that可以引导状语从句吗The train was so full that I could hardly turn around.象这个句子,是状语从句吗?但我又觉得他是so that 的固定搭配!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:01:51

that可以引导状语从句吗The train was so full that I could hardly turn around.象这个句子,是状语从句吗?但我又觉得他是so that 的固定搭配!
The train was so full that I could hardly turn around.象这个句子,是状语从句吗?但我又觉得他是so that 的固定搭配!

that可以引导状语从句吗The train was so full that I could hardly turn around.象这个句子,是状语从句吗?但我又觉得他是so that 的固定搭配!
that是不可以引导任何形式的状语从句.so that只是固定搭配,只能说是so that可以引导状语从句.
例:that he will come is true(主语从句)
i think(that)he is right.(b宾语从句)
the man that i told you about is coming too see us9定语从句)


so 用来形容full的,是that的状语从句

that可以引导原因状语从句吗? that可以引导状语从句吗状语从句:that,when,where等可以表示状态的疑问词等请各举一例! though 可以引导让步状语从句吗? whether可以引导条件状语从句吗 before可以引导时间状语从句吗 unless 引导状语从句可以前置吗? no wonder 可以引导状语从句吗 I wonder that whether I should go to the college or not,because of my marks宾语从可可以加两个引导词 是不是that 引导宾语从句 而whether引导条件状语从句 这种结构有问题吗 THAT可以引导状语从句?好多人都这么说,那是说能引导目的和结果状语从句吗?他们说的是so that,so...that...,such that这些状语从句吗? that可以引导状语从句吗The train was so full that I could hardly turn around.象这个句子,是状语从句吗?但我又觉得他是so that 的固定搭配! He got up so early that he caught the first bus.这个句子中含有( )引导的结果状语从句还可以用such....that来引导 状语从句什么时候用that引导 exept that 引导什么状语从句? Sometimes we even get recognition from parents that we are doing a good job.这句话中的that如何理解that可以引导原因状语从句吗?这里的that引导的是状语从句吗? For可以引导目的状语从句吗?RT 定语从句中有哪些引导词可以充当状语成分的?that可以吗?都有什么区别? that引导表语从句可以省略吗 know可以引导that从句吗