It is obvious that some western festivals,such as Christmas,have greatly boosted the business of many stores. As a result,western festivals may bring people in China more opportunities for pleasure and may also enhance the cultural exchanges between the east and the west.On the other hand,it may lead to some serious consequences.Perhaps someday the local Chinese may lose their own tranditions and cultures because of the invasion of western festivals.

范文:Entertainments 1、列举出人们需要娱乐的原因。


Perhaps,it is the instinct for people to have some entertainments of difficult kinds. Usually entertainment is good for our health and intelligence as well.After relaxing with entertainment, we will be much more energetic.But,with the development of computer technology and its internet,more and more people,especially the young people are interested in the video games. Somtimes,they are too addicted to the games.They spend too much time and money on the games.Certainly enough,playing video games will do great harm to their health and will give bad influence on their study. Personally I think,we should learn how to keep balance between our lessons and the video games.We should think in what way we can noth enjoy ourselves and get progress in our learning.Never forget that our future life cannot depend on playing,although enjoyment is one part of our life.





























