这个宾语从句是陈述语序吗?那么he doesn't know___with the robot 选awhat was the matter.b what the matter was c what the matter is d .b and c选哪一个呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 11:27:01

这个宾语从句是陈述语序吗?那么he doesn't know___with the robot 选awhat was the matter.b what the matter was c what the matter is d .b and c选哪一个呢
那么he doesn't know___with the robot 选awhat was the matter.b what the matter was c what the matter is d .b and c选哪一个呢

这个宾语从句是陈述语序吗?那么he doesn't know___with the robot 选awhat was the matter.b what the matter was c what the matter is d .b and c选哪一个呢
首先,选项B表示“这是什么物质”,排除.C也是这个意思,只是时态不同而已.我个人认为应选A勉强一点,实际上用”what is wrong with"是最准确的.

有what is the matter
what is wrong


宾语从句陈述语序宾语从句是陈述语序吗? (关于宾语从句的题)do you know _______?A.where does he live B.where he lived这个题答案是A,但是从句应该是陈述语序才对啊?B是陈述语序,为什么不选? 英语宾语从句都是陈述语序吗? 这个宾语从句是陈述语序吗?那么he doesn't know___with the robot 选awhat was the matter.b what the matter was c what the matter is d .b and c选哪一个呢 宾语从句不是疑问词加陈述语序 的吗? 是名词性从句用陈述句语序还是宾语从句用陈述语序, 什么是宾语从句始终使用陈述语序? 宾语从句 什么时候 不变陈述语序 宾语从句一定不能用陈述语序? 宾语从句语序宾语从句从句的语序必须是陈述语序,既连接词+主语+谓语+其他成分那么为什么会有这样的句子:Do you know who is the fattest girl?而不是Do you konw who the fattest girl is? 宾语从句和定语从句都是用陈述语序?还有哪些是只能用陈述语序的? 从句语序 都是陈述句语序吗?我知道的,宾语从句是陈述,表语从句也是陈述,定语和状语从句貌似也是 陈述句语序.o(∩_∩)o... 宾语从句的从句怎么变为陈述语序?请讲的细一些,举几个通俗易懂的例子,例如Do you know who he is?为什么这样变? Do you know what his name is?这里有一个宾语从句 宾语从句在疑问句当中也要用陈述语序吗? 宾语从句中的陈述语序是怎样的?老是搞不懂什么陈述语序,谁来帮忙? Do you know (how much she paid for) the MP3 player last week?为何Do you know 后面跟陈述语序,是宾语从句吗?还是其它从句?请具体说一下它的用法?谢谢! 关于宾语从句结构问题如果说what's the matter 是陈述语序 那像 why is it ,who is the new one也是陈述语序吗?那它们在宾语从句中be动词要不要放后面? 英语从句语序I do not know when will i be free 这是宾语从句吧 从句不是用陈述语序么?应该是 I do not know when i will be free