
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:53:58

2、买方与运输部门共同对产品外观、数量进行检验,如发现货物包装损坏,或对产品型号及数量有异议的,买方应于货物交付后7 天内以书面形式向卖方提出,否则视为买方接受货物,对货物的包装型号数量无异议.买方对卖方开具的发票有异议的,应于收到发票后15 天内向卖方提出,否则视为买方已接受发票.

1 Since the ownership of the goods should be delivered to the buyer or the seller authorized shipping agents since transferred to the buyer.The risk of loss or damage shall be delivered to the buyer or the seller authorized shipping agents when transferred to the buyer (the seller should bear the premium,or else risk the responsibility of the buyer of goods delivered to the designated location is transferred to the buyer of the GIS technology to production The infinite life of convenience.
2 The buyer,and transportation departments,the product appearance,the number of inspection,such as packaged goods found damaged,or the product model and a number of objections,the buyer should be in the delivery of goods within seven days in writing to the seller,or as the buyer accepted the goods ,The packaging of the goods the number of models without objection.The buyer to the seller written invoice dispute and should be in receipt of invoices within 15 days after the seller or the buyer has accepted as invoices.

Hand over and check and accept
1st, the cargo property rights should the inbred line pay the freight transportation agent who the buyer or the seller entrust to run up move to the buyer. Extinguis...


Hand over and check and accept
1st, the cargo property rights should the inbred line pay the freight transportation agent who the buyer or the seller entrust to run up move to the buyer. Extinguishes loses either the damage risk should the inbred line pay when the freight transportation agent who the buyer or the seller entrust shifts (seller accepts guarantee insurance cost to the buyer, otherwise risk responsibility, from assigns cargo delivery to buyer when place shifts to buyer).
2, the buyer and the Traffic department to the product outward appearance, quantity carry on the examination together, if the discovery cargo packing damage, or has the objection to the product model and quantity, the buyer should propose in the goods delivery latter 7 days by the written form to the seller, otherwise regards as the buyer accepts the cargo, does not have the objection to the cargo packing model quantity. Buyer the receipt which draws up to the seller has the objection, should in receiving in the receipt latter 15 days to propose to the seller, otherwise regards as the buyer has accepted the receipt.


英语翻译交付与验收1、货物所有权应自交付给买方或卖方委托的货运代理人起转移至买方.灭失或损毁的风险应自交付给买方或卖方委托的货运代理人时转移至买方(卖方应承担保险费,否则 英语翻译1、违约责任:1) 乙方不能按照合同规定交货或延期交付货物至交货地点而造成损失的,除人力不可抗力事故外,在三个星期内每迟延一个星期,乙方应付给甲方迟交货物总值的1%的迟 英语翻译我们的货物发生了改变,请查收附件内容.关于交付方式,请查看以下内容.1.货物 2.货物 3.货物 4.货物 5.货物以上1-4的货物需要走海运,我们走40HQ可以吗?但是其中1的交付方式为DDP,其他 英语翻译请把下面这段话翻译成英文:有关于我们的条款第六条:丙方承担的责任和义务1、 丙方保证进入甲方仓库的货物是符合国家仓储规定的货物.2、 丙方对仓库内货物享有所有权.3、 英语翻译在贵公司技术人员陪同下,我们开箱验收了货物,发现缺少零配件.请贵公司尽快查实并补发货物.此致敬礼! 英语翻译1、制定并实施办事处管理制度和奖惩措施2、本委托书自签署并交付委托人之日起生效 这两句话怎么翻译准确啊、大家过来帮帮忙, 甲与乙订立卖牛合同,合同约定甲向乙交付5头牛,总价10000元;乙向甲交付定金3000元,余下款项在半年内付清;双方约定在牛款付清之前,甲保留5头牛的所有权.问题(1)设在牛款付清之前,牛1被 登记对抗主义、登记生效主义、交付生效并对抗的区别物权法对于普通动产,交付生效并对抗如所有权、质权;特殊动产如汽车、船舶采用登记对抗主义;对所有权、建设用地使用权,采登记 英语翻译用户说,如有厂房搭建顺利的话,他们认为明年4月预验收,5月发货,6月货物入场是最好的情况 请帮忙翻译成英语:货物验收章, 优良自交不亲和系应具备哪些条件 1根据《增值税暂行条例》的规定,下列各项中,视同销售货物计算缴纳增值税的有().A销售代销货物 B将货物交付他人代销C将自产货物分配给股东 D将自产货物用于集体福利2根据《增值税暂 向甲公司购入原材料一批,计价20000元,增值税17%,材料验收入库,应交税款是负债类,为什么要记在借方? 英语翻译有关上述新的验收时间从4月30日-5月30日,经与jack内部讨论和用户的协调之后,我们都一致同意代表团应尽快前往瑞士完成设备的验收工作. 英语翻译我要来验收的o 两对等位基因自由组合情况下,F1自交后代性状分离比为12:3:1,F1测交后代性状分离比应是多少 英语翻译(1) 企业已将商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬转移给购货方商品所有权上的主要风险和报酬,怎么翻译比较好? 灯泡贯流式水轮机管形座验收应注意什么?