
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 10:44:47


Thank you for joining CCTV's Around The world show.

Thank you for joining CCTV's Around The world show.的中文意思..谢谢 , Thank you for joining CCTV`s Around The World show.Today,we`re in Australia. Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The world show 全文翻译 Thank you for jining CCTV's Around The World show是啥意思? thanks you for going CCTV's Around The world show going改为Joing CCTV's Around the world show 的意思 Thank you for _____ the CCTV's Around the World Show.A.ioining join C.joined D.joins CCTV's,you,show,the,thank,Around,World,World,joining,for(连词成句)快啊 Imagine you work for CCTV's Around China show.Write what the weather is like in your hometown and what the people are doing.翻译啊 英语句子翻译 Thank you for joining CCTVs Around China show Thank you for 1 CCTV’s Around The World show.Right now,we’re in Paris.It’s spring here.Thank you for    1    CCTV’s Around The World show.Right now,we’re in Paris.It’s spring here.People are still    2&# 以(imagine you work for cctv'saround china show.write what the wea 对括号部分提问:yuanyuan (is reporting for CCTV's Around The World show)格式:()is Yuanyuan()? CCTV Around The Worend Show翻译英语谢谢 英语翻译thank you for joining cctv's around the would shou 1.People are ___ coats and scarves. 2.Everyone there is ___ a good time.3.Some children are lying on the ___ by the sea.4.Thank you for ____ CCTV 's Around The World show.5.--___ the weather in Australia? --It's hot. 英语 根据句意和首字母完成单词1.After dinner , my grandmother often d( )with my grandfather. 2.Thank you for j( )CCTV's Around The World show. 3.I am sorry. I have no time to w( ) to you.4.The two s( It's very kind of you (show)me the way.