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(4)积极推进管理软件领域的国际合作.鼓励软件企业通过软件成熟度 (CMM)标准的国际认证,为国产软件进入国际市场奠定基础.
Enterprises there are three levels of information-based content, the first level of the data, the second level is the level of information flow, and the third level of decision-making information. According to incomplete statistics, China's enterprises to realize the Internet is only 20-30% of all enterprises, all of the realization of CAD, OA, MIS system, less than 10% of the enterprises as the core enterprise e-business ERP systems, business has been achieved only 2.9%. China's accession to the WTO, how to improve the level of enterprise information to improve the international competitiveness has become the focus of attention.
Ministry of Science and Technology in the National Conference on scientific and technological work, "15" during the Ministry of Science and Technology will come up with 800 million yuan of funds and organize the implementation of manufacturing information engineering, and Baoshan Iron and Steel in the last year, FAW 19 large enterprises, such as information technology projects arrangements to support the bonds based on the discount to continue to the construction of enterprise information as the focus of treasury bonds to support the special discount, and strive to 5 years at the national key enterprises of the basic information.
A long time, the Government attaches great importance to the work of business management information, as "using information technology to stimulate industrialization" strategy a major initiative to promote the enterprises, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, active use of enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) and other advanced information management systems. As a guide the healthy development of the work, we are in 2001 in Jiangsu Province plans to develop the Committee's support and participation of the province more than 100 large and medium-sized enterprise management of information technology applications and future intention to conduct a survey of key enterprises conducted a thorough site investigation. The main problems and proposed measures and means for a brief introduction.
First, the current information-based business management major problems
1. Considerable number of enterprises on the implementation of advanced information management system of sufficient understanding of the importance of the initiative to implement such a system is not strong, the system is still in the spontaneous state of implementation, there is a certain blindness.
2. Enterprises and the process of building a modern enterprise system is relatively slow, lagging behind the management of enterprise information management model and advanced management system, the concept of conflict, the concept of updated business process reengineering and organizational restructuring of the task is very heavy.
3. Enterprise information management systems software market is more chaotic, the market system lag; software prices high, the environmental requirements, in excess of a considerable number of economic enterprises and management of the foundation bearing capacity of the environment; software service providers and enterprises a wide gap between the requirements of , in the implementation process, companies need to rely on software to provide a more comprehensive and improve its services, but the majority of software vendors to provide the services remain in the "we" concept, the lack of implementation of information management system of professional advisory body . In this way, the implementation process in the system to rely on enterprises and lack of reliable guidance, and the rights of defenders and risk-sharing, the system is not conducive to the popularization and application. In addition, the lack of software development and application of human resources professionals. Survey, 60% of enterprises believe that the lack of relevant skills and brain drain is a key constraint system factors; the lack of software development talent, the same constraints of the management system software "localization" process.
5. Government's information management system not enough guidance and support system is not vigorous enough. The existence of multi-management, Planning Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, science and technology, management and so on, respectively, have their own policies to encourage and support each other not enough coordination.
Second, to promote information-based enterprise management measures and means
In response to these circumstances, to achieve the enterprise management of information technology strategic objectives, should be further advanced information management system the ultimate goal is to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and the Government should focus on promoting an environment conducive to the industry system and social environment, which is the design of policies and measures of general idea.
Government to promote information-based enterprise management measures and means of the following three aspects:
1. Through effective governmental action, to engage in direct advocacy and promotion - government initiatives
(1) further defined the promotion of enterprise management of the strategic significance of information, will promote the system into development planning and effective implementation.
(2) the appropriate inputs, establish and gradually improve the support system of advocacy, communication, research the information communication system.
(3) software development efforts to foster the accumulation of the relevant professionals. Ministry of Education recently approved a number of colleges and universities in the establishment of the National Software Institute is a major initiative in this regard.
(4) to actively encourage and promote software developers, users and academia joint or co-operation, research and development for China's national conditions and the competitiveness of advanced management system software products.
(5) establish and gradually improve the system to support the application of advanced management training system. To this end, the selection can be used to commission, authorized intermediaries or direct form of organization, use of social resources and the need for careful planning and design.
(6) the construction of the demonstration project application. Attention to the follow-up evaluation of demonstration projects and the introduction of a rolling mechanism to ensure that the model demonstration project.
(7) have a direct policy incentives (direct policy incentives typically include government subsidies, government procurement, tax incentives and loan arrangements, etc.). This type of incentive policies in the short term may have more pronounced effect, but may also have a negative effect, it can only promote the system as a means of supporting applications. In addition, it is necessary to take measures to ensure the rational use of limited resources.
2. Through administrative acts of the impact of software vendor - supplier behavior
(1) the establishment and maintenance of an open and efficient trade environment, restrictions on the form of local protection of unfair competition in business, finance, personnel supply, information access, research all aspects of consultation, through the community, improve the market system, to create a good investment environment.
(2) research and the establishment of trade and industry codes of conduct. Set up by government departments, experts, software vendors and users of the industry representatives of the Steering Committee, to regulate the industry and promote the healthy development of the industry to provide an institutional and organizational guarantees.
(3) to increase support and encourage their own intellectual property rights, "native" software. Once this type of software testing market by users, the Government may consider information tips, business and brand awareness, product recommendation, follow-up to support the form of R & D support.
(4) actively promote the management of international cooperation in the field of software. Software companies to encourage the adoption of software maturity (CMM) standards for international certification for the domestic software to lay the foundation to enter the international market.
(5) the establishment of high-level advisory body system. Requirements of the professional advisory body to have good inter-disciplinary knowledge structure, in addition to enterprises can be given the correct implementation of the guidance system, but also the characteristics of different enterprises in accordance with systematic planning, process reengineering, software selection, risk control, project and so the whole process of organization and implementation assistance. Government through the Steering Committee and other industry-oriented system to actively promote the effective application of the advisory services.
3. The impact of management systems through the user's behavior - user behavior
(1) to accelerate enterprise restructuring and the pace of modern enterprise system. Advanced software systems in the enterprise demands the effective application of the direct business strategies, organizational, cultural, and other deep-level corresponding changes, it is important to ensure that the cause of a strong sense of responsibility, learning, courage and leadership changes at the leadership path positions, and they have the necessary power to drive change and influence.
(2) actively promote the modernization of enterprise management system and improve the level of management. Government enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises in the management of the modernization of the input should be fully affirmed, with the exception of financial indicators, the enterprise management system should also consider the progress of its performance as an important aspect of
(3) fully understand and follow the advanced information management system for the application of the law. "Top leaders" have a high sense of responsibility and mission, the pilot must actively promote the system of corporate Chief Information Officer.

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