请大家给我的托福作文打分title:whether borrowing money from a friend can harm the friendship.作文如下:Some people think that borrowing money from a friend will harm their friendship,but I don’t think so.In my opinion,friends should b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/20 04:08:53

请大家给我的托福作文打分title:whether borrowing money from a friend can harm the friendship.作文如下:Some people think that borrowing money from a friend will harm their friendship,but I don’t think so.In my opinion,friends should b
title:whether borrowing money from a friend can harm the friendship.
Some people think that borrowing money from a friend will harm their friendship,but I don’t think so.In my opinion,friends should believe each other,so they won’t mind lending money to their friends,and it cannot do harm to their friendship.
Friends are the people who have close connecions with each other,who like and believe each other.What’s more,people should help their friends when they are in trouble,for example,when their parents get ill seriously,and they are lack of money,it is necessary to lend money to help them.This won’t harm their friendship,on the contrary,this even can strengthen their friendship.Beacause their friends think they are their true friends,a friend in need is a friend indeed.And their friends can help them in return for their kindness.
On the other hand,some people may say that if they lend money to their friends,they may don’t return the money in time or even forget to return.So the lenders can be worried,and they think it is not proper to ask them for the monery directly.They may not believe in their friends any more and there will be a gap between friends.It is really a pity,because such rhings can be avoided if people slove the problem in a proper way.First,as friends,people should believe each other,the people who borrow money may really have some trouble and they have to do so.We should help them,and if hthey forget to return the money,we should think that they may not do it on purpose.,and we should remind them in an indirect way,for example,we can say that we are in need of money now,and ask them if they can retuan the money that they have borrowed from us.Or we can also talk with them frankly,because friends should treat each other frankly.
In conclusion,I don’t think that borrowing money from a friend will harm their friendship,people should believe in their friends,and if they can handle everything properly,thr friendship can even be strengthened.

请大家给我的托福作文打分title:whether borrowing money from a friend can harm the friendship.作文如下:Some people think that borrowing money from a friend will harm their friendship,but I don’t think so.In my opinion,friends should b
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请大家给我的托福作文打分title:whether borrowing money from a friend can harm the friendship.作文如下:Some people think that borrowing money from a friend will harm their friendship,but I don’t think so.In my opinion,friends should b 请帮忙给我的托福作文打分~请懂托福作文打分的或者作文达人打个分(我指30分满分的那种),因为想知道自己的水平如何,这是我头一次写的两篇(另一篇打不下我重发一个提问),虽然只有 求作文《我给爸爸打分》我给爸爸打分 请大家给我这篇托福作文打分~As the development of the society,every generation of people is different in many ways,such as the way in which they think and the way in which they slove problems in the life,and the methods of their entainmen 请大家给这个选手打分 英语怎么说1 请大家给这个选手打分.2 对我今天的表现,你能给几分呢?如果满分是10分的话 3 请大家给他点掌声鼓励下.4 我们给那个人 打了8 分,但他好像很不满意英语 给自已打分的作文350字 请给打分,满分100 给自己打分作文要符合初中生的600字左右 满分50,请给这个片段打分打分 片段:情景交融 请大家给我的托福作文评评分IMPROVING SCHOOL IS MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR TO Successful DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTRY.AGREE OR DISAGREE?Many,maintaining this viewpoint that improving school is of the greatest significance to a successful country,clai 请大家给我的托福作文评分,指点一下,谢谢For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children rather than on universities?Pythagoras interpreted the universe through numbers. He was SOS紧急求助:***的自述的作文怎么写?记得要给我打分哦.(就是那个大拇指). 请给我08年的北美托福机经, 请给 名字:王志跃 打分.总分 100 请老师给短文打分,并点评, 给自己打分作文400字 托福写作和雅思写作大小作文各个部分是怎么打分的,评分的标准怎么换算? 求大牛给我的托福作文求打分,提建议Topic:Do you agree that the government should support the scientific research even there is no practical use?To support or not support the pure scientific research,this is an especially controversial