英语翻译The U.S.economy is thriving (兴旺) on technology,and tech stocks (股票) have boomed (兴隆).In 1999,tech stocks more than doubled in value,and Internet stocks did even better.However the Dow rose just 25 percent,and shares of compani

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 19:41:40

英语翻译The U.S.economy is thriving (兴旺) on technology,and tech stocks (股票) have boomed (兴隆).In 1999,tech stocks more than doubled in value,and Internet stocks did even better.However the Dow rose just 25 percent,and shares of compani
The U.S.economy is thriving (兴旺) on technology,and tech stocks (股票) have boomed (兴隆).In 1999,tech stocks more than doubled in value,and Internet stocks did even better.However the Dow rose just 25 percent,and shares of companies (公司) that provide food and health products actually fell.
But there’s a catch:technology stocks are volatile (不稳定).Even a solid company such as Oracle,which makes information-management software(软件) fell in 1998 from over $ 21 a share to about $ 12,then rose to $ 112 a share in 1999.Internet stocks can prove to be even wilder.
I wrote last month that high-tech stocks get all the buzz (嗡嗡声) ,and recommended (推荐) considering some "boring" companies instead.Still,technology companies are too important to ignore (忽视) entirely.You can invest (投资)in ways that will limit your risk.Here’s how.
1.Own profit-making stocks.At the end of 1999,the stock market placed a $ 26-billion value on Amazon.com - more than Sears,Roebuck; Goodyear Tire & rubber; and Union Carbide combined.Yet,like hundreds of other Internet stocks,Amazon.com has never posted (公布) a profit (利润).In the most recent 12-month period,the company lost $ 443 million.
Are investors nuts?Not necessarily.Amazon.com’s profits have risen from $ 148 million in 1997 to $ 1.2 billion for the most recent 12 months.The company has built a strong brand (商标) name and may earn (赚) big profits in the future.We’ll see.
2.Ride the Wave of the Future.Internet companies that focus (集中) on content (内容)(America Online,Yahoo ) ,and those that sell to consumer(消费者) (Amazon.com,eBay) get most of the attention.But companies concentrating (集中) on business-to-business services are considered the wave of the future.
One example is Business Objects.James A.Moore said it would have earnings of nearly $ 22 million last year.He considered it a "strong buy".Firms (公司) in this field use the Internet to help businesses learn more about customers,manage e-mail and set up websites.Businesses are rushing to buy this type of software,rather than developing it in-house.
2.Ride the Wave of the Future.Internet companies that focus (集中) on content (内容)(America Online,Yahoo ) ,and those that sell to consumer(消费者)
只要翻译 从 2.Ride the Wave of the Future.Internet companies that focus (集中) on content (内容)(America Online,Yahoo ) ,and those that sell to consumer(消费者) 到 rather than developing it in house.这段话。

英语翻译The U.S.economy is thriving (兴旺) on technology,and tech stocks (股票) have boomed (兴隆).In 1999,tech stocks more than doubled in value,and Internet stocks did even better.However the Dow rose just 25 percent,and shares of compani
赶着发展的潮流,焦点集中在内容如America Online,Yahoo 和消费者如Amazon.com,eBay得到了最多的关注.但是关注企业与企业之间互相服务却成为发展的主流 其中的一个例子就是 Business Objects James A.Moore说去年应该有2千2oo万盈利 他认为这是一个强有力的购买 这些领域的公司利用网络了解更多关于客户的信息 建立网站 企业纷纷采用这种方式 而不是闭关锁国
能力有限 有不少瑕疵 多多担待

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