he had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit. 翻译

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he had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit. 翻译
he had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit. 翻译

he had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit. 翻译

David lived in a small village.His father was often ill and he had to he had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as shit. 翻译 he told me that his father had died and that he had to make a living alone为什么一定要加that he had the name of Willian Henry after his father and grangfather My grand father was very sad and seldom told me what he had ____ during the terrible accident.A.gone againstB.gone intoC.gone throughD.gone over There is a little different between him and his father.He is a litter______ ______his father. Jim's father got very angry ___.a.with that he had doneb.with what he had donec.at what he had doned why is your father always above you and not lower than you?Even you've made bigger achievement than your father has done,you are still beneath your father.Is it just because he is your father who had born you.You are always a child in your father's e 书上例句:My father has had a hard life and it's time he eased off a bit.问题:后面的从句中he eased off a bit .为什么用过去式,而不是现在时. -my father is a worker and he works hard.-so ____my father . 关于宾语从句的He siad ____ he had done nothing wrong and ____ his father wouldn't punish him.A.不填,that B.that,不填答案选的是A .为什么? jack stood there at a loss and he appeared___what his father saidA that he had not understoodB not to have understood选b a为什么不可以,b为什么对? Brian knew he had been drinking more and more,but he was convinced that he'd return to more moderate drinking when he wasn't so pressured at work,and that a few too many drinks now and then wasn't a major problem.My wife and father were on me to s 英语翻译If my father had known of it he would have died a second time. His father was put into_ prison,and he had to go to _prison to visit him once in a while..A.a; the B.the; a C.a;/ D./;the 选哪个呢?为什么呢? 一篇英语短文(暑假作业)短文:A young man's father died,and he left him a lot of money.But the son was a foolish man.He quickly spent all the money,and soon had nothing.Then all his friends left him.He was very poor and lonely.So he we 英语翻译Tom was ten years old and he was a very lazy boy.He didn’t like doing any work.He had to go to school.Of course,but he didn’t study hard there and tried to do little work.His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that the 英语:1篇阅读理解填词.Can a boy have a MAMA and not a MOTHER?Tex Clark did.He didn’t have a r 1 home.His father and mother were dead.He had to work from an early a 2 .Then one day a circus (马戏团) found him and let him j 3 it.He was