请英语专业的同志解释一个语法问题the central idea of hume‘s theory is that of repetition, based upon similartity.这个句子语法是什么,尤其是of的用法是什么谢谢.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 16:42:11

请英语专业的同志解释一个语法问题the central idea of hume‘s theory is that of repetition, based upon similartity.这个句子语法是什么,尤其是of的用法是什么谢谢.
the central idea of hume‘s theory is that of repetition, based upon similartity.

请英语专业的同志解释一个语法问题the central idea of hume‘s theory is that of repetition, based upon similartity.这个句子语法是什么,尤其是of的用法是什么谢谢.
the central idea of hume‘s theory is that of repetition, based upon similartity.
以上是介词的 of 的所有格的用法 作后置定语的用法
主语:the central idea (中心思想)
后置定语:of human's theory (休姆理论的)
系动词:is (是)
表语:that of repetition (重复的理论)
状语:based upon simiarity (建立在相似上面的)

请英语专业的同志解释一个语法问题the central idea of hume‘s theory is that of repetition, based upon similartity.这个句子语法是什么,尤其是of的用法是什么谢谢. 请懂语法的同志解释一个语法问题休谟学说的中心思想是以类似为根据的重复.和以类似为根据的重复这个思想是休谟学说的中心思想.两句话的意思是一样么?两句话的主干:中心思想是重复, 请解释这句英文的语法It was that of the boa constrictor. 请英语专业的帮忙检查下句子语法I just wanna be at your side.Regardless of your birth,never look down upon yourself. 请大家帮我修改一下语法,谢啦,希望是英语专业的帮一下忙The universality of solar energy for its existence,infinity of the reserves,the use of clean and economic,becomes one of the most important source of energy for the 21st c 古代汉语语法问题!~文言文语法问题黄帝者,少典之子,姓公孙,名曰轩辕.这一句有没有中心词,如果有,是哪些?请解释.如果没,为什么?请说明!古代汉语语法里的中心词是什么意思?举例说明.还 一句英语句子的语法问题The teacher asked the excited children not to excited .从语法角度上来解释为什么不用 exciting. 请英语老师或英语专业的同学帮我解释一下,帮我解释以下这个关于as if 的语法It looks as if she had just come back from outer space.(她看起来仿佛从外太空回来似的)looks 是现在时,照时态后推的道理 什么是主语,谓语,宾语,状语等等一些语法上的什么语.请全部说出来,分别解释这些语法问题. 关于一个英语句子的语法问题,请老师回答下 想向英语专业爱好语法的同胞们问个语态和时态的问题(首先想说 当我问道 英语有几种语态时 你告诉我是16种的人 请退出该页面)我们都知道英语有16种时态(tense),那语态(voice)有几种 请帮助解决这句话的语法问题:I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves.I'd like to make sure of the time it leaves.我不理解“it leaves”中为什么要加“s”?请具体解释这句话的语法, 英语专业八级改错中的语法问题我昨天做了两篇专八的改错,有一道题有疑问.该题的上下文:Even with a training form of degree,only a few of the procedures or methods practiced in your studies are likely to be continu 请英语专业高手帮我修改一下这段文字的语法方面的错误.In recent years,major tourist cities and famous attractions of China are published in Chinese and English tourism introduction and guidebooks,CDs; also the content is more de 用板块构造的观点解释意大利和土耳其地震形成的原因急用,请会的同志给解答, You can’t attack me heart,because my heart just fly in the sky.这句话语法对吗?不好意思,一楼同志还没回答我的问题呢,我的这句话语法对吗?我要表达的意思是:我的心已经起飞了,你们碰触不到我 请英语老师或英语专业的给出解释,§5.Many lifestyle pattems do such _ great harm to health that they actually speed up _ weakening of the human body.§A.a;/ B./;the C.a; the D./;/ §5.B do harm to...为固定短语,意为“对…… 请英语专业的各位大大(或者精通英语的人士)解释下:different and,...是句子的什么成份,It is difficult for any of us in the moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse