
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:47:00


During last summer vacation,I took part in a fierce swimming competition,which was also my first time to attend a competition organized by community in my hometown.The participants were divided into several groups according to their age.I belonged to the group of 9-11 years old,and my younger brother was also in the competition.
I was really nervous when the competition was about to start.There were around 50 participants ready for the competition.The rules were simple since there was no limit to your swimming style.You just needed to get to the finish line as quickly as you could.As soon as the whistle went off,I quickly jumped into the water,with only one thought in my head -- swim quicker,swim harder.It was like within a blink when I got to the finish line.And you know what?I got the second place!It was a surprising miracle happened to me!I was very excited when rewarded the certificate of second prize.
Through this competition,I learnt a truth that you can achieve a good score if you work hard enough.


Last summer, I took part in a fierce swimming competition, it is my first time to join their hometown village organized game. Game is according to age composition, I belong to 9 to 11 years old age gr...


Last summer, I took part in a fierce swimming competition, it is my first time to join their hometown village organized game. Game is according to age composition, I belong to 9 to 11 years old age group, of course, in addition to me and my brother joined in the game.
Game on the that day, I am very nervous, participate in the competition of a total of about 50 people, the game rule is pretty simple, not limited to stroke, as long as in the shortest possible time to swim to finish it. When heard after the whistle, I immediately jumped into the water, only one thing in my head, it is the hard swim, swim desperately. In an instant to finish, I should have won the second place, it's amazing! Then also gotten runners-up certificate, and I am very excited.
Through this game, I understand a truth, only work hard, will get good grades


英语翻译我参加了一场激烈的游泳比赛,那也是我第一次参加老家小区组织举办的比赛.比赛是按照年龄组分的,我属于9-11岁年龄组,当然除了我还有我弟弟一起参加了这次比赛.比赛当天,我特别 英语翻译那真是一场激烈的比赛请翻译That’s ( )( )( ). 那真是一场激烈的比赛用英语怎么说 一场激烈的拔河比赛(作文题目) 英语翻译:一场游泳比赛() 一场足球比赛() (修改病句)我校也举行了一场场激烈的篮球比赛,所有参加比赛的队员都江堰市懂得胜败关键是队员们的齐心协力 皮肤很黑,怎么变白?我的皮肤本身就不白,而且前年为了去参加比赛,天天在室外游泳,所以变得更加黑了.现在感觉没好多少.快夏天了,不想展示我那黑皮肤 英语翻译还有:一共有三十个选手参加了篮球比赛.上周我和奶奶看了一场滑稽的木偶比赛.我们将要去农场,你想要加入我们吗?我想要给她买一些香蕉 英语翻译去年,我们班跟8年级4班,开展了一场激烈的足球比赛,那是一个春光明媚的日子,球场边围满了观众.随着一声哨响,比赛开始了,四班一开球,快速的绕过我我方几名球员,再一脚高传给四 英语翻译我要参加比赛. .如果你参加了一场跑步比赛.结果跑着跑着,第二名超过了你.那你成了第几名 50个同学参加游泳和跑步比赛拜托了各位 50个同学参加游泳和跑步比赛,分项计算,参加游泳比赛的有32人,参加跑步比赛的有28人,只参加跑步比赛的有多少人? 英语翻译句子!比赛激烈地进行了一个下午,最激动人心的时刻到了! 参加足球联赛的每两队之间都进行了 一场比赛(单循环比赛)若一共比赛 15场 共有多少队参加? 公元前几年~秦赵进行了一场激烈的战斗? 单位游泳比赛的问题.经常参加游泳比赛的进!今天蛙泳水下出发50m游了43秒,这个成绩在单位组织的游泳比赛或者一些小型比赛上能否去上名次?游到多少秒比较靠谱?请经常参加游泳比赛的介绍 用英语翻译一下,thanks今天,第十四中学要举行一场运动会.每个班的运动选手都积极参加.比赛的项目有女子及男子100米,400米跑和跳远跳高.还有激烈的接力赛跑.现在正在进行的是女子接力赛. 用我的微笑写段词我准备参加一场比赛 要唱你的微笑所以在过门时想要说些话我是..号选手..,你们的微笑就是我的快乐请大家支持我 之类的 后天比赛了