
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:06:27
enjoy doing sth ,enjoy to do sth .enjoy sth各自的意思和区别? 按照划线部分的读音,将下列单词分两组with they thank tooth think then fourth this north this thank with这种题怎么分辨读音,Who When Were 2.this thank with 3.about how colour 4.saturday door your 5.boat coat toy6.bear hear pear 7.teacher see hard 8.warm star party 9.tain play all 10.die girl lie像 the、thank、with、this、that、thing的读音,英语高手请进,the的读音是“则”还是”得“,我这个是指在非元音情况,也就是普通情况,为什么我们老师教的是”则“,却有很多人读”得“,到底是哪个? mp3 用英语写星愿卡:I want a room like this.there~只限一分中,急用! abc英语口语大赛英语自我介绍 一分钟内容详实,积极,正面结尾句应起到承上启下的作用,过度到自选节目的展示自选节目的展示 三分钟 讲故事,演讲,朗诵,英文歌曲,电影配音,微型剧等 She wants to be a doctor in a hospital. She is a doctor and she works in a hospital 解析.and是啥,咋用 英语首字母填空.把中文一起给我.1.As we all know,languages always b____ words from each other.2.People often express their feelings by m___ of language. She worked a____ a doctor in a hospital. 英语首字母填空.中文一起、1.The old man could hardly stand the summer h___.2,As soon as the explorers arrived in the african city,all of them began e___ this mysterious land.3.Don't worry,Jhon.when you are out ,i will make Peter and your b Hearing I was ill,Miss Gao took me to the hospital to have me__ A.examine B.examined C.to examineD.examimimg how ( ) do you go to the hospital to have yourself examined空里为什么填far 啊为什么不用often 怎么办,最近练英语口语练多了,发现普通话不标准了,想死了 英语翻译不要用有道的翻译!我要专业一点的!Consumer debt is still rising but may shortly reach a peak.The banking sector which finances the borrowing may soon come under external pressure to slow down on lending. How do you spell the word 'that'____English? How do you spell "English"?(做回答)如何规范书写? The doctor lis-tened to her patiently and then examined her carefully.的中文意思? 英语提问,这单词怎么拼写?除了how do you spell the word?还有没其它问法?. the doctor looked at me carefully and asked."what's the m___ with you " how do/can you spell englishcan 还是 do the doctor examined the little baby very carefully and found she was pretty healthy. 如何快速练好普通话第三方 怎么练习好普通话 怎样能快速练好普通话 怎么样练习普通话 You should drink some water when you are thirsty对when you are thirsty提问—— —— —— drink ——? 修改病句:(1)She's thirsty.She'd like some water to eat.(2)Would you like anything to drink? Can you help me(?)my English?填什么介词?(我承认我学过但是我忘了...) Can you help me____my math?用适当的介词填空 she not only sings she plays the piano_____根据汉语意思完成句子中文:它不但会唱歌而且还会弹钢琴横线上填2个词