
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:26:29
如果他居然傻到要离开你,那么你得聪明点放他走 英文翻译 咒怨伽椰子最后变怎么样了我只看了第一部,却被吓了N天,有阴影了,太可怕了,没敢看其他的,第一部看了N次还有那么怕- -,好象听说椰子最后投胎了?咋投胎了?变好了么?还是咋的咒怨结局没? haven't完整形式 咒怨中 伽椰子是怎么杀人的RT 这个haven't的完全形式怎么写? safe plane Bruce to a is in says ie ride 连词成句 咒怨中为什么伽椰子要杀人?导演为什么不安排伽椰子被正义力量消灭? 翻译:如果你也在这里就好了.Wish you _ here.提示:wish宾语从句地虚拟语气. 虚拟语气 wish从句按百科的解释 wish+that+从句,若从句描述与事实相差甚远用虚拟语气,于现在事实相反用 过去进行时或一般过去式.请问过去进行时中be动词是否也固定使用were 带let的祈使句,是不是违背了英语中只有一个动词原型的规则?因为祈使句就是用动词原型啊,而LET也是,所以为什么呢 peolple like us讲的什么故事我有些没看懂 like for like 就是玩instagram 然后有人回复 like for like 和 likes for likes?应该不是以牙还牙的意思 什么of us like dolls No,I haven't got any magazines意思是不,我没额多少杂志 对么 I haven`t go any ==i have got no ?两个句子是否相等呢? But what is worth nothing is colleges should also provide psychological service for the students while giving frustration education.这句中文怎么翻译? Everything is so not worth,what all feel “盈缩之期,不但在天”体现了作者怎样的哲学思想? “盈缩之期,不但在天”的“期”是什么意思 which sport does alice's mother like 是什么意思 ”盈缩之期,不但在天; 养怡之福,可得永年.“ ‘盈’的意思,’但‘的意思 比较作者眼前的紫藤萝花和记忆中的紫藤萝花的不同眼前的紫藤萝花 记忆中的紫藤萝花价值花势命运 在横线上填上适当的动词_____ the rubbish_____ the gate What will our l____ be like in ten years?填什么?为什么? 在横线上填写恰当的动词_____ high ______ fast_____ slowly ______ well there is a really important english speech contest for our whole city next month为何不用将来时 知道叫张清波英语么?听说办的不错啊~我一个小侄女想补习英语,家里人管不住~所以想找个靠谱的~ I want to know if there __anEnglish speech contest next month.if our school__it ,I must get ...ready for it .A.will be,holds B.will be,will hold C.will have,hold I want to know if there _ an English speech contest next month.If our school _ it,i must get readI want to know if there ______ an English speech contest next month.If our school _____ it,i must get ready for it.A.will be ;holds B.will be ; will hold Come and buy your clothes____Never Again sale!We have pants___a very good price.介词 据说原来只有苏轼一人游赤壁,核舟记中却有三人只是问什么呢? 写出核舟记中的气氛、人物、心情、性格,与苏东坡游赤壁的原因.