请帮助分析一下句式结构 如果方便请翻译一下But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 11:56:13

请帮助分析一下句式结构 如果方便请翻译一下But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.
请帮助分析一下句式结构 如果方便请翻译一下
But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.

请帮助分析一下句式结构 如果方便请翻译一下But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines.
But承上启下.whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession是状语从句修饰谓语动词subtract;I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines是句子的主句.翻译(大概意思):但是每当我的病人开始算她的送葬队伍中会有多少辆车时,我就知道给她开的药会少百分之五十的药效.

请帮助分析一下句式结构 如果方便请翻译一下But whenever my patient begins to count the carriages in her funeral procession I subtract 50 per cent from the curative power of medicines. 请帮助分析一下句式结构 如果方便请分析一下After the beating rain and fierce wind that had endured through the night,there yet stood out against the brick wall one ivy leaf . 请帮助分析一下句式结构 如果方便请翻译一下Then they found a lantern,still lighted,and a ladder that had been dragged from its place, and some scattered brushes,and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it,and---look out t 西班牙语一短句翻译Ya no hay más clases.请翻译一下,谢谢!如果可以的话,顺便分析一下这句话的结构,由于是初学者,不是很懂. 美国与英国的俚语(如果方便的话,请把每句俚语翻译一下,越多越好) It's unlike you not to say hello.请分析一下此句子的结构这是什么句式? 英语翻译我不太清楚这句话的意思,请帮我翻译一下,如果能分析一下句子结构,更好! 翻译: 如果你方便的话,请帮我向经理投诉一下这位服务员对消费者的态度 Would you slow down a bit,please?帮忙分析一下句式结构,顺便翻译下意思 英语句子:请帮忙分析一下这句话的句式结构How does it choose which of these strategies to use in the optimized access paths 适合看深空的天文望远镜星特朗的130eq可以吗推荐一下推荐几款?谢谢如果方便请分析一下? 英语翻译翻译请补充说明您的提问,方便其他用户帮助您 There are many sides( to a story) and many ways( to understand ) it请问这句话为什么用to 是什么句式结构?请帮忙分析并翻译, What I need is a book that contains the ABC of oil painting.请大家分析一下此句所涉及的语法,并一一点出好像是倒装句 ,如果是请帮助我还原句子 请分析一下get stuck 的语法结构 프로모션 是什么意思,请帮助翻译一下 语文句式分析请帮我讲解一下如何分析判断文言文中的句式比如:宾语前置,定语后置,倒装,判断句等常见句式 毓,这字念啥?请帮助一下