
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:15:38
He said"The sun rises in the east every day"间接引语 He said the sun goes up in the east为什么要用goes,go不行吗 what do you know ahout the relation between exercise and health Do you know the difference between colloquial English and SLANG thx! Do you know any difference between ______(英国的)English and American English? Do you know the (区别)between Chinese and English?(the后有一格,根据提示写单词并说明) 初中英语why do you think the man is running?这个句子可不可以翻译成,你为什么认为这个人在跑,如果不可以,那正确的应该怎么说.还有why do you think the man is running?,可不可以说成what do you think the man run why do you think the man is running 怎么翻译 ( )-_____do you think the man is running?-Som( )-_____do you think the man is running?-Something serious might happen.A.Who B.What C.When D.Why 宋钟基为什么退出running man? busy的用法,例如busy to do sth ,等各种用法 be busy in 的用法?它和be busy doing, be busy with有什么区别? 英语翻译尽管是匆匆地相逢,匆匆地离别,但短促的生命历程中我们拥有着永恒,相信今日的友情是明日最好的回忆. the man has devoted much of his time ( )South China tiger.A.to protect B.to protecting C.protected D.protects Great man never give up---difficulty.(C) A.in time of B.at the time of C.in times of D.at time of为什么选C而不选B?明明是一样的意思啊?"在.的时候" this happens time and again in the course of the history of man直译和意译!都要.为什么happen要加s In time of danger every minute ______. 用英语表达你叫什么和你姓什么怎么表达,这两句话有啥区别 My best friend is ( ) Who can help me?蔡依林-lady marmalade的原版歌曲!还附加一些这个歌手的著名歌曲!我还希望各位楼主帮推荐一下英文歌!不要那种太劲爆的就行!然后还帮我找一下帕瓦罗蒂和朋友的音乐会(精选) Alex,friend,my,is,best(.)pen,mike,pal,a,have,does(?)3.language,they,can,what,speak(?) who can Help me 我非常喜欢一个女孩子追了几个月了每次都被拒绝但我还是对她死缠烂打每天都给她打电话今天她生日我送了她鲜花她还是拒绝了我今晚我把她约出去就硬是要她接受我她哭了我 Who can help me?、、、都按以下格式写:文章篇名:_________________________________________主要内容:____________________________________________________________________________________________我的感受:_______________________ busy的用法 谁知道一些亭台楼阁的名称我需要一些亭台楼阁的名称,比如:烟雨楼,牧梦亭.最好雅致一些, busy与rushed用法有何区别?都有 繁忙的 意思例如:港口(机场)很繁忙,工地很繁忙 应该用哪个? 亭台楼阁的意思是什么打字典上的回答,准确点 亭台楼阁是什么形式的 英语翻译RT. 英语翻译如题 关于 make it a rule to .No matter how busy he is ,he ( )at least 10 minutes a day.A makes a rule read B makes it a rule to read 为什么 是什么结构啊? make it a rule +不定事