急 反义疑问句 几种句式?我想了解 反义疑问句的 几种句式 我确认的有 :She is a beautful girl ,isn't she?let us go home ,will you

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/26 04:29:12

急 反义疑问句 几种句式?我想了解 反义疑问句的 几种句式 我确认的有 :She is a beautful girl ,isn't she?let us go home ,will you
急 反义疑问句 几种句式?
我想了解 反义疑问句的 几种句式 我确认的有 :She is a beautful girl ,isn't she?
let us go home ,will you

急 反义疑问句 几种句式?我想了解 反义疑问句的 几种句式 我确认的有 :She is a beautful girl ,isn't she?let us go home ,will you
    He is a student, isn’t he?
  2. 陈述部分是否定形式时,其后的简短疑问部分为肯定形式.例如:
    He isn’t a student, is he?
  1.陈述部分以“I am”开头时,简短疑问部分中用“aren’t I ?”.例如:
    I am healthy, aren’t I?
  2.陈述部分是“there be”结构时,简短疑问句部分由“助动词+there+?”构成.例如:
    There won’t be any trouble, will there?
  3.陈述部分的谓语动词是“have to +动词原形”时,简短疑问句部分中常有
   “don’t/doesn’t/didn’t +主语+?”例如:
    We have to finish it before eight o’clock, don’t we?
  4.陈述部分的谓语动词是“used to +动词原形”时.简短疑问句部分中可以用
    He used to take pictures there, use(d)n’t he? /didn’t he?
  5.陈述部分的谓语动词是“ought to+动词原形”时,简短疑问句部分可以用
    He ought to go and ask her, oughtn’t he? /shouldn’t he?
    She doesn’t dare to go alone, does she?
    He dare not say so, dare he?
    The meeting is unimportant, isn’t it?
    Their plans are unpractical, aren’t they?
  8.若陈述部分中用了no, never, few, seldom, hardly, little, scarcely, rarely, nowhere,
    nobody, no one, nothing等表示否定或半否定意义的词,则简短疑问句为肯定形式.例如:
    Few people went to see the film, did they?
  9.若陈述部分中用了everyone, everybody, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody,
    no one等不定代词作主语,则简短疑问句中的主语通常为they;如果在陈述部分中出现了单数形
    Everyone got a new dictionary, didn’t they?
    Everybody did his best to comfort her, didn’t he?
  10.若陈述部分中的主语为everything, nothing, something, anything等不定代词,则简短疑问部分
    Everything is all right, isn’t it?
    This is an apple, isn’t it?
    These are apples, aren’t they?
  12.陈述部分的谓语动词是“had better+动词原形”时,简短疑问部分为“hadn’t+主语+?”,陈述
    部分的谓语动词是“would rather+动词原形”时,简短疑问部分为“wouldn’t+主语+?”;陈述
    部分的谓语动词是“would like to +动词原形”时,简短疑问部分为“wouldn’t +主语+?”
    You’d better read it by yourself, hadn’t you?
    He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn’t he?
    You’d like to go with me, wouldn’t you?
    “don’t/doesn’t/didn’t +主语+?”,但若陈述部分是否定形式,则简短疑问部分的作用词要
    You have a bike, don’t you?
    He doesn’t have a radio, does he?
    She hasn’t a friend, has she?
    “don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t+主语+?”.例如:
    You have your lunch at school, don’t you?
    Playing basketball is an interesting sport, isn’t it?
    前一部分是肯定形式及否定形式的祈使句时,简短疑问部分中一般用“will you+?”;如果祈使句
    含“邀请”之意,则简短疑问部分中常用“won’t you+?”.例如:
    Let us go out for a rest, will you?
    Don’t do that again, will you?
    Do sit down, won’t you?
  前一部分是表示建议的Let’s开头的祈使句时,简短疑问部分应为“shall we+?”.例如:
  Let’s go out for a walk, shall we?
  We must start at once or we can’t get there on time, can we?
  陈述部分含有“think, suppose, believe, expect, imagine+宾语从句”时,应依据下列规则确定其后简短问句的形式:
  I believe that you will pass the exam, won’t you?
  I don’t think he can finish the work, can he?
  (2)主句的主语不是第一人称,谓语动词为think, suppose, believe, expect, imagine及其他及物动词时,简短疑问部分则仍需要与主句中的主语、谓语保持对应关系.例如:
  They don’t think she knew anything about it, do they?
  He said he wanted to visit Japan, didn’t he?