请问这个based是什么语法?为什么前面是过去式后面的investigate用一般现在时?Based on some qualitative and quantitative analyses,thispaper investigates the method of measuring external costs ofcongestion.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 17:13:14

请问这个based是什么语法?为什么前面是过去式后面的investigate用一般现在时?Based on some qualitative and quantitative analyses,thispaper investigates the method of measuring external costs ofcongestion.
Based on some qualitative and quantitative analyses,this
paper investigates the method of measuring external costs of

请问这个based是什么语法?为什么前面是过去式后面的investigate用一般现在时?Based on some qualitative and quantitative analyses,thispaper investigates the method of measuring external costs ofcongestion.
Based on不是过去式,而是被动式,它与全句的主语this paper构成被动关系,前面省略了being(即开头为being based on...).
This paper is based on some qualitative and quantitative analyses.
This paper investigates the method of measuring external costs of congestion.


请问这个based是什么语法?为什么前面是过去式后面的investigate用一般现在时?Based on some qualitative and quantitative analyses,thispaper investigates the method of measuring external costs ofcongestion. there are limitations to what you can achieve based on someting.语法具体怎么样?为什...there are limitations to what you can achieve based on someting.语法具体怎么样?为什么 based on前面哦没isWho wants to be told that t there are 英语语法宾语从句问题.老师说,宾语从句前面的谓语如果是什么rely on ,depend on如果加宾语从句,一般要加it.请问这个是什么语法现象O O为什么要加it?是不是只有that引导的时候才加,如果换成what 英语语法问题,定语从句的问题语法疑问:The tests conducted to assess the vigilance level of the operator consist of two groups:performance based or measuring ocular physiology.这句话前面的The tests conducted to是什么用法呢 请英语专业的同志解释一个语法问题the central idea of hume‘s theory is that of repetition, based upon similartity.这个句子语法是什么,尤其是of的用法是什么谢谢. sure that i had passed(原句),但书上说,前面省了being,本来应该being sure that i had passed,请问为什么省,这是什么语法,如果不省的话,为什么要加一个being , she had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leavethe bread on the kitchen table.请问 leave前面的 to,是什么语法,这个to是跟的哪个单词, 请问油基塑料是什么 英文是oil based plastics 请问这个篆体是什么字?这个是“白头.”前面两个字是什么? The award for that year's best actressis Meryl Streep.请问 这里面那个for是什么成分为什么for要加在that的前面 怎么翻译?(或者有什么语法现象还是啥玩意儿?) a robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope. 请问为什么from前面不加is,is from不是一个词组吗,是来自的意思,可这句书上的原句却只有一个from,这是什么语法现象 关于现代汉语知识的问题“这个字是什么?”“民.”请问“民”是语法单位吗?是的话,是什么语法单位? you say a jb whitout picture!这个句子语法正确吗?为什么picture前面不加冠词 the呢? 请问based garment 四六级的In reading stories we anticipate what is to come___on our memory of what has gone before.Aased Basing C o base D o based请问为什么这么选呢?还有这句话的意思是什么? 关于in which.语法高手请进.这句话: He had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the edior that he had been arrested.请问这句话里面 定于从句引导词 which前面为什么要加 in 呢?请问这是什么语法 what impress me most is.请问 这个 句子语法结构是怎么样的?what impress me most is.请问 “is” 前面的 what impress me most 的句子结构是怎么样的?在英语中 是什么句?what是什么词性 这个句子中作什么成分 he asked his daughter what she wanted him to dring for her把WHAT提到前面为什么 这是什么语法