They carried on ------------ though it was darkA workB with a work C workingD to work

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 04:51:21

They carried on ------------ though it was darkA workB with a work C workingD to work
They carried on ------------ though it was dark
A work
B with a work
C working
D to work

They carried on ------------ though it was darkA workB with a work C workingD to work
选C,CARRY ON的ON 是介词,介词后用动词ing

空格填 even
even though 是 “即便、尽管”的意思
carry on 是按照计划继续进行、执行的意思。
They carried on even though it was dark.
补充:既然有了选项那就再探讨下吧。 反正 even though 和 though 意思并无不同。
要是 B...


空格填 even
even though 是 “即便、尽管”的意思
carry on 是按照计划继续进行、执行的意思。
They carried on even though it was dark.
补充:既然有了选项那就再探讨下吧。 反正 even though 和 though 意思并无不同。
要是 B 选项答案是 with their work 的话,我会毫不犹豫选 B.
但是 carry on 的确带有 continue 的同义成分,后面加 working 语法上正确,也合情理。
相对而言,with a work 的措辞有点儿别扭。
单选题,即便有两个都说得通的选项,也必须选出“最佳”答案。斟酌过后,我还是觉得应该选择 B. with a work.


even though
那就选C, doing

They carried on working though they were very tired They _____ in spite of the extremely difficult condition.A:carried forward B:carried off C:carried on They()in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.A) carried out B) carried off C) carried on D) carried forward为什么是c 选择a为什么不行? They carried on ------------ though it was darkA workB with a work C workingD to work THE THINGS THEY CARRIED怎么样 They _________ the conversation in a friendly atmosphere.A.carried outB.carried onC.carried forwardD.carried with 求 The Things They Carried 英文原版. Once a decision is made,it must be----A:carried on B:carried out C:carried of D:carried away Once a decision is made,it must be -----A:carried on B:carried out C:carried of D:carried away carried 选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项They (carried on) working though they were tired.A get on B move on C get to D kept on It sounded like something was wrong with the car’s engine then,______ they would have carried on their journey.A.otherwise B.therefore C.meanwhile D.besides carry on with your work..为什么he carried on reading不用,carry要变成carried They __ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.A.carried out B.carried off C.carried onD.carried forward 请区别四个选项.并翻译句子. 急,求一篇小说的内容,The things they carried. new() laws have been carried out on May DayNew (1)t_______ laws have been carried out on May Day this year.The law has new rules for (2)d________ and pedestrians (行人).For (3)e __ ,drivers have to drive slowly when they are close to cr a bag carried on the back汉语翻译下 Father carried his little son on his b