写一般现在时的句子 根据主语+动词+s/es+对象 这样子写,she/he/it/they/your/we 各写2个

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 22:26:16

写一般现在时的句子 根据主语+动词+s/es+对象 这样子写,she/he/it/they/your/we 各写2个
写一般现在时的句子 根据主语+动词+s/es+对象 这样子写,she/he/it/they/your/we 各写2个

写一般现在时的句子 根据主语+动词+s/es+对象 这样子写,she/he/it/they/your/we 各写2个
She likes playing basketball.She gives him a present.
He wants some apples.He likes playing computer games.
It needs repairing.It requires us to study hard.
They want to go to school.They plans to travel this.
We spent most of our time on study.
We go to school by bus.

She piays computer games She kills her teacher
He piays computer games He kills his teacher
It piays computer games It kills its teacher
They piays computer games ...


She piays computer games She kills her teacher
He piays computer games He kills his teacher
It piays computer games It kills its teacher
They piays computer games They kills there teacher
Your piays computer games Your kills yours teacher
We piays computer games We kills our teacher


She likes playing basketball. She gives him a present.
He wants some apples. He likes playing computer games.
It needs repairing. It requires us to study hard.


She likes playing basketball. She gives him a present.
He wants some apples. He likes playing computer games.
It needs repairing. It requires us to study hard.
They want to go to school. They plans to travel this.
We spent most of our time on study.
We go to school by bus.


写一般现在时的句子 根据主语+动词+s/es+对象 这样子写,she/he/it/they/your/we 各写2个 行为动词的一般现在时句子当主语为非三单时,动词用() 一般现在时的肯定句 主语为we 或者they 时 动词+s吗 一般现在时 主语是第三人称单数时,在动词 词尾加-s或-es 给个事例 动词是什么样的? 一般现在时;主语加动词在第三人称单数时后面的动词应加S或ES 那什么样的动词加S什么样的动词加ES? 根据提示回答问题.(英语)1.写一个过去完成时的句子.2.写一个一般现在时的句子.3.写一个n.(动词)原型、不定式的句子.4.写一个被动语态的句子.5.写一个现在完成时的句子. 关于英语一般现在时的问题如果一个句子中的主语是单三人称,句中又有否定词,谓语动词用不用加s?比如说:Bob never clean(s)his room.clean后用不用加s? 一般现在时后的动词要不要跟着主语变掉? WHO 做主语一般现在时的动词用单数还是复数? 写一个主语+系动词+表语的英语句子 为什么现在完成时have/has +过去分词采用一般现在时的主语是第三人称单数的就动词加s的形式 英语的一般现在时,当主语是第三人称单数时动词要加“s”但下面问题不解School begins at nine.School at three.这两个句子中的 begins ends 为什么也要加“s呢? 一般现在时中含有be动词的句子 Be动词作谓语的句子一般现在时 用情态动词造一般现在时的句子 语文动词主语的句子 一般现在时的主语后是动词和主语后是BE动词有什么分别 各种时态的句子结构~关于..一般现在时;一般过去时;一般将来时(be gong to 和 will);的句子结构~有四种..肯定句 否定 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句~麻烦写清楚了~如:主语+动词过去式+其他