用英文解释“lifelong learning”的具体含义请用英语具体表述下。用英语,而不是用中文解释这个词的意思。

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 02:20:15

用英文解释“lifelong learning”的具体含义请用英语具体表述下。用英语,而不是用中文解释这个词的意思。
用英文解释“lifelong learning”的具体含义

用英文解释“lifelong learning”的具体含义请用英语具体表述下。用英语,而不是用中文解释这个词的意思。
lifelong learning
1.development after formal education:the continuing development of knowledge and skills that people experience after formal education and throughout their lives
2.Classes enrich and improve your life.They help you pursue interests and hobbies,grow in your career and meet professional need.
3.The ultimate aim is to promote individual self-realization.
4.Can lead individuals to obtain or update their knowledge,skills.
His success today is came from lifelong learning.

It maens one should learn the whole life long .

it means learing is a very long project, you have to keep learning during your whole life

"lifelong, lifewide, voluntary, and self-motivated"[1] pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. As such, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also competitiveness and employability.---
