
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 19:21:11
这些词组用英语怎么说1.一张瘦脸2.谁的香蕉3.7双深棕色袜子4.一个高个浅发男人5.一个圆脸大眼的女孩6.谁的外套7.他们的橡皮8.把...记在心里9.英语角10.办公室职员 描写水果的词语 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花什么意思急. 急求 花终于怒放 作文 you are stuck in my heart谁用语法解释这句话?谁用语法解释这句话```我不懂 are stuck的语法知识```一个是 be动词一个是动词过去式```? 议论文开头怎么写 you are stuck in my heart这个句子是不是被动语态?意思是什么? You are my 终点、起点和加油的英文怎么说终点、起点和加油这几个词有多少英文就写多少,急.也可以只写终点、起点、加油中的其中一个,有多少写多少 真正的爱情,只有起点,没有终点用,用英语怎么表达? “乘一条平时很少或者基本不乘的路线的公交车,从起点到终点”用英语怎么说 生姜有毒吗? 英语翻译内容:————————————————我是你的新笔友,很高兴收到你的来信,你是我的第一个外国笔友,这也是我收到的第一封来自外国的信.很抱歉我过了这么久才给你回信,因 怎么辨别有毒生姜?什么样的生姜是有毒的? 如何辨别有毒生姜 议论文开头怎么写呢? 什么叫有毒物品与高毒物品 毒生姜原理 为什么会有毒 怎样辨别 写秋雨的诗词?谁有写秋雨的诗词曲,基调积极点的? 欢乐童年 手抄报内容写什么?急. 欢乐童年手抄报的内容{最好是现成的} 这俩字 怎么拼?(亵渎) 几声吖? 帮我看一下英语作文应该有很多错的地方,Many parents think students shuold go to cram school on weekends.W e shuold not to go out with friends.But I think it is great pressure for teenagers to learn,we shuold be allowed to go out with 请帮忙指出:错误的地方、语法、重点句型以及建议.Everyone has their own fear,and I also have.I used to be afraid to go swimming,because when I was young,I used to fall over the pond,then I drank a belly of water,and then I was af 请帮我看一下这篇英语作文Should the university campus be open to tourists?Nowadays,the famous university campus has become a new hot spot to visit.According to the recent survey conduct by CCTV,hundreds and thousands peoples go to visit th 帮忙看一下这篇英语作文Dear classmates, I'm Li Ming.After the discussion we found that 70% of the students think doing exercise every day is a good idea. But we shouldn't do it for a long time.They think doing exercise can make our rxlaxe 已知函数y=(m^2+m-6)x^m^2-3m+4是二次函数 英语作文,The opportunity is an element of success.The opportunity always love person who he has prepared.Do you think so?For example Lining is a formous sportman in the world.He had trained hard everyday.At last,he won eight gold medals in olympi 求教法语达人( )voila arrives a Nantes.答案是Nous,为什么?为何不用ils elles vous?还有就是分析一下这句话的语法. 求教法语达人,Il y a beaucoup de grandes surfaces à cette ville?若按照语法回答:Oui,il y y en a pas mal.如此就出现了两个"y",按语法推,觉得合适,可是怎么念怎么觉得别扭.求袁大哥给深入剖析剖析. 关于秋雨的诗词 形容秋雨的词语