你应当注意身体.You should ___ ___ ___ your health

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 17:08:32

你应当注意身体.You should ___ ___ ___ your health
你应当注意身体.You should ___ ___ ___ your health

你应当注意身体.You should ___ ___ ___ your health
take care of

你应当注意身体.You should ___ ___ ___ your health 你应当多注意你的英语发音.(汉译英) You should ______ ______ ______ ______ your ______ _______ 你应该按照老师告诉你的那样做.You should do as _ _ _ _你应该按照老师告诉你的那样做.You should do as _ _ _ _ _. 你应该向他道歉 you should _ _ _him(三格) 你应当多注意你的英语发音 怎么翻译 你应该叫他王叔叔you should ________ ____ ___________ _ 他不知道下一步怎么办He doesn't know _ _ _ _.男孩从水里出来,手里拿着一条鱼.The boy gets _ _ the water _ a fish _ his hand.如果你想保持健康,你就应该停止吸烟.If you want _ _ _.You should _ _. 当我的鹦鹉饿了时,它总是敲笼子门When my_ _ _,he always _ _ the cage door在公共汽车上我们应该给老人让座We should _ _ _ _ _ on the bus你不可以将热东西放进垃圾箱YOu mustn't _ _ _ _ rubbish bin 你要好好注意身体怎么翻译? 用英语翻译你认为谁应该得到着份工作_ do you think _ _ the job ?should deserve什么意思 如果你喜欢这项工作,就去做吧 英文 if you like the work,you should _ _it 英语 You should _ _ take care of yourself Please ()().I think you should()()()()()in the room.请保持安静,我认为你应当阻止这些孩子在这间屋子里玩耍。 You should keep her informed of what is going on here.你应当让她知道这里发生的情况 keep ,informed. 英语翻译you should _._._.Others _.Of thinking more of yourself 养猪应当注意什么? 布朗太太总是抱怨做太多家务 Mrs Brown is always _,_,_,too much housework.那是三个空别担心,Tom会尽快回来的Don't worry,Tom will come back_,_,_,_,四个空你应该将这篇文章和那篇比较一下You should _,this article _ 当你驾驶时,你应该注意观察交通信号灯You should _____ _____ ______ ______the traffic lights when you drive.