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祈使句的反义疑问句后面用will you,但Let us分开写就是不包括听者在内的,用will you
Let's就是包括听者在内的,用shall we
指人的不定代词作主语,反义疑问句通常用复数的人称代词,也可以用is/isn't he,但不常用
I'm a student,aren't
Let's go to the cinema,shall we?
Let us go to the cinema,will you?
Someone is doing homework,aren't they(isn't he)?
Something is wrong,isn't it?
I think he is right,isn't he?(只是我或我们作主语)
I'm a student,aren't
It must be Lin Feng,isn't it?Lin Feng是人名

They stay here, don’t they?
She was excited yesterday, wasn’...


They stay here, don’t they?
She was excited yesterday, wasn’t she?
He can’t ride a bike, can he?
1.当陈述部分的主语是I , everyone, everything, nobody 时,后面的疑问句应表示为
I am a student, aren’t I
Everyone is in the classroom, aren’t they?
Everything begins to grow in spring, doesn’t it?
Nobody will go, will they?
如果陈述部分含有never, hardly, scarcely, seldom, no, nothing, nobody, few, little等具有否定意义的词,应将该句视为否定句,其反问部分要用肯定式。例如:
They have never met each other before, have they?
You have nothing more to say, have you?
Few people know him, do they?
(1)如果陈述部分的主语是指示代词this或that,或是不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything等,由于它们是第三人称单数并且指代事物,其反问部分的主语为it。 例如:
This / That is your bike, isn’t it?
Nothing can stop us now, can it?
(2)如果陈述部分的主语是不定代词someone(body), anyone(body), everyone(body), no one, nobody 等,由于它们是第三人称单数并且指代人,其反问部分的主语可以是they也可以是泛指第三人称单数的he。例如:
Everyone passed the exam, didn’t they / he?
Someone is coming, aren’t they / isn’t he ?
Anyone can see it, can’t they / he?
(3)如果陈述部分的主语是指示代词these 或those,应把它们视为第三人称复数,其反问部分的主语为they。例如:
These / Those aren’t guitars, are they?
(4)如果陈述句部分是以I am开头,由于am not没有缩写形式,所以其反问部分用aren’t 或ain’t或am I not。例如:
I am a worker, aren’t I / ain’t I / am I not?
(5)如果陈述句部分的主语是none of...,其反问部分的主语应分别用it、we、you或they来代替。例如:
None of the food was wasted, was it?(注:food不可数,视为第三人称单数。)
None of us are perfect, are we?
None of you went to the cinema, did you?
None of the students heard the news, did they?
(6)如果陈述句部分的主语是some of...,其反问部分的主语分别用we或they代替。例如:
Some of us wanted to stay longer, didn’t we? (注:本句中的some 包括说话人)
On the way back, some of us lost the way, didn’t they? (注:本句中的some不包括说话人)
One should be strict with oneself, shouldn’t one?
(8) 如果陈述句部分是由并列连词连接的两个或两个以上的单数名词作主语,其反问部分的主语要用复数。例如:
Neither you nor I am a doctor, are we?
(1)如果陈述部分含有表推测的情态动词must, can等,其反问部分不能用情态动词,而应根据具体情况而定。例如:
He must be a teacher, isn’t he?
She must have arrived there yesterday, didn’t she?
You must have made the mistake, haven’t you?
但是如果陈述部分含有不表推测的情态动词must, can等,则不属此例,试比较:
He must find the proof, mustn’t he?
(2)如果陈述句部分的谓语含有带否定前缀dis-, un-, im-或否定后缀-less的词(dislike, discourage, be unfair/ untrue/ unable, etc.),仍按肯定句处理,其反问部分要用否定式。例如:
You dislike it, don’t you?
The patient is unable to move round, isn’t he?
The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, didn’t it?
但是如果陈述句中的谓语是disappear, be unnecessary等, 则不属此例,要按否定句处理,其反问部分要用肯定式。例如:
It is unnecessary to buy a bigger computer, is it?
Tom has an interesting book, hasn’t / doesn’t he?
You have headaches, don’t you?
You had a good time yesterday, didn’t you?
(5)如果陈述句部分的谓语是have to或has to,其反问部分只能用do的适当形式。例如:
Alice has to finish her homework now, doesn’t she?
(6)如果陈述句部分的谓语是had better,其反问部分只能用hadn’t。例如:
You had better stay in bed till tomorrow, hadn’t you?
(7) 如果陈述句部分的谓语含有used to,其反问部分既可用use(d)n’t,也可用didn’t。例如:
There used to be some trees in this field, use(d)n’t / didn’t there?
You used to smoke a pipe, use(d)n’t / didn’t you?
(8) 如果陈述句部分的谓语含有ought to,其反问部分既可用oughtn’t,也可用shouldn’t。例如:
Zhou Lan ought to pass the National College Entrance Examinations, oughtn’t / shouldn’t she?
(9) 如果陈述句部分的谓语是表示愿望的wish,其反问部分只能用may(的肯定式)。例如:
I wish t go to Beijing for a short visit, may I?
5. 与祈使句有关的反意疑问句
(1)以表示建议的肯定祈使句开头的反意疑问句,其疑问部分通常为will you,也可以是won’t you。(我们可以把该祈使句转换成一个表示委婉建议的疑问句来考虑。)例如:
Please turn down the radio, will / won’t you?
Wait for a moment, will / won’t you?
(2) 以否定祈使句开头的反意疑问句,其疑问部分为will you。(思路同上。)例如:
Please don’t draw on the wall, will you?
(3) 以Let’s开头,表示建议的祈使句,由于句中的主语实际上包括听、说双方,所以其疑问部分为shall / shan’t we。例如:
Let’s have a rest, shall / shan’t we?
(4) 由Let’s not开头,表示建议的祈使句,其疑问部分用all right或O. K.。例如:
Let’s not go shopping, all right / OK?
(5) 以Let us / me开头,征询意见的祈使句,由于句中的主语实际上仅指对方,所以其疑问部分为will you。 例如:
Let us go there, will you ?
Let me have another try, will you?
What a beautiful day (it is ), isn’t it?
How clever the girl is, isn’t she?
7.与there be…句型有关的反意疑问句
如果陈述句部分是there be…句型,其反问部分要用…there。例如:
There is a map on the wall, isn’t there?
8.与复合句有关的反意疑问句 (检测题: 33—38 )
If he hasn’t finished his work, he can’t go out to play, can he?
(2)以第一人称(I / We)+ think / believe / know / imagine / suppose / guess / expect / etc.开头的主从复合句,其疑问部分的主谓语应与从句的主谓语保持一致。因为这种复合句的重点在从句。例如:
I think he has arrived at the airport, hasn’t he?
(3)以第一人称(I / We)+ don’t + think / believe / know / imagine / suppose / guess / expect / etc.开头的主从复合句,则应将主句中的“否定”还原到从句中处理,即将该主从复合句转换成一个具有否定含义的单句来考虑。例如:
I don’t believe she knows it, does she?
(4)以第二、三人称 + think / believe / know / imagine / suppose / guess / expect / etc.开头的主从复合句,视为一般的主从复合句,其反问部分的写法与(1)同。例如:
You believe they will come, don’t you?
He believes they will come, doesn’t he



